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Now, That's performance art (read description).

grinter says...

Perhaps they realize that the end of their earlier relationship was "tacky and pretentious". Maybe here they are saying "let's drop this bullshit"?
You don't have to be on the same trip they are on. If you don't dig it, that's cool... - don't need to knock 'em for it though.

When an artist uses themselves, and their own emotions in their work, it usually comes off as contrived and egocentric... because it is. Sure, if they focused on others we would be less likely to judge them for it. That said, life is subjective. The only authority with which they could imbue art focused on others stems from their own personal experience. That's just one step removed from the egocentric work that draws our distrust.
Perhaps love is sacred, and should not be examined or put on display. They obviously don't think so. I'm not going to tell them that they are wrong, and in the meantime I'm going to learn what I can from what they are doing.

Samaelsmith said:

"..I cannot help but be scornful of such a love... ..The feelings they show for each other are moving, but the story of how they ended their prior relationship I find to be tacky and pretentious."

Now, That's performance art (read description).

Samaelsmith says...

I'm all for art and all for love, but I'm with Stormsinger on this one. I have to question the authenticity and meaningfulness of a love that they decided to end with a final performance that seems a grand and eloquant publicity stunt. You are right that we cannot understand what it is to be them but I cannot help but be scornful of such a love that can so easily be discarded in such a way. To never see each other again? For the sake of an art performance?
The feelings they show for each other are moving, but the story of how they ended their prior relationship I find to be tacky and pretentious.

poolcleaner said:

Just because you don't understand their reality doesn't discredit the authenticity of their love. You will NEVER understand what it is like to be them but their love is meaningful and the ability to show this type of unashamed honesty in front of the world is a TALENT.

Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing: Official Trailer

Eddie Huang exposes TED Conference

highdileeho says...

I watched the video because I heard good things about Joe's podcast. The Bro-Speak was more then any reasonably intelligent person can tolerate. But I will say that I know people with his personality, and people generaly hang onto their every word. I get why people find him entertaining, i refer to those people as unfiltered sieves but anyway.

TED talks are about the hour long talk not all the bullshit the speaker has to deal with in order to associate with their very high quality product; which is making himself available for promotion for 8 days, pretty reasonable considering the boost he would recieve by participating. If he dosen't like it then don't be apart of it. My feeling is that he really thought it would be a good move to be associated with the TED brand and got bitter after he broke the pre-arranged agreement. It has nothing to do with "how societies were created" or any other pretentious crap, the guy failed at an attempt to further his career and handled it like a fat spoiled child. Or if I was to describe it like Joe:
....fuckin ....fuckin ....fuckin..... bro
VICE is the most poorly produced, amateur hour, broadcast. The topics are extremly myopic and serves special interests groups. in 100 years the entire world will laugh at the ridiculous nature of their product. Like watching a Dio video:

News Anchor Cracks Up On Swimming Cat Piece

chingalera says...

(All wet cat facial expressions are funny)
Bitch-slap the owner of the cat maybe and chastise the news anchor for laughing at what? I know poor kitty hates life in her floaty but her cat-loving, orally-imprinted and likely obese OWNER is the asshole here....

*edit Oh my GAWWWWD and using the word clearly in writ or statement sounds so FUCKING sophomorically smug and pretentious....

What is "clear" anyhow, hmm?? Cleeeearly you have a clue! (See how fucking inane that shit sounds??)

Stormsinger said:

That news anchor is a sadistic bitch. I fail to see what's funny about a cat that can hardly walk (and that's clearly more than just a weight issue).

Zero Punctuation: The Cave

Fletch says...

If you can't watch it, let me fill you in... pretentious British game reviewer, and Australian resident, waxes snarky about said games in Powerpointesque internet videos that, for some reason, many viewers find entertaining, even though they all contain the same recycled shtick over and over. Apparently, fans are so enraptured by his worldly accent and monotone, comma-bereft delivery that they don't care that they can't even tell whether he liked the game or not.

Chris Hedges and Michael Moore on "Corporate Coup d’État"

Top 5 Alex Jones debate moments

Olive Juice - A Seductive Short Film by Filmmakers"Cousins"

Why I Hate School, But Love Education

braindonut says...

Eh, there's truth to what he's saying and truth to what you're saying.

I think the main takeaway is that being schooled doesn't mean you're educated and being unschooled doesn't mean your uneducated. In my experience, the only people who harbor the delusion that having a degree means you are educated are generally people with degrees who don't actually have a great education. It's those people that I feel are the pretentious ones.

That being said - you're right. Stay in school, kids. I sure as hell would want my kids to go to college.

dystopianfuturetoday said:

This is so pretentious. If your goal is to be Jesus, David Beckham or Oprah Winfrey, then higher education may or may not be helpful. If, on the other hand, you want to gain a lot of knowledge in a particular field in a short amount of time, then going to college is your best bet.

How many self taught doctors or engineers do you know?

Of the rich people he lists, most of them come from wealthy families. Most billionaires do go to college.

It's too bad that he slept through his classes and his mum didn't come to graduation, but it is hardly the fault of his school. If he felt he wasn't learning anything, he could have studied harder, changed classes, changed majors or even gone to another college.

There are many types of intelligences. College does not necessarily make you better or smarter. What you get out of higher education is directly proportional to what you put in.

Stay in school:

VICE: Getting High Injecting Snake Venom

artician says...

I dont know if he's pretentious. I've never heard about him until this. Maybe he preaches in his own circles.
You can't deny the results, assuming the photos shown and the ages he said he was at the time, the guy doesn't look a day older than 28. Maybe he dyes his hair?
Either way, probably everyones first reaction to things like this is "how stupid can one person be?", but you can't deny that human beings have the intelligence (even when dropping out of highschool, apparently) to explore fatal circumstances and learn from them. I could see a well-educated scientist studying venom all his life, and dying from the first attempted injection, so who really knows.
Either way, it's interesting, and I'll certainly be keeping my ear to the ground for news of his death.

VICE: Getting High Injecting Snake Venom

Colin Powell calls out Republican racism

dystopianfuturetoday says...


I was reflecting on your response in the car, when I had a small epiphany. You state in your comment that you believe racism isn't real, but rather "pretentious, insincere, or empty verbiage" designed to evoke a 'gut reaction' in 'easily distracted peeps'. I imagine Colin Powell would disagree, yet you see his words as part of some large conspiracy. Then, unsurprisingly, you go on to call Colin Powell a 'nigger' in your next paragraph.

You are not able to experience racism as Colin Powell experiences racism (at least not on the receiving end); therefore your can't comprehend it; therefore, in your eyes, it must not be real. It would seem that you, like many conservatives, are unable to understand anything that you can't experience first hand.

So, I did a google search for 'empathy' and 'racism' and found an article that confirms my hypothesis.

Check it out:

Colin Powell calls out Republican racism

chingalera says...

No sir, empathy and tolerance go hand-in-hand, I'm not a fucking out-of-touch dinosaur- I ALSO recognize that racism is an issue that garners that gut-reaction simply from seeing the word typed or written on a page with certain types of peeps too distracted by ancillary clap-trap (pretentious, insincere, or empty verbiage) to have any effect whatsoever on the world of the "real", whatever one perceives that to be.

I see Colin Powell's talk of racism in the republican party as a complete non-issue as in, "Why should I give a fuck about this Uncle Tom, proverbial, "house-nigger" who acted anything like a general or statesman when he addressed the U.N. in a rambling justification for bankrupting the country into the Gulf War(s)-He should regret his actions under Bush and go fuck himself into obscurity and stay the fuck out of politics forever, kinna like Nixon when he bellied-up and bailed-out before impeachment, and was subsequently pardoned by that OTHER ineffectual tool, Gerald Ford.

The fantasy world I speak of you refuse to consider though under your nose where it rests and obfuscates world view.

The New World Order is happening, it's the mechanism of disinformation, obfuscation, world economic manipulation, etc, that has you right where you don't want to be, a willing slave, complicit in the breakdown of human societies worldwide. Welcome to the Matrix Wendy, enjoy your preoccupation with guns, racism, and voting booths

Oh, and for the record once again, I am apolitical and believe the parties democrat and republican interchangeable, and the equally meaningless terminology of political discourse in light of the fistfuck being perpetrated on all nations of the world, a complete and pathetic distraction.
The goddamn whore of Babylon wants your mind, money, and muscle and you're standing in line to be first on the train, in my , "fantastic" world of illusion.

dystopianfuturetoday said:

Do you disagree with the concept that empathy plays a role in tolerance? I'm not sure 'fantasy worlds' is the best topic for you, Mr. New World Order.

The Super Supercapacitor

dahauns says...

While the science behind it is exciting and definitely legit, those presentations really get on my nerves.
They go from overpromising and pretentious ("I thought the world changed at that point") to downright negligent and dangerous ("It's carbon, therefore harmless - you can even compost it!") Yeah, sure. Nanotoxicity, schmanotoxicity...what is this, Duck and Cover?
IMO, "compulsory positive" presentations like these hurt scientific reputation in the long run.

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