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Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

hpqp jokingly says...

Of course, it's not pastor Worley's statements that are stupid and homophobic beyond belief, it is just that the evil manipulators at CNN trawled through all the intelligent and ethical defenders of the pastor's stance to find the one pearl who would misrepresent him and his ideas the most. Nothing to do with the content of what she's defending, nuh-uh.

edit: reworded to give the pastor's congregation the benefit of the doubt>> ^messenger:

She was probably hand-picked for her stupidity and accent so Cooper could humiliate her and make her the poster child for homophobes. This is CNN, remember, not an actual news organization.>> ^bobknight33:
What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

messenger says...

She was probably hand-picked for her stupidity and accent so Cooper could humiliate her and make her the poster child for homophobes. This is CNN, remember, not an actual news organization.>> ^bobknight33:

What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

bobknight33 says...

What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.

That's not news that abuse.

Obama Cabinet Member on Gay Marriage: Yes (45 seconds)

chingalera says...

Thanks for the mandatory advert-Oh, and Shaq earned his doctorate. I feel so good now knowing that hoop-stuffing earns university points.

Other than that-Non-Journalism, mute point, kick dead horse, get your gay on, etc. What really matters in a world of bullshit anyway? Asking the question begs an answer from oneself. This post has nothing to do with true gayness. One may sense anger and frustration the motivation for the offering or perhaps a pulpit or soapbox boost to make a point.

What's the point?.

To MSNBC: This is not news. Go away and leave your employees and servants to chum the sea of slavery for a life.

Another Idiotic Crime Committed in America

kir_mokum says...

>> ^longde:
Anyone who looks soft will be a victim in the rough hoods of Baltimore. It's only news here because this particular victim is white. Black people get robbed, beaten and shot in Baltimore regularly.

it's not news because he's white, it's news because it was filmed. personally i would have the same reaction regardless of what the victim or assailants looked like. we know things are worse all over the world and crazier shit happens but this is a weird, somewhat unique, and horrible victimization.

Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012

I Am Not Moving - Occupy Wall Street

Boise_Lib says...


I agree that OWS and the Arab Spring are two completely different things.

I see this video more as a warning to the corporatist ruling class--than as a view of what is actually happening now--or, even will happen.

No, America is not Libya--and these protests won't become an armed revolution (if they tried I'd help to stop them).

In short, this video is not news, or a documentary. To me this video is a statement of conviction and purpose.

Intense new video of the Reno Air Show crash

messenger says...

@direpickle I think they're something like, "death + not otherwise newsworthy = snuff". It's to stop Faces of Death style vids, not news events. If that airplane had just crashed into a mountain with no spectators to see it, it wouldn't be acceptable here, is my understanding.

9/11: The "Official" Conspiracy Theory

Duckman33 says...

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^Duckman33:
I've dug plenty deep. I already know that people were trying to warn of the attacks coming, that's old news. So then why lie about it in a press conference? You know, that part where we were lied to by Condie Rice, etc. When they knew fair and well they had conceived that very scenario?
President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and other White House officials have consistently denied knowing about the 9/11 plot or receiving information that (or even imagining that) commercial aircraft could be used as weapons. For example, Bush said repeatedly there were no warnings of any kind ... “Never in anybody’s thought process ... about how to protect America did we ever think the evil doers would fly not one but four commercial aircraft into precious US targets ... never.”
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said that “the President did not – not – receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers ... Until this attack took place, I think it’s fair to say that no one envisioned that as a possibility.”
Then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said: “I don’t think that anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile ... even in retrospect there was nothing to suggest that.”

I don't care about the buildings anymore, that's all been "debunked" for the most part.
Like I've said to you before, you can quote all you want from information you find on the interwebs, that doesn't make it any more or less true than anything I can Google and quote. There's a lot more to 9/11 than just the buildings coming down, there's a lot of lies, repeated lies in fact. A lot of denial and finger pointing. And a lot of convenient "failures of the system". Whether you like it or not, or want to admit it or not there is something fishy going on here. But hey, I'm just a crackpot, loonie conspiracy theorist. What do I know, right? I should be a good robot and always implicitly trust people that lie to me on a continual basis, that way I don't have to face an ugly truth, or facts, or think for myself.

Oh for heavens sakes, your acting like discovering that politicians spin things and choose their wording carefully and to their own benefit is a discovery you've made through some stroke of genius.
Politicians will use the truth to deceive and trick the public as long as it's in their own interest, and if it's better to lie they'll do that to. That's not news, it's not a conspiracy, it's common knowledge.
So you seem to accept that an Afghan leader was warning of a 'major attack'(no mention of airplanes, just a major attack) leading up to 9/11. You don't act like his assassination on the 10th of September was a surprise either. What is surprising is your quotes you throw out thinking that officials were unaware or lying about this. EVERY quote you gave specifically states there was no idea that civilian aircraft would be used as missiles in an attack. Remembering that politicians are deceitful monsters, you'll notice they do NOT deny having warnings of an impending Al Qaeda attack. In fact, multiple official reports, investigations, and even Bin Laden's own public statements all make it very clear there were warnings of pending attack from Bin Laden's organization. The only denial in your quotes is specifically to the method.
Sorry, your whole act depends on people being either ignorant of the facts or shocked that politicians might hedge and be dodgy in their answers on a massively political topic...

No I'm not, I'm questioning why they felt had to lie about this. That is all. Don't put words in my mouth, or even try to think you know what motivates me please.

So, if you think that collaborating to bend the truth to deceive and trick the public to achieve a common goal is not a conspiracy I suggest you read up on the definition of what a conspiracy is. Just because I use the word "conspiracy" does not mean I'm referring to some wild, far fetched and unbelievable scenario. That's not always what a conspiracy is, that's what the general public has come to think of what a conspiracy is due to people like you that apply the most extreme definition to the word. Just like a UFO is not necessarily an alien space craft. It's that due to society, and per-conceived notions, most people automatically think of alien space ships when someone refers to seeing a UFO.

Sorry, you're smug little, "I know all the facts, and you are delusional" act is a joke. Yeah, you are far more superior to us "conspiracy nuts".

Oh, where did I say anything about Bush being in bed with Bin Laden or planting explosives in the towers? Why is it that once someone talks about a conspiracy they are automatically "crazy"? Not all of us believe what the fringe is trying to sell, my friend. But we also don't believe what is being force fed down our throats either.

9/11: The "Official" Conspiracy Theory

bcglorf says...

>> ^Duckman33:

I've dug plenty deep. I already know that people were trying to warn of the attacks coming, that's old news. So then why lie about it in a press conference? You know, that part where we were lied to by Condie Rice, etc. When they knew fair and well they had conceived that very scenario?
President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and other White House officials have consistently denied knowing about the 9/11 plot or receiving information that (or even imagining that) commercial aircraft could be used as weapons. For example, Bush said repeatedly there were no warnings of any kind ... “Never in anybody’s thought process ... about how to protect America did we ever think the evil doers would fly not one but four commercial aircraft into precious US targets ... never.”
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said that “the President did not – not – receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers ... Until this attack took place, I think it’s fair to say that no one envisioned that as a possibility.”
Then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said: “I don’t think that anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile ... even in retrospect there was nothing to suggest that.”

I don't care about the buildings anymore, that's all been "debunked" for the most part.
Like I've said to you before, you can quote all you want from information you find on the interwebs, that doesn't make it any more or less true than anything I can Google and quote. There's a lot more to 9/11 than just the buildings coming down, there's a lot of lies, repeated lies in fact. A lot of denial and finger pointing. And a lot of convenient "failures of the system". Whether you like it or not, or want to admit it or not there is something fishy going on here. But hey, I'm just a crackpot, loonie conspiracy theorist. What do I know, right? I should be a good robot and always implicitly trust people that lie to me on a continual basis, that way I don't have to face an ugly truth, or facts, or think for myself.

Oh for heavens sakes, your acting like discovering that politicians spin things and choose their wording carefully and to their own benefit is a discovery you've made through some stroke of genius.

Politicians will use the truth to deceive and trick the public as long as it's in their own interest, and if it's better to lie they'll do that to. That's not news, it's not a conspiracy, it's common knowledge.

So you seem to accept that an Afghan leader was warning of a 'major attack'(no mention of airplanes, just a major attack) leading up to 9/11. You don't act like his assassination on the 10th of September was a surprise either. What is surprising is your quotes you throw out thinking that officials were unaware or lying about this. EVERY quote you gave specifically states there was no idea that civilian aircraft would be used as missiles in an attack. Remembering that politicians are deceitful monsters, you'll notice they do NOT deny having warnings of an impending Al Qaeda attack. In fact, multiple official reports, investigations, and even Bin Laden's own public statements all make it very clear there were warnings of pending attack from Bin Laden's organization. The only denial in your quotes is specifically to the method.

Sorry, your whole act depends on people being either ignorant of the facts or shocked that politicians might hedge and be dodgy in their answers on a massively political topic...

Corporate Givaways Cost us Schools, Public Safety

BBC reporter tries THC for science

spaceisbig says...

Very good point. The researchers are probably doing a very good job, but the media needs to stop sending ignorant non-scientific reporters to do scientific stories. A reporters opinion on a subject is NOT news.

>> ^braindonut:

It's worth noting that she's only talking about HER experience in this piece. She probably isn't the only participant in the study...
It's the BBC that makes this look whole thing look like a joke, not the researchers.

Murdered Bodies by Syrian Secret Police *WARNING! GRAPHIC!*

Sagemind says...

This video is not "News worthy" in this instance as this is not a "News story."
A News report, identifying the story, highlighting the circumstances of the massacre, telling us who may be at fault, getting the story from family members, bringing forward political implications and what ever else that's pertinent to the story makes something newsworthy.

This is just amateur video of dead bodies just for the sake of gawking at dead human life and nothing else. Sure, a story may exist but that's not part of this video or what is being presented here.

My opinion is leave this to Liveleak.

Maddow on Cantor on Weiner

Billboard Battle Over Judgment Day

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