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I didn't know that Elvis played the bongos and keyboard

Train Plowing through the Snow

Adriana Calcanhoto - Fico Assim Sem Você

laura (Member Profile)

Politicians Don't Understand Research, Period. (Blog Entry by Doc_M)

NetRunner says...

Generally speaking, the President doesn't have any control over earmarks. He can veto bills that contain them, but otherwise it's purely a Congressional thing.

Earmarks allow members of Congress to direct money to projects (usually to one in the state/district they represent), without going through the full appropriations process.

I was mostly thinking about the 2nd most mentioned earmark John McCain lists as pork: a study of the DNA of bears (with a joke about not being sure if it's a criminal or paternal issue).

There's a similar earmark Palin requested for her state: $3.2 million for a study of seal genetics.

In reading the full discussion, a lot of people were saying there isn't any reason to believe there's something wrong with either study (except McCain's grandstanding about it). But then some people claiming to be research scientists said using earmarks for studies is a bad way to get funding for research, since it bypasses the normal peer review process.

Just curious if you'd had experience with seeing something like that bypass the peer review.

Probably those particular ones wouldn't have gone through the DoD at all, though.

With stem cells, I'd be willing to bet the politicians have at least watched a Nova special on them, so they're not totally ignorant. Most of the conversation centers around the ban on creating new stem cell lines, and moral vs. practical considerations of lifting or retaining the ban (a conversation that very much echoes the abortion debate).

Is there something about stem cells that they should know that would change the nature of the debate? (e.g., we don't really need more lines, there's no ethical problem with getting more lines, they're not important to current research, etc.)

Ricky Gervais - On Fat People

Majortomyorke (Member Profile)

Nova: The Ghost in Your Genes

Nova - "Ghost in Your Genes"

my15minutes (Member Profile)

Majortomyorke says...

For some reason the "modify video details" link isn't present on discarded videos, I got in touch with Lucky to have him correct the embed.

Also, I'd like you to know I don't like calling out dupes, but I thought for sure I had submitted the Ghost in your genes vid a while back, and after digging through my discards found it.

I sincerely appreciate your response, and your offer for a promote.

In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
ping from ground control

In reply to this comment by Majortomyorke:
Not sure if it matters, but this is a dupe of a discard (back when videos got discarded if they didn't get enough votes)

Majortomyorke (Member Profile)

Nova - "Ghost in Your Genes"

kulpims (Member Profile)

JFK to Germany: "I am a jelly donut"

laura (Member Profile)

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