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Bike Tricks

Insane Dirt Biking

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Dirt, Bike, Trail, Dirtbike, Motorbike, Lean to the Left' to 'Dirt, Bike, Trail, Dirtbike, Motorbike, Lean to the Left, enduro, motorcycle' - edited by therealblankman

A very, very narrow garage. But this is still awesome

Bluegrass Rhapsody (Bohemian Rhapsody)

spoco2 says...

That lead singer really does have a nice voice.

I was going to say 'Gee, I wish they'd get off just the faces'... but then they switch to the incredibly shaky motorbike section that demonstrates what a steadycam is for. And show a guy playing a guitar when no guitar is playing.

Should have stuck with the heads I think.

Gunman Opens Fire On Protestors Causing Them To Attack

Raaagh says...

>> ^demon_ix:
Most of the violence against protesters comes from the Basij, as I understand, which is a sort of government-sponsored militia. An army without government responsibility.

From what little I understand, they are basically poor working class, indoctrinated into believing they are in a class/morality war with the more affluent urbanites. There is a few hundred thousand of em IIRC, generally outfitted with motorbikes and clubs.

Blankfist takes NetRunner out for a ride

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

kymbos says...

1. My parents met at a Communist Party meeting in the 1950s.
2. I have never before felt compelled to write one of these things to strangers, but my love of the Sift has been growing by the week.
3. I am passionate about uncomfortable comedy.
4. My mum once accidentally ran over my leg in the family car when I was little. When I rushed to show and tell at school, no one believed me.
5. One of my major life goals is to become practical with my hands. I think my generation missed out on life skills, and I’m determined to learn them.
6. I miss my daughter every single day.
7. Most of my sifts never make it.
8. I have lived in Oz (my home country), France and Vietnam. While I can speak fluent French, I never took to Vietnamese.
9. I have ridden a motorbike every day since I lived in Vietnam, but I’m planning on trading down to a pushbike for exercise, sustainability and safety reasons. I’ve never had a serious accident, but I think it’s only a matter of time.
10. I’ve had a blessed life, filled with opportunity.
11. I would quite fancy a career in politics at some point, but I’ve had too much fun with too many people to survive the moral hypocrisy blowtorch of modern political life.
12. Alice Cooper ate at a restaurant I worked in once. He had sausages with maple syrup.
13. I consider myself a pragmatist.
14. I cannot cope with liars. They confuse me.
15. I’m not into guns, but I would like to shoot a feral pig one day to see what it feels like.
16. My personal hero is Paul Keating.
17. I once held open the door to Parliament House for Gough Whitlam – he didn’t thank me.
18. I’m not scared of heights, but I am in my dreams.
19. My favourite place in the world is Stradbroke Island
20. I was passing through the Philippines during an attempted military coup in the 1980s. There were pre-teen kids my age carrying automatic guns.
21. I’m not into computer games, but I’m very competitive and get short term addictions to internet games. I’m currently into Blast Billiards
22. I regularly play lawn bowls
23. I would love to build a sustainable house one day, like those ‘Earth Ships’ designed by the Garbage Warrior.
24. I’m neither religious nor superstitious
25. This list took me my entire lunch time to write, and it's so long since this blog was posted few will ever read it.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

Discussions from: "Police Brutality, Denmark" sift (Law Talk Post)

legacy0100 says...

In reply to this comment by rougy:
Cops are needed. I know that. But you don't have to be fucking assholes all of the time to get the job done. That's where you fail.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
Your "Show of Force" thing is true, but not in all cases, and I submit that many times it only undermines your authority. As I've said before, we have too many Rambos and not enough Andy Griffith's. We have too many guys with power fetishes who can't wait for an excuse to slap somebody around.

I was lying on a park bench one time and a cop rode his motorbike right up to my face. He didn't have to do that. He could have just said "Sir, that's not allowed here."

You know that the cops are needed, then you should also know WHY they 'have to be fucking assholes all of the time to get the job done.' You've got a cop for a brother. Ask him why, for god sakes, he's your brother.

It is necessary because you must show intimidation when approaching a stranger to establish a state of dominance. It is unspoken body language that's practiced out in the field. You as an individual may think it's unnecessary, tell that to all the people wearing uniforms, on duty and active, and they may slightly disagree with you there.

It would be so nice to just figure out who is potentially dangerous and who isn't without having to go through all that. But GUESS WHAT! YOU CAN'T!!! SURPRISE!!!!! So cops establish dominance early. Can you really blame them? They're trying to protect themselves as well, otherwise these people see fear, hesitation, weakness. You can't afford to give them a benefit of a doubt.

A person could be well dress with perfumes, a caucasian female with blonde hair, and chances are she could be a cop killer. Equality for all, no bias, no racism people say. There you go, equal asshole treatment for all. Cops are being just as cautious with you as they would with any other random drunkard out in the street. So what are you complaining about?

You may think it's unnecessary but there's a reason why they do it. Everything has a reason. You see this especially in rough neighborhoods. You wouldn't see a cop do this in, let's say in Beverly Hills, CA. But let's say, in Oakland you'd definitely see the cop approach you with a swagger and an attitude.

I don't think I need to explain the reasons why. It's pretty damn obvious. Just get it, please. So live in a richer area, don't hang out in fishy places. That's all I gotta say. As stated above: That's the jest of everything. Learn it, understand it, keep on truckin'. Isn't that right rottenseed?

Right now where I work we have Thierry, a retired Cop and Dennis, a private detective as part our staff. Thierry receives his pension from the state and is set for life, but he still comes to work all the way from Upstate NY Just because he wants to stay sharp, dealing with the muscleheads, blacks and a swarm of riley young Russians at night time.

The private detective is just doing this for fun when the work flow is slow. Because he likes to observe people and guess the type of personality derived from first impression and body language.

And these guys tell me tell me this:

All you gotta do is cooperate with the cop. Don't act like a tough man and give them an attitude. What are you, Many of you feel uneasy and feel you're 'submitting' to the cop. What's so big about that? It's your damn man-ego that's causing all the friction. You see all those gangsters and criminals in TV shows giving cops an attitude? Like wild dogs they are, growling, snarling, pissing on the floor to mark their territory. You're no better than these simpletons.

Just be calm and cooperate with the authority that has approached you. They're not here to purposely annoy you and take away your time. The more people they interrogate means more office work for them as well. They want as little to no trouble as you would want. So if you haven't done anything wrong, just calm the fuck down, cooperate with the authority, and you should be fine.

Discussions from: "Police Brutality, Denmark" sift (Law Talk Post)

rougy says...

Cops are needed. I know that. But you don't have to be fucking assholes all of the time to get the job done. That's where you fail.

There are good cops. I know that.

But there are fucking pricks in there who keep having excuses made for them, and that's not doing any of us any good.

Your "Show of Force" thing is true, but not in all cases, and I submit that many times it only undermines your authority. As I've said before, we have too many Rambos and not enough Andy Griffith's. We have too many guys with power fetishes who can't wait for an excuse to slap somebody around.

I was lying on a park bench one time and a cop rode his motorbike right up to my face. He didn't have to do that. He could have just said "Sir, that's not allowed here."

I've been stopped and interrogated for doing nothing more menacing than taking a shortcut down an alley on my way home from the pub.

One time in Denver, two cops stopped me and wanted to take me "down town" for a few hours, or a few days, because I was walking home near a place that was robbed. No other reason. No other evidence.

You know, you guys have just acted like assholes so many times that I'm as leery of you as I am of the hoods. And as often as not, you're worthless as hell. You get to the scene an hour after the fact. You file a report that will never be followed up on. You have this "Well what do you expect me to do about it?" attitude.

And I'm pretty mad at you for jumping to the defense of that cop in the video that you referenced.

A lot of you are pretty lazy and not very bright, and bullies at heart.

Just an FYI, my brother wears a badge. I think he's probably really good at what he does, but I don't even know him any more. He's said and done things, grossly insensitive things, that really make it hard for me to be around him.

MC Chris - Fett's Vette

eric3579 says...

Cruisin' Mos Espa
In my Delorean
War's over
I'm a peacetime mandalorian

My story has stumped
Star Wars historians
Deep in debate,
Buffet plate at Bennigan's

Rhyme renegade
Sure to penetrate
First and second offense
I won't hesitate

Got a job to do
And Darth's the guy that delegates
Got something against Skywalker
Someone he really hates

I don't give a fuck
I'm after Solo
For all I care
He could be hidin' at Yoda's dojo

Gotta make the money
Credit's no good
When the jawas runin' shop
In your neighborhood

Think you can cook
I got a grappling hook
Let's make this quick
'Cause I'm really booked

I'm a devious degenerate
Defender of the devil
Shut down all the trash compactors
On the detention level

My backpack's got jets
Well I'm Boba the Fett
Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt
To finance my 'Vette

wicky wicky woo

Well I chill in deep space
A mask is over my face
Well I deliver the prize
But I still narrow my eyes
'Cause my time
I don't like to waste.

Get down

I'm a question
Wrapped inside an enigma
Get inside the slave one
Find your homing signal

From Endor to Hoth
Ripley to Spock
I'll find what you want
But there's gonna be a cost

See, my name is Boba Fett
I know my shit is tight
Start not actin'right
You're frozen in carbonite

Got telescopic sight
Flame throwers on my wrist
You still don't get the gist
Spiked boots are made to kick

Targets are made to hit
You think I give a shit
Yo mama is a bitch
I see you in the Sarlaac Pit

You just flipped my switch
Integrity been dissed
You scratchin' on my itch
You know I shoot to get

Got bambinas at cantinas
Waitin' to lick my lusty lips
So I'll let you get back inside
Your little space ship

Give you a head start
'Cause I'm the sportin' kind
Consider the starting line
The sneaky smile I hide inside

Hope you have hyper drive (drive)
pray to stay alive ('live)
Don't try to slip me a five
'Cause I never take a bribe

To the beat of a different drummer
Bad ass bounty hunter
Let no man put asunder
Or else they be put under

As in six feet
Got an imperial fleet
Backin' me up, gonna blow up
Any attempt to defeat

They gotta death star
Got four payments on my car
Hand it over to hammer head
At Mos Eisley bar

He used to carjack
Now he's a barback
Just goes to show how you can
Get back on the right track

As for me that's not an option
Can't say that with more clarity
Me going legit would be like
Jar Jar on speech therapy

My backpack's got jets
Well I'm Boba the Fett
Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt
To finance my 'Vette

wicky wicky woo

Well I chill in deep space
A mask is over my face
Well I deliver the prize
But I still narrow my eyes
'Cause my time
I don't like to waste.

Get down

Slice you open like a Taun Taun
Faster than the Autobahn
Or a motorbike in Tron
Do the deed and then I'm gone

Jaba has a hissyfit
Contact Calrissian
Over a colt, the plan unfolds
No politic is legit

Back in the day
When I was a slave
Living life in the fast lane
Like in a pod race

My mean streak tweaked
I became a basket case
So this space ace
Split that place, poste haste

Took up a noble cause
Called the Clone Wars
'Cause life's not all about
Girls and cars

Getting fucked up
In fucked up bars
See, I'm not a retard
Or gay like de Barge

I'm large and in charge
With a face so scarred
A cold black heart
That's been torn apart

The Sith wish that they
Had a dick so hard
'Cause it's long long ago
In a pussy far far

Call me master, 'cause I'm faster
Than Pryor on fire
I no longer have to hot wire

I'm a hunter for hire
With no plans to retire
And all the sucka MCs
Can call me sire

My backpack's got jets! (jets jets jets)

Well I'm Boba the Fett! (the Fett the Fett)

Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt, (Jabba Hutt Jabba Hutt Jabba Hutt)

...To finance my 'Vette (my 'Vette my 'Vette my 'Vette my 'Vette)

Crazy Japan Scooter

Crazy Japan Scooter

Merry-Go-Round Massacre

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Disagree. The previous post may have been discarded because it was dead, but it is discarded - regardless of the system we had back in the day. The status of post is the end determiner of whether something is dead/discarded/queued/published.

>> ^Lurch:
"Duplicates will be discarded. A duplicate video is one which contains content already on VideoSift in a published, queued, personal queued, or dead video submission."
e-with-Motorbike was dead back before the dead pool when sifts were just discarded. Technically, that one should be repaired with the working embed for this one... but whatever.

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