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Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

budzos says...

One thing you see all the time at matinees: old people coming into a movie and walking out after 20 minutes. One of the most depressing things I ever saw was an old man who was clearly sick/dying at the movies with his wife. I figured it was probably the last movie this guy would ever see. The movie? Skyline... they sat all the way through it and looked depressed at the end. I was probably 20% distracted from the film by putting myself into that guy's head.

Worst Persons -- Countdown 10-3-2011

Ron Paul's Message to Occupy Wall Street - END THE FED!

This 71 year old grandpa will kick your ass

'Americans Elect' Group Challenges U.S. Presidential Primary

DerHasisttot says...

New Zealand changed their system from the 2-party system to the multi-party-system. The U.S. can too. These workarounds are stupid and dangerous, imho. Also, it would obviously cause fewer old people to vote and more younger, tech-savvy poeple to vote. I smell libertarians hehehe

shinyblurry plays his musical saw for Jesus

peggedbea says...

furthermore, i feel more respect should be paid to this man in yellow coat for the energy he put into his art, even if i don't also love jesus with him. i dont like making fun of sweet old people doing sweet old people stuff that doesn't hurt anyone else.

Why you should be republican (Election Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

Texas has open primaries. I've decided if I might actually get off my ass and vote for Paul this year, even though I think voting is completely pointless and stupid. But... I might feel like a vote for Paul is a way for me to register my dissatisfaction with the corporately owned toads on the rest of the ballot. I haven't decided.

i'm also making up a ton of campaign signs that say "nobody for president 2012". everyone should do the same. i want to see these fuckers everywhere.

btw, don't let the hype about perry fool you, everyone in texas FUCKING HATES HIM. he's the worst governor in history, and he's only in power because he is entirely funded bt big oil and gas and the evangelicals who've silently taken over all of our local elections in the last decade or so. seriously, i have no idea how he actually pulled off winning the R gubernatorial primary, other than voting is totally rigged. i do not know one single person who approves of him. luckily, the governor of texas doesn't actually have a whole lot of power. id say the primary is totally between him and romney. and id also say romney actually stands a chance against obama (because EVERYONE HATES rick perry). but then again, id also say it doesnt really matter who wins because theyre just 2 public faces of the same corporately owned and minted coin. theyre going to talk about how wonderful the economy in texas is! its kind of bullshit. we might have more jobs readily available than most states, but they're minimum wage jobs and rent (not property values, rental values) is skyrocketing because everyone is moving here rapidly. soooo you can't afford to rent an apartment with your fancy new low wage job so you have to come live on my couch for a while. we also have a regressive taxation system and a subsequent $27 billion budget gap, which we're making old people and poor people and young people pay for. oh and we have worse air quality than all the other 49 states AND puerto rico... AND we have the most uninsured people... and possibly one of the fastest growing drop out and teenage pregnancy rates... oooh and we teach our kids a batshit evangelical version of history, math and science. we also refuse to teach our kids about sex. so when they go off to college they have no idea how condoms work and think if you have unprotected sex you need to drink bleach afterwards.

also, all of the above horrible things i've said about texas..... all happened under consecutive bush-perry leadership.

everyone in texas mourns the death of ann richards on a daily basis. we're thinking of digging her corpse up and making it run for office next election.

Bill Maher and Eliot Spitzer school ignorant Teabagger

BansheeX says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:
Gee, I dunno. Call me a socialist, but I think if you pay taxes your entire working life, you're entitled to some fucking medical care in your old age. Nah, you're right. What we need are death panels for old people!! Hang on, don't liberals want them too? Those sneaky liberals. They want to kill granny and pay for her medical expenses at the same time!!

Define "some" medical care. As we speak, there are thousands of elderly people who could live 3 months longer by getting a million dollar artificial heart. Are you a heartless monster for not giving every red cent you make past your bare necessities to financing these kinds of procedures? You could voluntarily contribute right now by selling all your luxuries and not bearing costly children. Why don't you? His cost is fatal and yours isn't. You'd live in squalor, but you'd live. Why I ask you? Why must you be so heartless?

This is why "forced transfer" programs can't work, because the demand is unlimited, but the resources to finance it are not. You have bankrupted yourself in the name of military adventurism and life prolongation.

Bill Maher and Eliot Spitzer school ignorant Teabagger

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^BansheeX:
What I find weird about liberals is that... Medicare and Medicaid is about life prolongation. How much are you willing to transfer from the young to the old? That is the question because that is how these programs are paid for, not by the recipients, but by immediate transfers.

Gee, I dunno. Call me a socialist, but I think if you pay taxes your entire working life, you're entitled to some fucking medical care in your old age. Nah, you're right. What we need are death panels for old people!! Hang on, don't liberals want them too? Those sneaky liberals. They want to kill granny and pay for her medical expenses at the same time!!

Standard Schizophrenic Christian Conservative mentality: protect a person at all cost when they're in the womb, tell them to go to hell once they're out.

"If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school... you're fucked!"

Bill Maher and Eliot Spitzer school ignorant Teabagger

VoodooV says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^BansheeX:
What I find weird about liberals is that... Medicare and Medicaid is about life prolongation. How much are you willing to transfer from the young to the old? That is the question because that is how these programs are paid for, not by the recipients, but by immediate transfers.

Gee, I dunno. Call me a socialist, but I think if you pay taxes your entire working life, you're entitled to some fucking medical care in your old age. Nah, you're right. What we need are death panels for old people!! Hang on, don't liberals want them too? Those sneaky liberals. They want to kill granny and pay for her medical expenses at the same time!!

Standard Schizophrenic Christian Conservative mentality: protect a person at all cost when they're in the womb, tell them to go to hell once they're out.

Bill Maher and Eliot Spitzer school ignorant Teabagger

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^BansheeX:

What I find weird about liberals is that... Medicare and Medicaid is about life prolongation. How much are you willing to transfer from the young to the old? That is the question because that is how these programs are paid for, not by the recipients, but by immediate transfers.

Gee, I dunno. Call me a socialist, but I think if you pay taxes your entire working life, you're entitled to some fucking medical care in your old age. Nah, you're right. What we need are death panels for old people!! Hang on, don't liberals want them too? Those sneaky liberals. They want to kill granny and pay for her medical expenses at the same time!!

Sometimes you plank the stove,sometimes the stove planks you

oritteropo says...

I'm middle aged rather than young, so my explanation might not be quite right, but I hope you'll accept it anyway

Planking is the practice of getting completely horizontal, like a plank of wood, in an unusual place (like in the video) for long enough to take a photo, probably to post to facebook.

You would want to do this because you missed the memo that it is no longer fun since old people started doing it.>> ^Deano:

Could a young person please explain to me wtf planking is and why anyone would want to do this?

Little green car is ninja!

skinnydaddy1 says...

The base score. Pedestrians are 10 points.

Bicycles +25 points. In spandex +30 points. Hipster on a bicycles +100 points and several free rounds of drinks at the local bar

Babies: triple score

Crippled babies: quadruple score

Toddlers: double score

Chavs(England)/Wiggers(U.S.A): +5 points, additional +3 for each piece of sterotypical clothing.

Old People: double score (Zimmer frame +10, Wheelchair +8, Flat cap and/or pipe +12, Generally funny-looking +10)

Clowns: +8 points, additional +3 for unicycle.

Mimes: +26 points

Hikers: double score

People who don't look before they cross: +5 points

People who can't tell the difference between a road and a footpath: +7 points

Roadworkers: +5 points for each man 'supervising', +20 points for the one man actually working.

Walking a pet: +1 point

French-speaking: +5 points

Non-natively French-speaking: additional +10 points

Looks like Charlie sheen: +5 points

Is Charlie sheen: +60 points and a pat on the back and maybe a book deal.

Wearing bright/clashing colours: +5 points

Carrying shopping bags: +N points, where N is the number of meters the bags travelled.

Keynesians - Failing Since 1936 (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Ron Paul's Speech at RLC 2011 (shots of annoyed old people)

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^blankfist:

The old party people look none too pleased.

You know this has my vote--I am watching it right now. But could you have picked a longer fucking video? I worked 16 hours in a row!

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