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Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

luxintenebris jokingly says...

what is the stance 🦜 33?

joe is kkk by proxy
and don is kkk by orthodoxy?

didn't deny it
just tried to fly by it

awful job of obfuscating.*

(2nd paragraph)

plenty of giggles listening to the purple conehead, tho' using his glasses (à la clark kent) to disguise his anti-hero status from employers is donald grade dumb. the ridge on right-hand little finger, besides his voice, goatee, cigarette brand, is incriminating enough for identification.

the bible is largely jewish. the newer text is the teachings of a jewish man. that's a bit like not knowing there is a brick outfield wall behind the ivy at wrigley.

bobknight33 said:


Guy parachutes into Shea Stadium during 1986 World Series

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Nephelimdream jokingly says...

We average a playoff appearance every 7 years, have 1 pennant, and haven't won a WS game... ever. However, we are on a roll since the AS break, have a better farm system, and have a nice spread of tradable veteran talent. Think Oberg, since a couple of LOOGY's have been traded already. The Tulo trade hasn't washed out yet, completely. We have Bettis gaining confidence, Gray is becoming dominate, and JDLR can guide the staff. Ottivino is just like Romo with the slider, just nasty, but coming off TJ, and Chatwood has a lively FB. (yet off his 2nd TJ) but can easily spot start or be a serviceable number 4-5. Especially at Coors, where you need to miss bats or induce grounders to be productive. The offense has up and comers, but what team doesn't? I wish the brass would shoot for more contact hitters with our vast outfield, plus we needn't rely on the long ball on the road as much. We don't have a gimmick park like S.F., even though people think otherwise. I mean shit, your bullpen is in play. That's just stupid for a team that plays 81 games there. Anyway, before I talk management, enjoy your next year or two of baseball, and continuing paying those taxes for that stadium Bonds built. (You're not, should have used my puppet account on that one.)

One-Legged Baseball Player - Adam Bender

Esoog says...

When I was a kid, I played on a baseball team with a kid that only had 1 hand. He would have to bat with 1 arm, and when catching the ball, he would have to quickly pull his glove off with his chin, grab the ball out of the glove, and throw.

He struggled with the game, but never gave up. Made it real easy for us to pull for him. Inspired the rest of the team, especially when he cranked a few hits into the outfield.

Sportsmanship And A Big F**k You To The Ref

Quboid says...

The goalkeeper should have told the referee that he had a problem, I believe the ref would then stop the game so the keeper can correct his equipment. Outfield players would have to go off the pitch but for keepers, the game stops.

It would have been nice if the ref had let it slide but I don't see this has a horrible decision or a big f-you to the ref.

One of the most incredible throws in baseball history

Soccer Player Kicks Owl To Death

Opus_Moderandi says...

Most of these comments seem to be from young girls that spent their time in little league picking daisies in the outfield. People run over ground hogs, raccoons and deer with their cars everyday and nobody cries about them. If roles had been reversed and it had been a man that fell on that field and broke his leg in the middle of a bunch of lions, what do you think they would do? They would eat him. Fuck you nature!

Never play Baseball with the japanese

Never play Baseball with the japanese

Never play Baseball with the japanese

Never play Baseball with the japanese

Incredible Catch In The Outfield

Incredible Catch In The Outfield

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Great Baseball Play in japan

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