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Young Boy strip searched by TSA

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Sorry to contradict your dishonest narrative, but Bush Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was the guy behind the porno scanners. He got his corporate buddies a huge contract to create them back in 2005.
"Chertoff’s advocacy for the technology dates to his time in the Bush administration. In 2005, Homeland Security ordered the government’s first batch of the scanners - five from California-based Rapiscan Systems. Rapiscan is one of only two companies that make full-body scanners in accordance with current contract specifications required by the federal government."
Boston Globe Article:

Ordered in 2005 and installed in...? Look, I understand you think Obama is the inerrant leader and savior of mankind, but you have to admit that the TSA is under the purview of the Obama Administration, so why does it matter if the order for these porno-scanners was placed in 2005 or 1905? Irrelevant. They're there now, and King Obama is doing nothing to rid us of the gate rape pat downs and porno-scanners.

So, whose narrative is dishonest again?

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

quantumushroom says...

Or you can vote Libertarian and get an awesome .10% of the vote.

Libertarian ideas = Yay! but man, are they poorly marketed. You'd be better off changing the GOP from the inside like Ron Paul. Oh, it's possible. How do think the Donkey Party went from center-left to radical marxist?

>> ^blankfist:

This is what voting for Democrats and Republicans gets you. Republicans created the Department of Homeland Security and the Democrats increased its security measures to include porno-scanners and gate rape pat down techniques. This was change we could all believe in.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Sorry to contradict your dishonest narrative, but Bush Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was the guy behind the porno scanners. He got his corporate buddies a huge contract to create them back in 2005.

"Chertoff’s advocacy for the technology dates to his time in the Bush administration. In 2005, Homeland Security ordered the government’s first batch of the scanners - five from California-based Rapiscan Systems. Rapiscan is one of only two companies that make full-body scanners in accordance with current contract specifications required by the federal government."

Boston Globe Article:

>> ^blankfist:

This is what voting for Democrats and Republicans gets you. Republicans created the Department of Homeland Security and the Democrats increased its security measures to include porno-scanners and gate rape pat down techniques. This was change we could all believe in.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

blankfist says...

This is what voting for Democrats and Republicans gets you. Republicans created the Department of Homeland Security and the Democrats increased its security measures to include porno-scanners and gate rape pat down techniques. This was change we could all believe in.

Airplane II: Predicts Todays TSA screening in 1982

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Airplane, TSA, Flying, Porno Scanners, For your own safety' to 'Airplane, TSA, Flying, Porno Scanners, For your own safety, supershort' - edited by Kevlar

TSA singles out hot girl to body scan, rips her ticket up

NetRunner says...

Since this is a one sided account, given to a libertarian talk radio show, I'm gonna take it with a grain of salt.

That said, I'm sure the TSA massively overreacted to her being annoying, and I agree that no one should have to go through those "porno scanner" things. I also think these new rubdowns are just like she said -- they should just let sex offenders do them as community service.

I also think that the whole TSA exercise should be stopped. It has just gotten more and more invasive, despite the severe lack of evidence that it's been effective.

GREEN PORNOS by Isabella Rossellini. If I were an INSECT...

Sift Eco Week Midweek Update (Eco Talk Post)

Sift Eco Week Midweek Update (Eco Talk Post)

Study: ALL Men Watch Porn (TYT)

shagen454 says...

Pornography may be mainstream with easy access to alright 20 minute scenes ; but it is not absolutely accepted. I've lived in fairly open homes where girlfriends, girls who were in opposition to porn and in general could walk in and out freely so I had to be fairly careful with my own porn consumption.

Not only were there women around who had great disdain for porno but in the household were men who also hated the thought of porno. Now, mind you - KINK.COM's "huge fucking castle" was the next block down in a very very liberal part of town. On the same block was some orgy house where some of it's participants every now and then thought our front door was the entrance to their ultimate fantasies. I always knew which way to point them, "Oh, I think I know what you're looking for..."

Everyone knew I watched porn and I stuck up for other men's porn habits but I still had to be on edge all the damn time to get a wank. It just wasn't right! Sometimes your gf isn't in the mood, sometimes you're pissed at your gf and you're not in the mood, sometimes there just isn't enough time... I don't like the thought of my politics in porno so I say fuck - let it be; and let me watch it if I so choose. If a girlfriend doesn't like it - just encourage her to go watch some.

I swear that being anti-porn is the beginning of the progessive pendulum swing back to being tie-jerking conservatives and we just don't need any more of those.

Concerned Citizens Interrupt Perv Videographer

westy says...

>> ^alizarin:

Yikes - people are defending the guy zooming in on the teenager's ass? Do you hand out medals to guys who put mirrors on their shoes or grab-ass on the trains?

if it was a 16 yr old boy with a 6 pack having photoes taken and women kept coming up and tuching his chest that would be 100% acceptable.

yet a 16 yr old girl waving her vagina around and sumone videoing it is not acceptable.

in the end it comes down to the person geting tuched/ filmed if they dont want it and they ask politely for the other person to stop then u wouldhope th eother person would stop , but on the other side of it if i was doing a porno shoot in the center of a city and exspected to make money out of people selling the shoot becuse they are gona get off on it , then u would have to exspect people to gawk and its weard to think it sok for them to gawk in 1 context but not another.

granted she is a dancer , so what in this video she is just posing and i can almost garetee that allot of ballet or dance in gneral has sexual aspects and motivatoins to the moves , thats not evan a good or bad thing peole are cretures that value sex so its bound to enter into most things.

Jessi Slaughter on Good Morning America

America - FUCK YEAH! (Fan Edit)

gwiz665 says...


America, Fuck Yeah!
Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, Yeah

America, Fuck Yeah!
Freedom is the only way, Yeah

Terrorists, you're game is through
'cause now you have ta answer to

America, Fuck yeah!
So lick my butt and suck on my balls

America, Fuck Yeah!
Whatcha' gonna do when we come for you now

It's the dream that we all share
It's the hope for tomorrow
(Fuck Yeah!)

McDonald's (Fuck Yeah!)
Wal-Mart (Fuck Yeah!)
The Gap (Fuck Yeah!)
Baseball (Fuck Yeah!)
The NFL (Fuck Yeah!)
Rock N' Roll (Fuck Yeah!)
The Internet (Fuck Yeah!)
Slavery (Fuck Yeah!)

Fuck Yeah!

Starbucks (Fuck Yeah!)
Disneyworld (Fuck Yeah!)
Porno (Fuck Yeah!)
Valium (Fuck Yeah!)
Reeboks (Fuck Yeah!)
Fake Tits (Fuck Yeah!)
Sushi (Fuck Yeah!)
Taco Bell (Fuck Yeah!)
Rodeos (Fuck Yeah!)
Bed, Bath and Beyond (Fuck yeah..Fuck Yeah)

Liberty (Fuck Yeah!)
White Slips (Fuck Yeah!)
The Alamo (Fuck Yeah!)
Band-aids (Fuck Yeah!)
Las Vegas (Fuck Yeah!)
Christmas (Fuck Yeah!)
Immigrants (Fuck Yeah!)
Popeyes (Fuck Yeah!)
Democrats (Fuck Yeah!)
Republicans (..Fuck Yeah..Fuck Yeah)
Sportsmanship (...)
Books (....)

Time Warp Archery (by Tyler Fouche)

Time Warp Archery (by Tyler Fouche)

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