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Geert Wilders brilliant speech

MaxWilder says...

I can see why it is illegal to yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. It can cause panic because people have no time to assess the validity of the statement.

Anything less direct must be protected by law, or everything will be lost. Fuck people's hurt feelings. Hurting someone's feelings is not like breaking someone's arm. And incitement to violence? Again, only if it is a very short term situation, where people feel they must rely on the source of the information or their lives will be at risk.

Making claims that an incoming ideology is cancerous to a society is not a life or death immediate situation. There is time for people to discuss the point and embrace or dismiss it based on their own findings. If I were to claim that all short people steal babies, then some moron goes and kills a midget "to protect his child", that is entirely the fault of the idiot who failed to invalidate my claim. There was no life or death spur of the moment decision that needed to be made.

Our laws must respect our need to bring up topics of concern for discussion, even if they are emotionally charged. Even if one side eventually is proven wrong. We must be able to debate, or society will collapse into some form of fascism like in Orwell's 1984.

Now society, on the other hand, can and should be allowed to shun whatever idiots come up with stupid claims. Scientology, for instance. Nobody should ever try to make it illegal, but if people want to picket in front of their buildings and point out how stupid they are, great! That's debate, and it will help people make more informed decisions.

And similarly, if Wilders (no relation btw) wants to make terrible films describing his feelings about Islam, I don't care how emotionally charged and obscene they are. I don't even care if they are completely wrong! He must be able to speak, otherwise the ability to hold open debate on any topic is in jeopardy. It is the responsibility of the listener to interpret and work through the validity of the claims he makes, and abstain from any action until reaching their own informed opinion. It should never be done in a court.

Man spends 6 years injecting silicone into his PENIS

Look Who's Talking! ..Palin

choggie says...

^if you ignore the vapid cunt she'll go away.....I KNOW!!?? Let's start the ball rolling by never posting another piece of shit news cast from FOX, or another fucking clip of Palin, ever again!!

Look, it's not about how stupid the "right" is and how enlightened the "left", its about the distraction of following the goddamn major media whatsoever-Do the world a favor, boycott media. Write affiliates and break down their character with insults. Boycott their advertisers. All the ineffectual discussions combined here on VS regarding the news media does absolutely nothing to correct the problem, to destroy the machine of disinformation the world is immersed in right now.....the current propaganda machine in the world is enough to make Joseph Goebbels' cock, rock hard.

I would like to see Rachel Maddow and Sarah Palin fisting each other on a stack of damp midgets....

Atheist Comedy - The Great Flood

thinker247 says...

What size shoe are we talking about? Or what size woman? I'm sure you could fit a midget into Shaquille O'Neal's shoe.

There was an old midget
who lived in Shaq's shoe
She had so many joint problems
she didn't know what to do
So she killed herself.

>> ^rottenseed:
Arguing this is like arguing that there wasn't an old woman who lived in a shoe

What was that commercial! (Commercial Talk Post)

choggie says...

guyincognito,(obviously masturbating), try or askafucking, to find yer answer (this is choggie trying to play cop and pretending to be a douche bag)....nah, man, does not ring any more videos maybe and get to know the in any pub or brothel, keep yer jizz-space au privae.

Oh wait, It's that Estée Lauder commercial with the midgets and the cross-dressing Norsemen, ok.

The scariest soda commercial you'll ever see

Why David Lynch Turned Down 'Return of the Jedi'

Drax says...

*Luke stares out the window as the battle rages, a conflicted look upon him*

*A slow jazzy tune begins to play*

*Luke turns around suddenly finding the room has gone mostly red with a large curtain draped over where Palpatine's throne resided*

*A midget cloaked under a large hood walks out from behind the curtain holding Luke's light saber*

"Uoy tnaw siht...."

*Somewhere in the distance a light bulb flickers then pops as it burns out*

-Edit- Ermm.. I just watched the other clip, I guess I had the right idea going....

Australian Magazine Features 7ft Tall Model On Cover

Australian Magazine Features 7ft Tall Model On Cover

raverman says...

I'm inclined to wonder if *all* body parts are equally as large in proportion.

Is it possible there is a fetish for 'giant porn' instead of midgets and i just haven't found it on the internet yet?

(ok i'm pretending for the sake of arguement it actually is a woman not a post op.)

The great PQ whoring-out (Sift Talk Post)

'Drunk' Ewoks disrupt NBC's 'Today' Show (10/30/2009)

KnivesOut says...

>> ^BoneyD:
What a dick head. I bet that wasn't in the 'script', to go around Kung Fu fighting eachother and acting up. I bet the one that was trying to be in character was getting really pissed off.

Yeah, I'm sure that MIDGET DRESSED UP IN AN EWOK SUIT had his artistic integrity insulted.

As an actor... and a thespian.

blankfist (Member Profile)

qualm says...

Sorry, I didn't mean that as a dig. It's what I thought. Now go eat a cookie or something.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Late teens? Early twenties? Not even close.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
By jaysus! lol, I think not, but thanks for the invitation. :rolleyes: Perhaps you don't realize just how you appear to be such a mental midget trolling that laughable 'Nazism is leftism' canard. Probably it works with a largely USian audience, though -- to me at least, for some reason, they seem so much more susceptible than other people; very Goebbelian of you. I need to remember that you're still in your late teens/early 20s.

You might find interesting Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism".

blankfist (Member Profile)

qualm says...

By jaysus! lol, I think not, but thanks for the invitation. *rolleyes* Perhaps you don't realize just how you appear to be such a mental midget trolling that laughable 'Nazism is leftism' canard. Probably it works with a largely USian audience, though. To me at least, for some reason, they seem so much more susceptible than other people. Very Goebbelian of you, I might add. I need to remember that you're still in your late teens/early 20s.

You might find interesting Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism".

Robotic Dinosaurs - German Television

Bill Maher On Child Predators

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