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Angry Video Game Nerd -- NES Accessories

viewer_999 says...

As an old C64 gamer, I didn't even know most of these controllers existed. Head tracking, with sound activation?? MIDI(?) keyboards? Wow. Hey game developers out there, what the hell have you done for us lately? This dusty old junk from ages ago was far more innovative (ignoring the problems) than anything you've presented in a decade (not counting the wii, since it's also from Nintendo). Some of these techs are long overdue for a revisit.

Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on a Bottle Organ

Megaman 3 with Vocal Audio

Pitch correction like you've never seen (or heard)

Bjork directing beatboxer Shlomo

Still Alive On 8080

dgandhi says...

Assuming that the programmer pulled MIDI, images and lyrics off the web, just converting them and syncing them up must have taken at least an hour or two, and that's assuming that they already had all the code on hand to do a "multi-media" presentation on their 8080.

Somebody has way too much time on their hands, and for that they get my vote.

Keyboard Drumming done right

jmd says...

Actually drumming on a keyboard is easier then playing keyboard on a keyboard. A midi drum kit generally doesn't carry different octaves of drums. This leaves only the need for the user to get down the timing, unlike piano playing where notes matter. That said, it was a good play, sure beats (no pun) having to enter your drum sequences by mouse.

Dark Forces gameplay video

Animated short - "The Piano"

Rush - YYZ Animated

Zero Wing Rhapsody: A TMST Production

djsunkid says...

Funny idea, but very VERY poor execution. Couldn't he find a karaoke version to use instead of a terrible sounding MIDI file? As much as I loved the Ultimate Showdown and his kitties video, no upvote for this. This is almost unlistenable.

The TENORI-ON -- sweetest audio interface ever?

The Ultimate NES Game

looris says...

still no info about the j-track played when sylvia is walking?

edit: (from youtube)

This popular hit song's name is "Okusenman" from the game of Rock man's background midi, Japanese had written lyrics for this midi also gave it this name.


(actually it's "Okkusenman")

Dissociative Fugue

Rotty says...

Years ago a friend of mine was sure that you could produce a midi sequence from music audio. I was certain you could not because (similar to what Ant says) you can use analysis to extract frequency information (FFTs, for example), but you cannot extract waveforms of indiviual instruments. One would have to know, at the minimum, all the instruments being played in the audio. You would have to use analysis to determine which instruments are part of the current composite wave form and at what stage of the sound wave each individual instrument was currently at. Seems like a daunting (if possible) task.

Then again, I could be totallyout of my mind about this...

JEL of Anticon performs live sample-based music

lgtoast says...

That's patently moronic. A computer could reproduce pretty much any piano concerto with MIDI, too, does that mean it isn't impressive when someone sits down and bangs out a complex piece of Rachmaninoff? The whole point is that while that could have been sequenced, it wasn't - every individual sound you heard was triggered by a button being pressed at a precise moment. He played the drums, bass and guitar all separately. It was an insanely complex and demanding feat of musical prowess. Bow down.

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