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Microsoft Cashes in on Double Rainbow Meme

westy says...

>> ^rychan:

>> ^westy:
Windows live photogalery , for people to thick to download "thegimp" or get photo shop,
of course if wlphotogalery is good then thats cool , but if its annything like windows movi maker then its an epic fail, windows movi maker has just got progresavely worse .

Microsoft has good automatic panorama construction tools, because they have some of the best minds in computer vision and computer graphics in their interactive visual media research group:
Panorama stitching is only trivial if
1) The scene is completely static.
2) The optical center of the camera doesn't translate.
3) The intrinsic camera parameters (focal length, exposure time, flash) don't change
4) The scene has sufficient texture to recover the relative transformations between the images.
5) The camera has no vignetting or barrel distortion.
6) There are no gaps between the captures images.
Typically (and in this scenario) few of these constraints are satisfied so you actually end up with a computer-vision-hard problem. You could have duplicate objects that have shifted position between image captures. You could have the sun come out from behind a cloud between the first and last photograph. You could have the camera translate (as it always will when being hand held, unless you're shooting something really far away in which the translation won't matter, but even in this case it might matter for the foreground).
But sure, go ahead and fire up gimp and show me how it handles all of this automatically.

as i said if its good fair enoughf , but bassing things on , other windows free programs its likely to be shit.

Microsoft Cashes in on Double Rainbow Meme

rychan says...

>> ^westy:

Windows live photogalery , for people to thick to download "thegimp" or get photo shop,
of course if wlphotogalery is good then thats cool , but if its annything like windows movi maker then its an epic fail, windows movi maker has just got progresavely worse .

Microsoft has good automatic panorama construction tools, because they have some of the best minds in computer vision and computer graphics in their interactive visual media research group:

Panorama stitching is only trivial if
1) The scene is completely static.
2) The optical center of the camera doesn't translate.
3) The intrinsic camera parameters (focal length, exposure time, flash) don't change
4) The scene has sufficient texture to recover the relative transformations between the images.
5) The camera has no vignetting or barrel distortion.
6) There are no gaps between the captured images.

Typically (and in this scenario) few of these constraints are satisfied so you actually end up with a computer-vision-hard problem. You could have duplicate objects that have shifted position between image captures. You could have the sun come out from behind a cloud between the first and last photograph. You could have the camera translate (as it always will when being hand held, unless you're shooting something really far away in which the translation won't matter, but even in this case it might matter for the foreground).

But sure, go ahead and fire up gimp and show me how it handles all of this automatically.

Red Dead Redemption timelapse: "World in Motion"

Incredible new Photoshop tool: Content-Aware Fill

Incredible new Photoshop tool: Content-Aware Fill

Incredible new Photoshop tool: Content-Aware Fill

17 Gigapixel Photo


westy says...

Looks realy good but for me there are To manny artifacts from Time warping , im sure if u did it with a cuple more frames you could achive the same video and affect but without the glitch artifacts. also Would be good with music rather than the digetic sound track but its not like the sound dosent work

when it works its pritty cool though for example Works perfectly with panorama shots , where the time shift antilogarithm can realy perform without glitching so much.

Japan in Autumn - (autumn)

honkeytonk73 says...

I've been to all those places and then some. The wife and kid are going to Japan to see the wife's family this week and staying for some 3 weeks. I was to go, but had to cancel due to work obligations. I am rather upset about it actually.

If you get a chance. Go. Miyajima is very beautiful. If you time it right, you can see some amayzing 'No' plays. Go up the big hill there to see the monkeys. I spent a night in the area. It is worth it. Easy access to Hiroshima across the water. See the war museum (a humbling experience). Try Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki for lunch. Great stuff.

Fuji was also a wonderful trip. I spent 4 days at a Ryokan. Amazing traditional food. Bathhouse, and everywhere in was views of the mountain. From the room, the bathhouse, everywhere. Expensive, but worth every single darn penny. Also went up Fuji for some CRAZY panoramas. You do not have to go to the top to get amazing views. Easy to get a bus ride up to about the half way mark. Great for the young or old, or those who cannot hike the mountain. Shelter and services are there. Don't be fooled. It is a HUGE mountain you will be above the cloud line most likely. See the sunrise. It is something to not be missed. Scream banzai as the sun rises (leave the old WW2 movie prejudices behind.. shouting banzai has nothing to do with dive bombing).

Other places to see. Kyoto (temples, Maiko dance), Himeji (amazing castle), Nara (giant Buddha, temples, and wandering deer). If you can.. go west towards Beppu and Nagasaki. The Kyushu area has the best natural hot spas. Nagasaki has great seafood and fusion with Chinese and Dutch influences. The war museum is also a must stop. Learn a bit about the US and Australian POW's interned in a camp there that were killed by the 'bomb', which we in the west simply do not learn about in school.

Learn a bit of the language, absorb the culture. Have fun. It is easier to get around Japan than you realize. Most major train lines and roads in the larger cities have English lettering to help tourists.

Food isn't that expensive, and bargain hotels can be found easily enough. Even better if you know a local to tour you around!

Green Screen - What you see is an illusion

Xaielao says...

Note folks most of these aren't cg graphics but rather digital panoramas. (Especially those like the last that were placed in a very well known city or area of the world.)

But even still I had no idea so many shots were green-screen. I didn't realize it was so heavily used in television.

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