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Camera inside the Vagina during intercourse, oh my

gwiz665 says...

@dag fair enough. I can understand the general consensus that it's cut like a porno "if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck.." etc. I'll try to find the entire documentary and sift that instead when I find it.

Camera inside the Vagina during intercourse, oh my

gwiz665 says...

I would much rather have embedded the entire documentary, which I assume it is from, but I couldn't find it. It's true that this is edited to be in a pornographic manner, which is a shame.

>> ^spoco2:

I only got a little way through before I decided that even in my relaxed workplace, that probably was too much.
I don't think the porno music helped...
And from what I saw it lacked a certain amount of actual real aim rather than thinking up an excuse to show porn.
I would say it doesn't belong... but it's a lineball...
I'd have to say it's going to fail Dag's wood test though.

Camera inside the Vagina during intercourse, oh my

spoco2 says...

I only got a little way through before I decided that even in my relaxed workplace, that probably was too much.

I don't think the porno music helped...

And from what I saw it lacked a certain amount of actual real aim rather than thinking up an excuse to show porn.

I would say it doesn't belong... but it's a lineball...

I'd have to say it's going to fail Dag's wood test though.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Porn star saves guy from potentially 20 yrs in prison

Cute Baby! Fucknut Parents...

Porksandwich says...

Had a friend in middle school, moved away before high school but kept in touch, whose parents were both immigrants. The friend and his brother both used to swear a lot, the parents would as well. The friend and brother did it because their parents didn't mind it, and I don't think the parents minded it because it wasn't their first language and they weren't wired to be righteously offended by English swear words. Sure they understand them for the most part, but they didn't react the same as people whose only/primary language was English.

Every parent I met until high school (15-18) didn't want their kids using even borderline swear language and sometimes not even then. But his parents really didn't care in the least...they also took a completely different view on drinking and sex when it came to their kids too. They could drink and wouldn't get in trouble as long as they called for a ride, but they'd get their ass kicked royally if they drove drunk or rode with someone who was. And they'd let them have porno mags, I think there was a little limitation there in that they didn't want them having the super hardcore stuff...but even that rule kinda went out the window as they approached 18. Both were a little unruly growing up, but they controlled themselves better in more out of control situations. And both went on to college and careers, despite a learning disability that wasn't caught until late in high school for one of them. And both are close with their parents and normal well rounded and well liked people.

A lot of what is done today is just too controlling an environment for growing up and maturing in. Thus a lot of young adults spend their early to mid 20s figuring out stuff their parents or grandparents probably learned by the age of 20.

Complicated Universal Cum - I Can Hardly Wait

Jacques Magazine presents Tori

geo321 says...

What's your problem withis this video choggie?>> ^choggie:
^I'll agree it's artful-Highart???? Nahh. Some amateur wanker with a girl that agrees with him that her bodys' worth a peep.....She kinna feels herself up a bit awkwardly, maybe it's her first time on camera. Maybe its the first time farhad has seen titties that big onna redhead-MAAAybe, farhad is trying to stir up the crowd into a frenzy with his erudite, sophisticated manner. Perhaps he, like most of you pathetic excuses for schizophrenic earth-dwellers in this current Piscean cusp of a paradigm, are addicted to porno like choggies' addicted to bacon??
Take your hand(s), off the DICK!!

Jacques Magazine presents Tori

choggie says...

^^^I'll agree it's artful-Highart???? Nahh. Some amateur wanker with a girl that agrees with him that her bodys' worth a peep.....She kinna feels herself up a bit awkwardly, maybe it's her first time on camera. Maybe its the first time farhad has seen titties that big onna redhead-MAAAybe, farhad is trying to stir up the crowd into a frenzy with his erudite, sophisticated manner. Perhaps he, like most of you pathetic excuses for schizophrenic earth-dwellers in this current Piscean cusp of a paradigm, are addicted to porno like choggies' addicted to bacon??

Take your hand(s), off the DICK!!

How to make a Big Mac clone; tastier and probably healthier

Bill O'Reilly - Glenn Beck Reacts to Jon Stewart Interview


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'This is Pornographic, lesbians, nightmarish, orgasm, energy, porn, porno, pineapple' to 'nothing to see hear, move along' - edited by thinker247

Kung Fu Sex--uh, it is NOT safe for work

enon says...

>> ^JAPR:
I just feel that the line needs to be clearly defined, and as hilarious as this is, it's pretty clearly part of a pornographic film. If we say that this one can stay, where do we draw the line on what's porn and what's not?

I think that you're right about it obviously being part of a porn video but what I think you're wrong about is the perspective you're viewing the video from. First of all we've had parts of pornos on the sift -- you guys remember the snake video? Allow me to refresh your memory: While there is actually no nudity in the video it is part of a porn. I'm sure there's more porns on the sift just because of comedic value, but the point is that the intention of the video changes once it's submitted to the sift. This is much like the concept of found art -- just because a certain object had a certain purpose at one point in its life doesn't mean that it cant be changed.

The second more obvious point is this: -people keep bringing up the fact that this might set up a new standard for whats allowed on the sift.- Really? this isn't the supreme court and we're not passing new legislation. This is video sift and we're a fairly small tight nit community- if in the future a video comes along that follows relatively the same guides as this one but it deemed more offensive we'll fucking ban it, that simple. Just because we find this one acceptable doesn't mean we lose our ability in determining if future similar videos are.

For the record, I didn't vote for the video because I didn't find it funny, not because I found it offensive.


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'This is Pornographic, lesbians, nightmarish, orgasm, energy, porn, porno' to 'This is Pornographic, lesbians, nightmarish, orgasm, energy, porn, porno, pineapple' - edited by choggie


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Everything is Pornographic, lesbians, nightmarish, orgasm, energy, porn, porno' to 'This is Pornographic, lesbians, nightmarish, orgasm, energy, porn, porno' - edited by choggie

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