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Black news-anchor handles confused caller remarkably well

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

"But the days of the out-and-out colored vs. white water fountains are gone."
"[old people dying out is] why I think this guy can be so calm, because he knows that era is almost at a close."
I cannot be clearer. Identical sentiments. ObtuseRunner.

So what happened in the video clip, blankmind? Did this man get denied access to a drinking fountain?

Black news-anchor handles confused caller remarkably well

blankfist says...

"But the days of the out-and-out colored vs. white water fountains are gone."


"[old people dying out is] why I think this guy can be so calm, because he knows that era is almost at a close."

I cannot be clearer. Identical sentiments. ObtuseRunner.

Black news-anchor handles confused caller remarkably well

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

@NetRunner. Give it a rest. Not everything is a debate. Did you see how much you wrote trying to convince people you were correct? It really burns your ass to be incorrect, doesn't it?

I'm not a fan of people saying things that aren't true. It burns my ass when people double down on falsehoods I call out, even when I'm pointing it out in a humorous way.

For example:
>> ^blankfist:
My point was: Those old people are dying out. Racism will never die. Ever. It will always be here. And I'm not just talking about whites. But the days of the out-and-out colored vs. white water fountains are gone. See how simple that was?

So okay, racism will always be with us. Compare that with:>> ^blankfist:

My grandmother was a racist. Was. That's why I think this guy can be so calm, because he knows that era is almost at a close.

Look, I assumed you didn't mean what I thought you meant, and I figured a little poking from me would get you to clarify it. Instead you doubled down on the statement, and tossed insults at me.

If you don't like debate, don't do stuff like that. It takes two to tango, and you always are up for a tango.

Black news-anchor handles confused caller remarkably well

blankfist says...

@NetRunner. Give it a rest. Not everything is a debate. Did you see how much you wrote trying to convince people you were correct? It really burns your ass to be incorrect, doesn't it?

My point was: Those old people are dying out. Racism will never die. Ever. It will always be here. And I'm not just talking about whites. But the days of the out-and-out colored vs. white water fountains are gone. See how simple that was?

Black news-anchor handles confused caller remarkably well

ForgedReality says...

>> ^Fusionaut:

She's 90 years old. People lose some of their inhibitions at that age. All four of my grandparents say random racist things every now and then and even when you call them on it they don't care because they think they're old enough to say what they want. They don't even think it's wrong! When they were young that was just how people talked. It really is the strangest thing. They all grew up in post World War II where everyone's goal in life was to have lots of babies with someone that looked like you, smoke cigarettes, instill the fear of god in your children, and be afraid of the Japanese and Germans. Ahh, the good ol' days.

Doesn't sound too different from today...

Black news-anchor handles confused caller remarkably well

Fusionaut says...

She's 90 years old. People lose some of their inhibitions at that age. All four of my grandparents say random racist things every now and then and even when you call them on it they don't care because they think they're old enough to say what they want. They don't even think it's wrong! When they were young that was just how people talked. It really is the strangest thing. They all grew up in post World War II where everyone's goal in life was to have lots of babies with someone that looked like you, smoke cigarettes, instill the fear of god in your children, and be afraid of the Japanese and Germans. Ahh, the good ol' days.

Guess Who This Is (Sift Talk Post)

Illegal to dig the sand on Florida beaches?

Illegal to dig the sand on Florida beaches?

Yogi says...

Why would this be a rule that was established beforehand? I see old people on Florida beaches using metal detectors and digging holes in the sand all the time. You're telling me they couldn't do that before?

Louis CK: Louie - So Old

Pacific Sun Cruise Liner in Heavy Seas - CCTV Footage

Inception Analysis - What the Flick?

Unsung_Hero says...

I would have to disagree that the entire movie is just "Limbo" for Cobb (Leo's Character) for a couple of reasons.

#1 Through the course of the movie Cobb spins his totem and it falls multiple times when they are not in a dream sequence. They said that the totem was for the person to know whether or not they are dreaming and it just needs to be something that other people don't know how it feels. So it is fine that it was his wife's totem first... after all she is dead and the the only real reason of having one is so the con artist don't get con-ed themselves, it was a defense mechanism.

#2 The other reason I feel Cobb is not in limbo is because during all dreams he has his wedding ring on and when he is in the real world it is not present.

-- I will admit that I feel the end of the movie could have just been a projection of Cobbs and he is actually in a very long dream, much like the den with all the old people where they come to "live" their lives in dreams together. Especially since you don't actually get to see the totem fall before the credits roll. I need to go back and watch the movie in order to get a better understanding and look outside the immediate camera focus for clues... it's too hard to do that on the first run through. Haha

Anyone else have any thoughts?

Why old people shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

Why old people shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

ant says...

>> ^shuac:

One time my mother (age 65) was visiting and she wanted to use my computer for something. She says to me, "Do you have Mapquest on your computer?" Love ya, mom.

Ugh, this young lady gave me an URL to MapQuest. I told her to use Google Maps instead.

So many walking fails in one place

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