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Haldaug (Member Profile)

Atheism WTF? (Wtf Talk Post)

Fusionaut says...

History of the universe:

nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing...BLAAAAM!!! PROTONS NUETRONS PROTONS NUETRONS ELECTRONS HYDROGEN Cosmic microwave background radiation HYDROGEN HYDROGEN HYDROGEN HYDROGEN HYDROGEN HYDROGEN Time HYDROGEN Early stars SUPER NOVAS HELIUM HELIUM HELIUM HYDROGEN HYDROGEN HYDROGEN HELIUM HELIUM More Super NOVAS Heavy Elements SOLAR SYSTEMS Black Holes PLANETS Man was created, dinosaurs were created, dinosaurs disappear life evolves on slightly radiated planet with an atmosphere, water, and a pleasant climate, life life life life life humans religion government war jesse ventura

Okay, I'm a very amatuer astronomer but that's pretty close from what I've read

oh, and it's not to scale

Time Travel And Einstein's Relativity Made Easy

newtboy says...

>> ^Drax:
>> ^robdot:
if I where to shine a flash light in the direction I'm traveling then the light emitting from that flashlight should travel (relative to me) at the speed of light minus 500,000 mph. Otherwise the light would be traveling faster then the speed of light to someone not onboard the magical cosmic space
I think your wrong on this point, the speed of light is a constant. it will measure the same to all observers.

Then it -would- travel at speed of light minus the speed of the train to me, otherwise for someone "standing still" (whatever that is) the light would be traveling the speed of light plus the speed of the train.
I'm just gonna stop here before my HEAD ASPLODES.

This seems to be correct. Light travels at a constant speed through space. Unless your magic train is outside of space (and time) the light from your flashlight would travel at the speed of light, period. It is not affected by the speed of the emitter. The speed of light is a constant (yeah, refraction can make it SEEM like it changes, so can space expansion, but it's really a constant), and is not cumulative.
My question to math teachers was always..."If I'm going the speed of light in my chevy nova and I turn on my headlights, do they work?". Sadly, they never answered me, but the correct answer is "...kind of, define "work"." They would emit photons, but those photons would not go faster than the nova through space, and so they would not "light up" the space ahead of the car (as long as it traveled at the speed of light). My hypothesis is the photons would remain between the emitter and the reflector, and the "relative" speed of the car and light would be between 0 and twice the speed of light, but actual speed of each would remain the speed of light. There would not be a beam of light, but a point (or 2 points, one in front of or at the emitter, one in front of or at the reflector) where photons were traveling in the same direction, constantly gaining in "density".
A good question here might be, would there be a point where the photons reach a maximum "density" (where no more photons can occupy the same point in space time), and, if so, what happens when this point is reached?
Oh no! (head expands and pops!)

JAPR (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Aldo Nova: Fantasy

Duckman33 says...

>> ^dag:
Loved this song. Had a K-Tel tape that had it on it, as well as "Who's behind the Door" from Zebra. Must find that now. Ooh, and Dokken.

Wow Zebra, totally forgot about those guys. Saw them live once as well as Aldo, both were good live.

blankfist (Member Profile)

NicoleBee says...

It sucks, but not quite as much as the others I've been exposed to. I amended my previous comment before.

Uhh, you probably know why I was commenting, and its not for the reasons you're implying in the below.

(EDIT: Also sorry for profile replying this, I didn't mean to break it out from the thread)

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
If someone was to point out how great Canadian health care was, we'd probably not hear a peep out of you. But let one descending perspective shine through and the gloves are off.

I'm just going off what I read. What can I say? Maybe you don't have enough of them? Who knows. But, this was a small black eye against socialized medicine. No offense to Canada. It's a beautiful country. I happen to love, LOVE Nova Scotia!

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
We have helicopters up here, too. Build them, in fact! We even have air ambulance companies here, too.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
>> ^NicoleBee:
This seems less of a 'socialized medicine' problem and more of a 'rural medicine' problem, which you folks also have down south.

Yes, but she was at the Mont Tremblant Resort, which is a tourist attraction.

And, down south, we actually had ("had" because I no longer live there) great hospital care. We had helicopters that fly you to your hospital, and when my uncle was ill before I was even born they had a helicopter fly him from Florida to Duke University Hospital. And most hospitals have a trauma center inside of them. In fact, I've never been inside one that didn't. Just pointing that out.

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

If someone was to point out how great Canadian health care was, we'd probably not hear a peep out of you. But let one descending perspective shine through and the gloves are off.

I'm just going off what I read. What can I say? Maybe you don't have enough of them? Who knows. But, this was a small black eye against socialized medicine. No offense to Canada. It's a beautiful country. I happen to love, LOVE Nova Scotia!

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
We have helicopters up here, too. Build them, in fact! We even have air ambulance companies here, too.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
>> ^NicoleBee:
This seems less of a 'socialized medicine' problem and more of a 'rural medicine' problem, which you folks also have down south.

Yes, but she was at the Mont Tremblant Resort, which is a tourist attraction.

And, down south, we actually had ("had" because I no longer live there) great hospital care. We had helicopters that fly you to your hospital, and when my uncle was ill before I was even born they had a helicopter fly him from Florida to Duke University Hospital. And most hospitals have a trauma center inside of them. In fact, I've never been inside one that didn't. Just pointing that out.

Twitter Whore

Carbon Dating Doesn't Work - debunk

newtboy says...

Psychologic- No, I am saying that anyone working in the science field who believes in God(s) is not applying the scientific method to (at least) that part of their thought process. That makes them non-scientific. It makes it more likely that they do not follow the scientific method in their work, and it makes them non-scientists (at least in their private life). Just as a non-engineer can design something useful (just look at the rotary engine, designed in a dream by a 16 year old), a non-scientist may contribute to science, but their contribution deserves more scrutiny and more extensive peer review than normal since they have shown a propensity for ignoring "facts" in favor of "belief". The scientific method requires you do the opposite, ignore "belief" in favor of "fact", and only someone with a split personality (or completely insane) could truly do both, therefore there are NO theistic scientists. Thinking as a scientist precludes you from being a theist, or a true athiest. Science can only say it's incredibly unlikely that there's a God, not conclusively that it doesn't exist (yet).
Pseudo-scientists, like the one in the video, cannot be good theists OR good scientists, since their "science" is based in obvious falsehoods. That means what they call "science" is not scientific, and their theistic standing is questionable since they knowingly offer false answers (bearing false witness)and outright lie to further their agenda.
NOVA made most of these points last night in a 2 hour special about the school board trying to introduce Intelligent Design into schools, "Darwin on trial" I think. Sadly, it repeatedly made mention of the non-scientific science teachers involved (on both sides of the issue) but also showed simply the difference between a scientist and a non-scientist working on science.

Lost Treasures of Tibet

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'NOVA, tibet, buddhism, temple, restoration, paintings' to 'NOVA, tibet, buddhism, temple, restoration, paintings, mustang, lo manthang, nepal' - edited by my15minutes

Nova Scotia's Premier invites David Letterman with Top 10

notarobot says...

Upvote for it the video being about my home province, but I gotta say that I have no love for this guy. He has spent less time on the job then any other premier in Nova Scotia's history, fiddling around the province for popularity instead of actually doing his job. A real class act.

JTZ (Member Profile)

legacy0100 says...

Pity, I just came back (literaly just sat down on my computer) from a Thai restaurant drinking two kinds of beer (Singha & Chang, I liked Chang better).

I'm free this coming friday, saturday and sunday. Preferrably saturday. Where do you live again? Brooklyn or Bronx?

P.S BTW, do you speak Chinese and/or read Chinese characters?

P.P.S You need to update your Bossa Nova playlist. Badly.

In reply to this comment by JTZ:
When are you going to buy me that beer?

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

rougy says...

I declared myself “The Rogue Poet” back in 1990 when I got serious about writing.

I'm in my forties. My life has been half cursed and half blessed. My parents divorced when I was very young, and it was a very violent situation. My mother remarried a cowboy and I had to stop her from taking a knife to him one night when he came home drunk, stinking of pussy and perfume. A few years later I had to pull him off of my mom's back when he tried to strangle her. They finally divorced.

When I was thirteen, a little boy died in my arms. Actually, I kept him alive long enough to place him in his mother's arms and watch him take his last breath. I was covered with his blood head to toe, and I can still remember the taste of it in my mouth.

I rolled and totally demolished a Chevy Nova when I was sixteen and walked away without a scratch. “My Sharona” was playing on the radio as I watched the world do flip flops through the passenger's side window. My mom and my girlfriend at the time said they could see a hand mark in the middle of my back which lasted a couple of days.

I was stalked by somebody, or somebodies, back in the ninties and it left me a little scarred, emotionally and psychologically. As a result, there are very few people that I trust enough to get close to now, hence my roguish ways.

I had a near-death experience in 1994 and I could sense a presense in my room. It talked to me. I don't know who or what it was; I forgot to ask its name, but it saluted me and left when my body turned the corner and I started to come back to life. The next day, something happened that explained to me that I had to experience that near fatality for some strange reason concerning my future.

I have known true love. It is magical. I knew it twice, with two wonderful girls that I met in my early twenties, but life got in our way. We parted, and I never fell in love again. But I have hopes.

I have been very fortunate in other respects.

I can be a real pain in the neck sometimes, and I even drive myself crazy, but over all, I think that most people consider me to be a stand up dude.

I didn't know that Elvis played the bongos and keyboard

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bossa nova baby, king, kitsch, fun in acapulco, 60s, 1963' to 'bossa nova baby, king, kitsch, fun in acapulco, 60s, 1963, elvis' - edited by kronosposeidon

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