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Bill Maher On Child Predators

Five Cool Pushup Variations

Five Cool Pushup Variations

Fascist Cops engage in hi-speed pursuit of Seven-year-old.

About damn time (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Bill Maher - New Rules: America Is Michael Jackson!

Seth McFarlane - "Sex With"

The View: Bruno - Almost Porn

rottenseed (Member Profile)

videosiftbannedme says...

Doh! (Smacks own head) SCALE, not scale! My bad.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
that's why it's a scale...I know, thanks I added some pink feathers for fashion

In reply to this comment by videosiftbannedme:
In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
>> ^videosiftbannedme:
Well, well, well. Here we are, all with our peckers out, and nobody has the same measuring tape.
And in 3 months time, nobody is going to care. (Except for the thin-skinned and small-peckered of us.)
(...and my acknowledgment to all the ladies of the Sift, who don't have to be bothered with having peckers in the first place. Mmmmmwah. )

I don't use a measuring tape...I use a scale

1/8" = 1'-0" is usually enough to make me average

I'm sure you meant to use a # sign in there somewhere, as I don't recall an eighth of an inch equaling a foot. Unless, of course, you're a midget. Oh, and btw, you look sexy in handcuffs.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

videosiftbannedme says...

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
>> ^videosiftbannedme:
Well, well, well. Here we are, all with our peckers out, and nobody has the same measuring tape.
And in 3 months time, nobody is going to care. (Except for the thin-skinned and small-peckered of us.)
(...and my acknowledgment to all the ladies of the Sift, who don't have to be bothered with having peckers in the first place. Mmmmmwah. )

I don't use a measuring tape...I use a scale

1/8" = 1'-0" is usually enough to make me average

I'm sure you meant to use a # sign in there somewhere, as I don't recall an eighth of an inch equaling a foot. Unless, of course, you're a midget. Oh, and btw, you look sexy in handcuffs.

Blankfist roasting on an open fire (Parody Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

The quality of American cinema hit rock bottom with blankfist trying to become a director. After years of starring in movies like "When a man loves a horse" and "Blankfist and the seven dwarves", he felt he was ready to make his own movies. After directing and co-starring in a number of gay midget porn films he got his big break and was quickly dubbed as the next Michael Bay in tinseltown. However, he fell out of grace with the studios when they discovered he ended most scenes with youtube videos of farting cats and the credits simply saying "a$$gr@vy". The fact that Ron Paul got a restraining order on blankfist for sending him used manthongs didn't help his reputation either.

"Blankfist: The epitome of mediocracy" will air on HBO later this year.

Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in The World"

The Baby That Doesn't Age

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^entr0py:
So that gives me hope that the infantilized midget rape barrier will be cracked some day.

You just can't avoid taking a quote like that out of context. I just wish Charles Darwin had said it, it would make the creationists much funnier.

The Baby That Doesn't Age

entr0py says...

>> ^shuac:
>> ^westy:
when she is 18, when i have sex with her dose that still make me a pedophile?

Hilarious. To you downvoters of this comment: I have a coupon for Senses-Of-Humor-R-Us that I don't need. I can send it to you if you like.

In order to pull off an inappropriate joke, it needs to be both crass AND funny. If it fails at being funny you just come off as being unbelievably creepy.

I'm not saying you couldn't craft a joke about sexually abusing severely retarded teenage girls, but . . . wait, no yeah that might be the limit.

Then again Ricky Gervais pulled off a good necrophilia joke on sesame street. So that gives me hope that the infantilized midget rape barrier will be cracked some day. But I don't think we have the technology yet.

How to Grill a Delicious Steak

lucky760 says...

True ^dat. Not that it'd make a big difference as far as talking over one another goes, but I guess I should have prefaced this by saying this was actually recorded for sound on Adam Carolla's podcast, so they were probably more focused on the audio rather than video.

And LMFAHS at your midget comment. So true, but aren't you glad at least that everyone else berated him for it? And, wtf, you get nauseated watching food get cooked? Then why would you attend a barbecue?!

Also, does the chef guy's voice remind anyone else of "psychic" James Van Praag's? Ugh.

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