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The Password - The Office US

Esoog says...

I really miss The Office. I mean, it plays every day on TBS, and we have every episode recorded on our DVR...but I miss it being new. There are no good mainstream sitcoms anymore.

Security footage of airborne Tesla.

5 Year Old Calls Police To Invite Them To His Birthday Party

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

"Zachary, can we talk to you?"

Good boy.... tell them nothing!

I really have to hand it to the cops here... they never miss a trick when it comes to PR.

plot twist: all the parents were stoned and then arrested.

Groundhog Day For A Black Man

Fairbs says...

racial injustice has been scooted under the rug for too long; I for one appreciate people are out there trying to make a difference

the disgusting way immigrants are having their children kidnapped from them, the daily shootings of blacks for no good reason, or having cops called for the crime of being black; all are reasons we should take more responsibility and right these wrongs

Sagemind said:


Do you only post racial videos which features injustice?
Because if you spend your life looking for something, that's all you'll ever see.

You need to broaden your prospects. I understand there are racial bias and prejudice people out there but you seem to hyper-focus on it. You invite your life to be surrounded by these bad energies.

I'd love to see you more positive. I don't know what wrongs this world has served you personally, or if you just surround yourself in these issues, but sometimes, the best way to free yourself from these issues is to not see them in everything you see and do.

Car misses exit and causes two semi trucks to crash

cloudballoon says...

Typical asshole driver behavior: always driving on the passing (left) lane for no good reason (not turning left, not passing slower vehicles) and not paying any attention with situational awareness. These drivers suck and causes road rage.

Man exacts revenge on package thieves with a loud trap

Swedish Chef - Rappers Delight Karaoke

newtboy says...

Did you ever go over to a friend's house to eat
And the food just ain't no good?
I mean the macaroni's soggy, the peas are mush, and the chicken tastes like wood.

You haven't had cornbread till you've tried my cornbread

newtboy says...

Love the *quality interaction, the back story, and the friendliness it takes to invite two strangers to your home for dinner,
..... but proper southern cornbread takes cornmeal, eggs, buttermilk, and fresh BACON GREASE. Once you make it that way you'll agree, no bacon, no good. I prefer it cooked in the oven in a buttered cast iron skillet too, then the bottom doesn't get over done.

How Easy it is to Buy a AR-15 in South Carolina

newtboy says...

Not possible here in California. I've tried.
They insist you put it through the full registration process with all associated fees, waiting period during which you turn it in to a gun store, and your id attached in case it's stolen or has been used in crimes. It's surprising that that's not the norm everywhere, but I'm pretty sure Florida doesn't do any of that.
If you could get that info and found out your new gun is stolen during a murder, what then? Ditch it (destroying evidence in a murder and becoming a co conspirator), turn it in (losing your money and becoming a murder suspect), sell it (selling stolen property and hiding evidence in a murder), or what? There's no good option if you bought a gun with a body on it, especially when you can't say where you got it.

If you see nothing wrong with repeatedly crossing state lines to avoid your own state laws, you can't ever complain that it's too easy for criminals to get guns, especially where it's difficult for law abiding citizens, because this is how most of them get illegal unregistered guns.
There's nothing stopping convicted murderers, rapists, and kidnappers from easily building an unregistered arsenal when this is allowed, so absolutely zero possibility of keeping guns away from the clearly criminally insane....that's what you want? It's what you advocate.

bobknight33 said:

I just need 15 minutes to enter SC.. Time for me to get some.

Nothing wrong with this.

I would however call my local sheriff and let him know the SN# to check if any wrong doing was done with this gun.

Restored 1967 Footage Of Saturn V Space Rocket Launch

bareboards2 says...

@ChaosEngine @Buck

My dad was in the Air Force. He was chosen for a particular program -- to be a Range Safety Officer on launches.

Once he got his Masters in Engineering at MIT on the government's dime, he was stationed at Cape Canaveral.

His job was to have his hand on the key that would blow up a missile when it went off course. The course was set so that if it went bad, the pieces would fall safely into the ocean. If it started to veer off course, you had to blow it up quick.

He was stationed at Cape Canaveral from something like 1958 to 1966. About that time frame. Early days, when they didn't know quite how to do a successful launch -- and he blew up a lot.

More than any other person -- and no one will catch up with his record, because it is no longer early days.

He got a Saturn. He blew up a Titan. He blew up a lot of Missilemen missiles.

He mostly worked on the unmanned launches. Only one launch (that I know of) was manned -- and he almost had to blow it up. He was sweating that one -- because of the stakes of blowing early or blowing late and no good result if you make the wrong choice. There was a wobble ... and he waited ... and it corrected.

But yeah. A Saturn.

After Cape Canaveral, he was stationed at Vandenberg Air Force Base, NW of Santa Barbara. The west coast equivalent of the Cape.

PM me your email, and I'll send you a SERIOUSLY cool cartoon that was a gift when he left the Cape. Sitting astride a rocket that has obviously been launched from Florida, with silhouettes of all the missiles he blew up -- with HASHMARKS for how many of each.

It is seriously cool.

Crazy Nut Shot

eric3579 says...

When i was around 12yrs old a "friend" kicked me in the balls as a joke. Most pain ever and for no good reason! I went home crying, grabbed a saw, and chased him down the street with it at full speed, all the while crying and screaming how i was gonna kill him. I was stopped by the parents in the neighborhood who heard me screaming and saw me running after him with the saw.

(edit) looking back on it i'm pretty sure i was just trying to scare the shit out of him because i was so upset. I was hardly a violent kid and knew you don't hit people...especially with a saw.

Fairbs said:

I had a buddy who hit me in the nuts with a tennis ball (mostly accidentally) and I wasn't his friend for about a month

Houston Cop To Rescuers-"We've Had Enough"

King Joffrey was obviously misunderstood

Mordhaus jokingly says...

He was obviously up to no good, started making trouble in the neighborhood.

He drank one poisoned drink and his mom got scared, so she blamed Uncle Tyrion and had a trial where lies were aired.

Vox: Why America still uses Fahrenheit

ChaosEngine says...

Nope, she proves it.

"but you can easily convert it!!"

Yeah, but it's a pointless waste of time. It took 10 secs for that conversion in the video. There are 323 million people in the US. If 1% of the population did the conversion once a month, that's still over 100,000 hours wasted every year (and in the real world, the figure is likely several orders of magnitude higher).

There is no good reason whatsoever to use imperial measurements.

TheFreak said:

And then she negates her entire argument in the closing shot of the video.

Antifa Violence Finally Called Out by Media

Asmo says...

Bob, the people you're trying to either defend or deflect attention from are fucking cunts, end of story. I understand that people are being driven to the far right (leftist violence and impingement on free speech predated Trump and the rise of the alt right, and has a lot to do as a causal factor for both), and that certainly not everyone heading to that end of spectrum are awful, but anyone preaching racial purity, resisting the white genocide etc have lost the fucking plot. There is no right side apart from condemning all illegal violence and upholding free speech.

Newt, you pontificate about how even handed you've been, but where are the hosts of videos showing antifa violence? Where are the upvotes for this video? I've been considering putting some of them up not as a mitigation for the actions of the right, but to show that polarisation and extremism is no good for anyone, but I was almost entirely sure they wouldn't sift in the slightest. Given this vid has been up for 9 hours and has 1 vote (mine), the theory seems to hold water...

Meanwhile, Arnold's tirade against nazi's is top sift of the week. Not that he was wrong of course, but anyone with five minutes and a willingness to be open minded can find endless unbiased documentation of leftist violence, something he completely omits to mention. He talks about the nazi's rotting in hell, how about Stalin's communists (which antifa models itself off...)?

Sift is leftward leaning and that's cool, I generally agree with a lot of sensible ideas that people around here are for. But it has it's own bigotry against people expressing views that aren't in lockstep with the majority view, and members certainly aren't afraid to punish people for not toeing the line.

And one of my favourite quotes as an advocate for free speech no matter how awful or confronting it might be...

"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."

H. L. Mencken

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