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MSNBC Reporter Heckled During "Values Voters" Conference

demon_ix says...

Well, she did have a point... He could have done the reporting from outside, and just have a cameraman inside taking panorama shots of the crowd...
Freedom of the press and all, but you don't have to do it on top of them.

Megan Fox Rejects Seth Rogen's Kiss

Escape From City 17 Part One

EDD says...

Amazing work indeed. I predict this going to #1, because with the work they've done and the attention to detail these guys definitely deserve it.

Fun fact - panorama footage of "City17" at approx. 0:40 is that of Riga, Latvia, which is, incidentally, my home town. Hadn't noticed the Citadel as of yet, though.

The Putin System : State Managed Democracy in Russia

Farhad2000 says...

Russia for the last 8 years has benefited from America's war on terrorism, with high fluctuating oil prices and the stranglehold of gas supplies to Europe from central Asian states. Most of the economic growth was also from the maturation of many reforms passed under Yeltsin. Putin's strong stance against Chechnya and dismantling of oligarchy wins favour with the Russian public. Anything is possible for the people of Russia as long as they do not think of becoming involved politically against the Putin's KGB cadre.

However with the economy now entering recession people's lives will be affected, Putin froze the prices before elections earlier in the year, dissent would rise as the illusion of economic growth now fades and change is pushed for. The Kremlin will come down hard on anybody who will start to resist. This is the reality of State Managed Democracy in Russia.

The Rise of Pro-Putin Youth
Putin Warns Countries Not To Interfere With Russian Affairs
Why Democracy: Russia's Village of Fools
ex-KGB spy speaking against Putin shortly before his death
Real News: Eric Margolis comments on Putin and Russia's Duma
Russians back Putin, Russian Elections deemed a 'farce'
Suppression of Opposition Groups in Russia
Putin's Message to the West
Death of a Nation: Russia in 2006 by Marcel Theroux
Kasparov on Maher--Being Very Clever
Panorama - The poisoning of Litvinenko
Russians mark Anna Politkovskaya's Murder

DEC 14 2008 MOSCOW— The Russian police detained dozens of antigovernment protesters attempting to hold an unsanctioned rally in Moscow on Sunday.

Police officers and armored riot control personnel prevented the planned protest in central Moscow from materializing, in the latest sign that public expression of dissent against the authorities would not be tolerated under President Dmitri A. Medvedev any more than it had been under his predecessor, Vladimir V. Putin.

As many as 100 people were detained, including Eduard Limonov, the head of the banned National Bolshevik Party, said a spokeswoman for Other Russia, a coalition of opposition groups led by Mr. Limonov and the former chess champion Garry Kasparov, among others. The police said that about 10 people were detained during a similar protest in St. Petersburg, Interfax reported.
The Moscow demonstration was meant as a protest of the Kremlin’s handling of the financial crisis and its plans to change the Constitution to extend presidential and parliamentary term limits. Government critics say such a move could be used to extend the authority of Mr. Putin, who is now prime minister, and possibly lead to his early return to the presidency.

Mr. Putin, while he has said Mr. Medvedev will remain president until his term ends in 2012, has not ruled out running for a third term after that.

Canyon Flight in Fighter Jet.

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

jwray says...

rembar: That's what I infer from your prior pattern of removing all videos critical of dental amalgam from the science channel (1 2 3) while drive-by linking to outdated pro-amalgam papers that say things like "no credible scientific evidence exists that indicates that exposure to mercury from dental amalgam poses a serious health risk in humans" and "No illness has ever been associated with amalgam use in patients, except for rare instances of allergies." Also, after removing the BBC documentary from the science channel you linked in that thread a denial that any european country had ever banned amalgam, contrary to the interview with the Swedish MP in said documentary, and contrary to the official government websites of Norway and Sweden, which would give anybody a reasonable suspicion that you hadn't watched the video before kicking it, which is a sign of dogmatism.

So I exaggerated with "absolutely safe", sorry. How about "rembar was very confident that amalgam is safe for almost everybody" and "rembar removed the video as soon as he saw the title"? Fair enough?


BBC Panorama: Poison in the Mouth

jwray says...

>> ^rembar:

Read Norway's own Ministry of the Environment webpage, which clearly acknowledges the ban on dental amalgam, contrary to the DoD's *lies.
The Department of Defense has zero credibility left after all their lies about Iraq. The DoD is even less credible than Fox news, since DoD is so often the source of the kind of lies that Fox parrots.

your link says:
"...despite rumors that it has been banned in some countries, [dental amalgam is]] currently available for use around the


The Swedish MP interviewed in this BBC documentary clearly stated that Sweden was phasing out amalgam as of 1994. Your link cites a 1995 source from before Sweden completed phasing out amalgam.

But a quick google search shows that there is no shortage of sites spreading misinformation, emphatically denying that any European country has banned dental amalgam. The denials are about half of the pages that mention it. *wtf? The ban is a simple, easily verifiable matter of fact. Does the Iraqi Information Minister have a twin?

See also:

Zonbie (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

jwray says...

check out this

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I'm lazy, so I just went to Wikipedia to learn about this controversy. If what the article states is true, then it sounds like the scientific jury may still be out on this issue:

One review from the US found little evidence to link mercury fillings to health problems[1] while the other from Germany found that removal of dental amalgam lead to permanent improvement of various chronic complaints in a relevant number of patients in various trials.[2]

Therefore I think it's a legitimate scientific debate, even if the ADA maintains that mercury amalgam is safe. For example, for some people with autoimmune disorders removing mercury amalgam has been beneficial. I don't know where the preponderance of research points for the general public, however, because I am no expert.

Just one man's opinion.

Mercury vapor from dental fillings

Panorama: Sex Crimes and the Vatican (BBC documentary 39:41)

Bush thanks the Pope for an "Awesome Speech" o_O

BoneyD says...

I find it incredibly irksome that this man has the gall to come to America and speak about the child sex scandals, when he was the very bastard who organised the program to move to new parishes the priests that perpetrated such crimes!

Can anyone please promote Benjee's video that I linked to? I think definitely need to see it.

The myth of Islamophobia (Pat Condell)

Fletch says...

Looks like I'm not the only one who sees you for what you really are, gwaan. You remind me of Scientology's Tommy Davis from this video. Unfortunate that you've got so many here fooled. Don't upvote videos such as this as it might upset the resident Muslim, and we don't want to do that, do we. Might make one look ill-informed , or, egads, an intolerant little bigot. The only intolerant one here is the person who downvotes every video critical of his religion and tries to justify it in some lengthy accompanying dross. Of course, the same person claims to be against censorship, but somehow manages to rationalize every downvote.

You are insane, gwaan. No doubt.

BBC Panorama - Obtaining Fake EU Passports

Feedback on Religious Dialogue in Comments (Sift Talk Post)

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