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Radical Christians Instigate Fight at Arab American Festivel

"A Gay Girl In Damascus" Fraud

westy says...

>> ^gwiz665:

I'm actually a 15 year old vietnamese girl, but no one has bothered to check...
>> ^westy:
fucking hell its not new for people to use images of sumone else to hide themselfs.

Shit why is it you only find out how old people are after you have had sex with them ?!

Whats funny is the internet is so fast its not actually hard to get to the bottom of things like this just need to make sure that schools educate children in how to use the internet and how to evaluate information and fact check ,so that people take things with no evidence as possible but not proven and not just blindly pass things on as fact.

Crazy cyclists on NYC 3-way street

skinnydaddy1 says...

The base score. Pedestrians are 10 points.

Bicycles +25 points. In spandex +30 points. Hipster on a bicycles +100 points and several free rounds of drinks at the local bar.

Babies: triple score

Crippled babies: quadruple score

Toddlers: double score

Chavs(England)/Wiggers(U.S.A): +5 points, additional +3 for each piece of sterotypical clothing.

Old People: double score (Zimmer frame +10, Wheelchair +8, Flat cap and/or pipe +12, Generally funny-looking +10)

Clowns: +8 points, additional +3 for unicycle.

Mimes: +26 points

Hikers: double score

People who don't look before they cross: +5 points

People who can't tell the difference between a road and a footpath: +7 points

Roadworkers: +5 points for each man 'supervising', +20 points for the one man actually working.

Walking a pet: +1 point

French-speaking: +5 points

Non-natively French-speaking: additional +10 points

Looks like Scott Bakula: +5 points

Is Scott Bakula: +60 points and a pat on the back

Wearing bright/clashing colours: +5 points

Carrying shopping bags: +N points, where N is the number of meters the bags travelled.

The Greatest Best Wedding Proposal of All Time Ever Forever

Mazex says...

I mean I guess its kinda touching and all. But I get a kind of creepy voyerism feeling from this guy's intention to film it all down, as in he wants people to have an insight into his private/intimate moments. I think these kind of moments are best kept personal, even though it might garnish a load of internet hits, the whole production effort could of been put into something else.

Also the old people thing was creepy too, I know people think growing old together is sweet and romantic, but I'd rather top myself in some overly dramatic explosion, or hilltop barbarian battle than become that old. Thankfully the current generation has a good chance of being able to have old age reversed/halted in the not so distant future.

Truth-Telling In Israel Is Very Very Unpopular

vaire2ube says...

its quite easy to find photographs of nazi's interacting with jews that look almost identical to israelis interacting with palestinians.

i had a nice collection when i got stoned one night. dogs on leashes barking at old people. checkpoints. jackboots vs peasant clothes.

pretty freakin obvious

Trump, "Obama May Be Greatest Scam In American History"

What will define the 2010 decade? (Politics Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

revolutions will continue to be televised. the arab world will see democracy. and theyll be disappointed.

israel and iran will start shit with eachother. the us will get involved. weapons factories will be the only things still in operation.

cable news will reach hysterical new heights, and only the south will continue listening

states will begin pulling out of medicaid programs in droves. social services will be cut across the board. crime and abuse and alcoholism rates will sky rocket. the elderly and disabled will be ushered back into institutions, slowly. conditions will deteriote. i will be out of a job. my heart will break.

my kids will grow into teenagers. ill talk to them about safe sex. their generation won't know anything about the civil rights movement. their idea of the civil war and holocaust will be politicized. all their friends will think that cavemen hunted dinosaurs.

gaping disparities in education will persist. the scourge that is the texas standard of education will sweep across most of the country. poor and inner schools will deteriorate further. children will go home hungry.

commercials will get louder.

white people will become a minority in border states, our politicians will be slightly less ridiculous. a chain of accessible taquerias will open across the south west. people will change their idea of "tacos" and ground meat will become a thing of the past. hopefully ill finally learn spanish.

all the cities sitting on top of massive natural gas reserves will begin to sink into their ground as all their children are diagnosed with cancer in droves. class action law suit commercials from cheap legal firms will flood the day time air waves.

there will be more shows about old people having sex. there will be reality shows about aging baby boomers.

everyone will develop histrionic personality disorders.

theyll teach mandarin in public schools.

some states will legalize marijuana.

gay people will get equal rights. mormons will realize it doesn't effect their relationship with their "god" at all.

someone will get assassinated.

assuming, the world doesn't end in 2012.

Tight rope walking across two pillars of stone.

Trancecoach says...

Yeah, that's pretty interesting. You should check out some reflexology.. shit is insane.

this video's interesting because the man's entire body is flexed. He must be limiting, or at least minimizing, any movement of his upper body so thoroughly that every muscle is taut. Can't imagine the kind of stress/workout that this generates, but he could just as easily get it 10 feet off the ground (though not nearly as scenic).

>> ^Enzoblue:

Quick something I learned about balance. Your feet and toes have a lot of movement that is very important for standing/walking balance obviously. The problem is that we wear shoes all the time. With years and years of limiting this movement in our feet, the neural brain maps of our feet tend to gell together into one blob. So much so that we eventually lose that movement and that's why you see old people moving their feet like they're useless stumps.
I remember back in the day they used to always hire native americans for high-rise construction work because they had an insane sense of balance. I always assumed it was some evolutionary trait, but I think now it's because they only wore shoes when they had to, like for school etc, and had great motion in their feet.
So if your balance sucks, start going barefoot. Your brain will reverse the trend and start recognizing the different parts of your feet again. I learned this from a neurology book about Edward Taub.
I also learned that the neural map of your feet is physically adjacent to the neural map of your genital area. This is why chicks dig the toe play. Science rules.

Tight rope walking across two pillars of stone.

Enzoblue says...

Quick something I learned about balance. Your feet and toes have a lot of movement that is very important for standing/walking balance obviously. The problem is that we wear shoes all the time. With years and years of limiting this movement in our feet, the neural brain maps of our feet tend to gell together into one blob. So much so that we eventually lose that movement and that's why you see old people moving their feet like they're useless stumps.

I remember back in the day they used to always hire native americans for high-rise construction work because they had an insane sense of balance. I always assumed it was some evolutionary trait, but I think now it's because they only wore shoes when they had to, like for school etc, and had great motion in their feet.

So if your balance sucks, start going barefoot. Your brain will reverse the trend and start recognizing the different parts of your feet again. I learned this from a neurology book about Edward Taub.
I also learned that the neural map of your feet is physically adjacent to the neural map of your genital area. This is why chicks dig the toe play. Science rules.

fear teh gay and their insidious agenda

peggedbea says...

there is an adorable old man who lives a few houses down from me. on the top of his mini van, he's rocking an enormous sign that reads "" ... he had always set my gaydar a buzzin.

after a few days of seeing this, i got curious... is he advocating being proud, instead of ashamed, of your sexuality? because that would be awesome!! it's possible that i am in love this adorable old gay man!!

so i checked out his website.

he, of course, wasn't advocating the abandonment of shame and embracing sexuality. he was doing exactly the opposite. pure nonsense and drivel.

i am still torn between the parts of me that have a tendency to commit witty acts of vandalism all over bullshit hateful signs in my community. and the parts of me that have a tendency to adore deranged old people and just want to play dominoes with them and make sure they eat hot meals and take their medication on time.

Creepy old lady at Walmart...

budzos says...

What a couple of sheer assholes. The lady is clearly undergoing dementia. She might not be able to speak. If I came along and found two idiots laughing at my lost demented relative and filming it to put on the internet, I'd smash the fucking phone into their temples so hard they would lose the ability to speak.

This isn't funny at all blankfist. Posting it under comedy is either a troll fail or you really are a fucking idiot who thinks shivering confused old people being mocked is funny. Not that I'm judging. Kisses.

Please don't text while driving

Porksandwich says...

This video is a tough reminder of what a lot of things we do on a daily basis can have as consequences.

And I know it sounds bad, but people shouldn't be doing a lot of other things while driving simply because it's discourteous and obnoxious...and that should be enough of a reason. I don't know how many people I've seen causes traffic snarls by cutting someone off, or doing the "I think Im going to go" stop and go stuff at 4 way stops because they can't even devote 10 seconds to note who was there when they arrived and wait until those people have went.

And I really wouldn't have a problem if their actions only caused them harm, delays, and costs...but I feel the same way about old people driving. It wouldn't be bad if old people didn't inconvenience everyone else on the road and when the day comes they screw up and have an accident it only affects them. I have a personal disdain for people who kill and injure others with vehicles while drinking, drugging, or distracted...especially if they are known to have done it before. The idea that the kid in this video killed a cyclist at the age of 17 and was able to attend college the next year.....does not sit right with me.

TSA Thug & Police Thug Assaults Clerk and Steals Pizza

Lawdeedaw says...

Maybe people laugh so they won't slit their own wrists? Kind of like how, in Iraq, I stood naked in a shower. Mortars flew in, and all I thought about was how cold it was, how my dick was shriveled, and how, this time, I was not going to lay down for safety.

The officer is one of two people. Someone who needs help---and badly. Just like an adict. Or someone who was always sick.

>> ^peggedbea:
i've got several. but this is the one i will share with you, because it disgusts me the most.
I worked the night shift, performing CT scans on patients out of the ER. A stab wound comes in, escorted by the police. While I'm working on the dude, the officer decides to tell me the HILARIOUS story of how this man got stabbed. He was beating his wife. severely. his 17 year old son with down's syndrome had enough and pulled out a steak knife, defended his mother and stabbed his dad. Then, he went up to his room and slit his own wrists. The jerk cop thought the image of a 17 year old with downs, stabbing his abusive father and then attempting suicide was HILARIOUS. he was doubled over laughing and calling the kid "corky" (and explained to me it's because they can't say "retard" over their radios). and impersonating him with his best "retard" voice and mannerisms.
Is this every cop? certainly, not.
I also dated a victim's assistance cop out of curiosity. I thought being a victim's rights advocate would make him more interesting. But I found out it only made him desensitized to some horrific things. Like, being in the medical field, i'm desensitized to blood, and poop, and vomit, and old people dying, body parts and stuff. it gives me a pretty raunchy sense of humor that probably makes some people uncomfortable.
but i never ever ever want to become desensitized to things like child rape.
I think that's the core of why people "don't like" a lot of cops. The job necessitates the abandonment of some socially appropriate emotions, thoughts and feelings. being raised by a cop, you are probably totally used to the attitude that many cops seem imbued with. being raised by hypersenstive people with mood disorders, burnt out hippies, trans gendered people and teenage drug addicts, i'm not used to the kind of world view one must have to be a cop. and i don't like it.
so yes, i've met cops who seem very awesome. i work out with a juvenile probation officer who i think is an amazing person. i don't think every cop is a socially inept dickbag. but i have certainly had more negative experiences with cops than positive ones. but i think it's for the most part, a world view issue. because i don't think MOST cops are abusive or anything.
though, i do think our criminal justice system is fucking broken and has fascist tendencies, i realize that's not the fault of anyone individual cop.
>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^Matthu:
>> ^lantern53:
If every police officer in this country acted this way, there would be armed revolution.
But these are two shitbirds out of hundreds of thousands of honest cops who risk their lives to keep the peace and try to preserve justice.
Don't judge thousands of cops on the basis of these two idiots who should be canned...or caned.
Would you like to be judged by the action of one of your co-workers?
Don't be a knee-jerk clone and try to paint all police officers by the actions of these two.

Lol... Getting so sick of hearing this bullshit copy pasta. How many videos of abusive cops need to be put up before they're considered evidence of a flawed justice system.
You're the clone, open your eyes. If police officers continue to act this way there will be an armed revolution.
And I'm not judging hundreds of thousands of cops on the basis of these two idiots. I'm judging the system which creates an unacceptable amount of abusers.

I was staying out of this until I saw this comment.
Your logic is flawed.
There are ~800,000 law enforcement officers in the U.S., you get to see one bad cop in a video every once in a while. Let's say 250 of these videos come out a year, that still leaves 799750 cops that didn't make it to youtube for doing something stupid.
It's hilarious how you call the handful of us defending police officers clones because we aren't judging them all because of a handfull of idiots. And you can try to deny it all you want, but that's exactly what you're doing.
Yes, there are idiots, and yes, those idiots don't deserve to be on the force, but that doesn't justify hating everyone who wears a badge. In my entire lifespan with my dad being a cop, I've only ever known -one- "bad" cop, and the reason he was a "bad" cop was because he commit credit card fraud. All other interactions I've ever had have been more than pleasant, including the one who pulled me over because I was driving without headlights on. She found out I was driving without a license, and because I was actually polite about it and not an ass, she let me go on the grounds that I had someone come and pick me up.
Open YOUR eyes, what interactions, if ANY, have you ever had with a cop other then watching them on youtube? I'm all ears.

TSA Thug & Police Thug Assaults Clerk and Steals Pizza

peggedbea says...

i've got several. but this is the one i will share with you, because it disgusts me the most.

I worked the night shift, performing CT scans on patients out of the ER. A stab wound comes in, escorted by the police. While I'm working on the dude, the officer decides to tell me the HILARIOUS story of how this man got stabbed. He was beating his wife. severely. his 17 year old son with down's syndrome had enough and pulled out a steak knife, defended his mother and stabbed his dad. Then, he went up to his room and slit his own wrists. The jerk cop thought the image of a 17 year old with downs, stabbing his abusive father and then attempting suicide was HILARIOUS. he was doubled over laughing and calling the kid "corky" (and explained to me it's because they can't say "retard" over their radios). and impersonating him with his best "retard" voice and mannerisms.

Is this every cop? certainly, not.

I also dated a victim's assistance cop out of curiosity. I thought being a victim's rights advocate would make him more interesting. But I found out it only made him desensitized to some horrific things. Like, being in the medical field, i'm desensitized to blood, and poop, and vomit, and old people dying, body parts and stuff. it gives me a pretty raunchy sense of humor that probably makes some people uncomfortable.
but i never ever ever want to become desensitized to things like child rape.

I think that's the core of why people "don't like" a lot of cops. The job necessitates the abandonment of some socially appropriate emotions, thoughts and feelings. being raised by a cop, you are probably totally used to the attitude that many cops seem imbued with. being raised by hypersenstive people with mood disorders, burnt out hippies, trans gendered people and teenage drug addicts, i'm not used to the kind of world view one must have to be a cop. and i don't like it.

so yes, i've met cops who seem very awesome. i work out with a juvenile probation officer who i think is an amazing person. i don't think every cop is a socially inept dickbag. but i have certainly had more negative experiences with cops than positive ones. but i think it's for the most part, a world view issue. because i don't think MOST cops are abusive or anything.

though, i do think our criminal justice system is fucking broken and has fascist tendencies, i realize that's not the fault of anyone individual cop.

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^Matthu:
>> ^lantern53:
If every police officer in this country acted this way, there would be armed revolution.
But these are two shitbirds out of hundreds of thousands of honest cops who risk their lives to keep the peace and try to preserve justice.
Don't judge thousands of cops on the basis of these two idiots who should be canned...or caned.
Would you like to be judged by the action of one of your co-workers?
Don't be a knee-jerk clone and try to paint all police officers by the actions of these two.

Lol... Getting so sick of hearing this bullshit copy pasta. How many videos of abusive cops need to be put up before they're considered evidence of a flawed justice system.
You're the clone, open your eyes. If police officers continue to act this way there will be an armed revolution.
And I'm not judging hundreds of thousands of cops on the basis of these two idiots. I'm judging the system which creates an unacceptable amount of abusers.

I was staying out of this until I saw this comment.
Your logic is flawed.
There are ~800,000 law enforcement officers in the U.S., you get to see one bad cop in a video every once in a while. Let's say 250 of these videos come out a year, that still leaves 799750 cops that didn't make it to youtube for doing something stupid.
It's hilarious how you call the handful of us defending police officers clones because we aren't judging them all because of a handfull of idiots. And you can try to deny it all you want, but that's exactly what you're doing.
Yes, there are idiots, and yes, those idiots don't deserve to be on the force, but that doesn't justify hating everyone who wears a badge. In my entire lifespan with my dad being a cop, I've only ever known -one- "bad" cop, and the reason he was a "bad" cop was because he commit credit card fraud. All other interactions I've ever had have been more than pleasant, including the one who pulled me over because I was driving without headlights on. She found out I was driving without a license, and because I was actually polite about it and not an ass, she let me go on the grounds that I had someone come and pick me up.
Open YOUR eyes, what interactions, if ANY, have you ever had with a cop other then watching them on youtube? I'm all ears.

Black news-anchor handles confused caller remarkably well

blankfist says...

Um, no, and I do believe that was the point of me saying, "That's why I think this guy can be so calm..." Did you just take my comment literally? Sigh.

I knew you were obtuse, but come on. I take to internet troll bait like you to dick, so I'll indulge. Allow me to explain in a way I hope will be elementary enough for even your grasp of English comprehension.

Blankfist's Comments.
The Cliffs Notes Version for ObtuseRunner.

Old people: their generation endorsed laws of segregation. Old people: segregation was commonplace and generally liked and accepted. Old people: their generation soon to die. Going too fast for you?

Black people: when living during the old people's generation there was a lot to be angry about because of segregation (e.g. separate water fountains). Black people: today they don't have those same fears so when a bigot from the old people's generation calls in it's more sad than infuriating. Why?

Because old people are dying. They aren't commanding a representational government to do bad things to minorities any longer. There's no reason to march in a crusade against their old world injustices, because they don't exist in the same way today. It's the close of an era.

See Jane run. Run Jane run. See Pig fuck. Fuck pig fuck.

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