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CIA Admits It Was Behind Iran's Coup in 1953

radx says...

The point is that this FOIA request produced the first official document to confirm the involvement of Allen Dulles and his spooks. The mere fact that the Brits and the Yankees were responsible for the coup is, of course, not news to anyone, or at least it shouldn't be.

If they presented some documents about, say, the installment of Suharto in Indonesia, it wouldn't be news either. But it would still be of interest to me.

chingalera said:

"CIA releases information"......Oxymoronic??! Haven't peeps with the ability to dissect newsspeak and "official statements" known that the CIA orchestrated the Iranian coup for over 30 years?

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

enoch says...


i would be totally on board with a massive re-structuring of the corporate charter.

might i suggest we return the clause "for the good of the people"?
and force responsibility financial and otherwise when a corporation causes damage to either the enviroment or society at large.

adam smith said"only with absolute liberty can a free market truly exist".
we do not have absolute liberty nor a free market.
we have a protectionist government which serves the needs of the corporate elite.
and those needs simply translate to :less competition...for them.

which is the point i think you were trying to make and on that note i agree.
but i think the leviathan is a far larger beast and will not be dismissed so easily.

power begets power and seeks only to retain its power.

we have to get money out of politics.
money should never equal free speech,yet sadly that is where we find ourselves to day.

corporations spend billions towards influencing legislation favorable to their bottom line.i read somewhere that for every dollar spent they receive 22,000 from the beneficial legislation.

so not only is out government bought and paid for...they are more trashy than the 10 dollar crack whore.

the only thing that has ever worked to change things...ever.
is the people.
social movements.
we need to starve the beast.

in my opinion the very first step to even BEGIN to make that move forward is we need to fix our fourth estate,or at the very least ridicule and dismiss the fucking circus that we know as corporate media news.
its not news.
its propaganda.

i really think that most people would agree to an extent on what your saying blankie but the reality does not reflect the dream and may be why some people dismiss the notion as silly.

@JiggaJonson brought up a good point and is actually a great way to start to starve the beast.
civil disobedience in the form of refusal to participate in the system.
dont file your taxes.
dont buy car insurance or register your vehicle.
cut up your credit cards and dont pay them.
buy local,from family owned establishments (so your money stays local).

but in my experience most americans do not like being uncomfortable nor afraid and doing these things will bring both to your doorstep.

i always said the american revolution will commence the moment they take away their cable tv.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

bobknight33 says...

The media does not cares if blacks kills blacks. They report what is and is not news worthy.

The other week the When the plane went down is San Fran. There were 72 killings / shootings in Chicago and no National Media. From a gun violence point of view and there is a lot of that going around, still no one cares.

The Zimmerman/ Martin issue was made a race issue from the National Race Baiters Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. They went down to Sanford and goated the DA for the arrest of Zimmerman. The circus show had begun. Even during and after the trail, MSNBC is pulling the race card. No wonder the country is divided.

The only defining issue to have is the state of mind of Zimmerman when he pulled the trigger. There was no defining evidence of willful intent or self defense hence he was acquitted.

CNN and House Intelligence: Warmongering?

Kofi says...

Last election cycle the warmongering towards Iran was far far more widespread than it is at the moment. It was a major election issue. Now it is a sideshow at best as the USA has war fatigue. Give it 3 years or so once you all withdraw from Afghanistan.

Plus there was a lot of talk about North Korea before they got the bomb.

And China comes up whenever they flex their muscle against Taiwan. This will become a bigger issue in the coming years as China pushes for territorial rights to the south China sea, which if you look at a map really should be called the Vietnamese Philippine Brunei Chinese sea.

Syria is coming on to the stage too.

It all just comes and goes so easily from public consciousness that we forget. Iraq is still a total shitstorm of ethnic violence, civilian bombings etc but we're sick of hearing about it and dont want to feel guilty so its not news worthy. There's no fear left ergo no need to watch.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

kceaton1 says...

The kiss that was blown at the end, for those that didn't get it was a reply to Bill saying what he did WAS a noble thing. The reply was this: FUCK YOU!

In case you don't speak innuendo...

What an absolute circus that channel is. People watch it and all they do from sunrise to sundown is two things: campaign for Mitt Romney, apologize or make right ANY wrong he does AND to also make sure everyone knows that Obama is the worst president in the history of the United States (we know, he's black).

They are an inside joke practically (for different reasons of course) to both Republicans and Democrats. Republicans know that Fox has their back and is making strides for them and that Fox won't ever help a Democr...I mean liberal. Then Democrats don't even watch Fox, they know they are one-sided and how utterly useless Fox is at not presenting things realistically, as they would ALWAYS choose a opinion over a fact if it sided more with their narrative. AGAIN, I said NARRATIVE, not news.

As far as I can tell, Ted appeared on there just to pull on Bill and everyone's collective tail.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

chingalera says...

It's edited for this viddy there, shuac-

Koppel rode the wave following the perfect storm of the Iranian hostages prior to Khomeini to fix his legacy in television stone-These veteran news heads can back away from their agenda-oriented handlers once they achieve some tenure amounting to "trust" (whatever the fuck that means in the realm of programmed news coverage) from the masses of robots (at least 80% of the world's population in so-called, 1st world countries).

O'Reilly? Complete cunt piece of shit. Such a cunt, that were it his job to promote a so-called, LIBERAL bias according to his employment with ACME news corp. etc., he'd have all of you fans of Maddow, Maher, Colbert, etc. just as fucking fawning as the next dupe.....NEWS NOT/NEWS-It's all designed to turn your brains liquid so information can be inserted and predictably called-upon to further the cause of assholes and cunts.

Yes, your mind is not your own, oh children of technology and of nothing better to do than work and fuck....planets' going places, wish it were another direction-

Santorum we will never have smart people on our side

Yogi says...

>> ^Lendl:

At least he admitted that Fox News isn't really a media organization. Glad he cleared that up.

Well they're not "News" they're definitely in the business of producing media though to support a narrative.

Overly Excited London Olympic Worker

messenger says...


Not Woohoo because that's for Simpson's and other Matt Groening stuff
Not Wtf because this isn't shocking or surprising
Not Worldaffairs because it's not
Not 1sttube because it's not from a television broadcast
Not Viral because that's just for viral advertising
Not News because it's not

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

hpqp says...

The "debate" is inherently unfair because one side has to defend indefensible stupidity. As for what's on the air in "professional news outlets" (and I'm no fan of CNN), her intelligence seems to be only slightly beneath the average of Fox News' presenters. S'all fair and balanced. >> ^bobknight33:

I'm not here to defend her or the Pastors sermon content. All I'm saying if you are going to have a debate make it fair. Have equal intellectual capacities to present their ideas. As a professional news outlet they should have know not to have her on the air. >> ^Januari:

@bobknight33 You HAVE to be kidding... any interest in defending those statements yourself?... Devil's advocate even?... i mean ANY defense/excuse/rationalization/explination... anything? I'd really love to hear it. Or just consider for a moment the possibility that the comments made by this bigot and the folks who support him, reflect VERY well on the intelligence level of the person in this video. I suspect you'd have an incredibly hard time finding someone who isn't this stupid to go on camera and actually support them...
>> ^bobknight33:
What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

bobknight33 says...

I'm not here to defend her or the Pastors sermon content. All I'm saying if you are going to have a debate make it fair. Have equal intellectual capacities to present their ideas. As a professional news outlet they should have know not to have her on the air.

>> ^Januari:

@bobknight33 You HAVE to be kidding... any interest in defending those statements yourself?... Devil's advocate even?... i mean ANY defense/excuse/rationalization/explination... anything? I'd really love to hear it. Or just consider for a moment the possibility that the comments made by this bigot and the folks who support him, reflect VERY well on the intelligence level of the person in this video. I suspect you'd have an incredibly hard time finding someone who isn't this stupid to go on camera and actually support them...
>> ^bobknight33:
What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

messenger says...

Yep. That's about it. The pastor probably couldn't be reached for comment, or didn't have the potential to be quits as iconic as this woman. For an news-tainment network pandering to the masses with limited capacity for independent critical thought, I think this interview was the right choice. If it had been NPR or the CBC, I would've been disappointed.>> ^hpqp:

Of course, it's not pastor Worley's statements that are stupid and homophobic beyond belief, it is just that the evil manipulators at CNN trawled through all the intelligent and ethical defenders of the pastor's stance to find the one pearl who would misrepresent him and his ideas the most. Nothing to do with the content of what she's defending, nuh-uh.
edit: reworded to give the pastor's congregation the benefit of the doubt>> ^messenger:
She was probably hand-picked for her stupidity and accent so Cooper could humiliate her and make her the poster child for homophobes. This is CNN, remember, not an actual news organization.>> ^bobknight33:
What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^bobknight33:

What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

Nah. The wilfully ignorant deserve to be mocked.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

VoodooV says...

>> ^Januari:

@bobknight33 You HAVE to be kidding... any interest in defending those statements yourself?... Devil's advocate even?... i mean ANY defense/excuse/rationalization/explination... anything? I'd really love to hear it. Or just consider for a moment the possibility that the comments made by this bigot and the folks who support him, reflect VERY well on the intelligence level of the person in this video. I suspect you'd have an incredibly hard time finding someone who isn't this stupid to go on camera and actually support them...
>> ^bobknight33:
What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

he won't answer, because we're all part of the liberal conspiracy! He'd just be walking into a trap!

It wouldn't matter even if he did. You can't rationally explain that sort of irrational hate. People like that are long gone from the realm of reason.

They're ultimately cowards anyway. Only a few psychopaths would have the stomach to actually commit the kind of cold blooded murder that the pastor describes. You actually hand them a gun and tell them to shoot a bound up gay person and most, if not all, won't actually do it. They're trained to be subservient to their god, but when their god fails to deliver them to their straight's only heaven on earth, they'll eventually submit to the social authority that declares that all citizens get equal rights and they'll be subservient to that too and they'll die quietly as closeted bigots right alongside all the other closeted bigots that think blacks are inferior and women shouldn't have the right to vote.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

Januari says...

@bobknight33 You HAVE to be kidding... any interest in defending those statements yourself?... Devil's advocate even?... i mean ANY defense/excuse/rationalization/explination... anything? I'd really love to hear it. Or just consider for a moment the possibility that the comments made by this bigot and the folks who support him, reflect VERY well on the intelligence level of the person in this video. I suspect you'd have an incredibly hard time finding someone who isn't this stupid to go on camera and actually support them...

>> ^bobknight33:

What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

VoodooV says...

>> ^bobknight33:

What a poor interview. This should have been with someone who had the intellectual capability to have this discussion. Where was the Pastor, Deacon or such who could have properly defended, justified the statements from the sermon.

If she was to represent any one else on any other topic she would have been just as bad.

She was railroaded for the pleasure of CNN and its audience.
That's not news that abuse.

He asked her some pretty basic questions.

She hung herself. You saw for yourself how she was so completely flustered she was and changed her answer multiple times. You've sunk to new lows @bobknight33 for defending this piece of shit.

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