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acidSpine (Member Profile)

marinara says...

In reply to this comment by acidSpine:
dang I wish i had my star so i could promote this. Still, is anyone else sick of these optimistic fifty something year olds pretending we can actually save the world?

Well I'm conducting an unofficial sift poll

How much longer do you think it will be before Earth is fucked mad max style?

dude you have to watch out, don't let people that are paid to scare you scare you. I'm dead serious here, you can't allow yourself to be a tool of these scaremongers.

Hooked on Growth

acidSpine says...

dang I wish i had my star so i could promote this. Still, is anyone else sick of these optimistic fifty something year olds pretending we can actually save the world?

Well I'm conducting an unofficial sift poll

How much longer do you think it will be before Earth is fucked mad max style?

schmawy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I'm glad you liked it.

Also, if you still want to keep the Motorhead video on the Wheels channel page, you'll need to replace the one that's there, because the audio was swapped with classical piano music (because the record label forced him to remove the audio portion). Here's where you can find an embed to replace it, and it shouldn't go dead or be altered because it's hosted by Spike TV - a division of Viacom that's deep in cahoots with the music industry:

Or if you want to replace it with the choo-choo video that's cool. Change is good. I won't throw a tantrum. I think.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
You know me too well. Thanks. I might make it the wheels channel page video, but I still love the motorhead one I got from you. I don't even know it it's still there, now I think about it.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Something for your inner engineer:

Blankfist roasting on an open fire (Parody Talk Post)

Olberman: Glenn Beck Encourage Americans to Shoot Americans

Lowen says...

"Are you living in fucking Mad Max 2?"

No, I'm not. It's rare, but people get attacked by other people (criminals) with knives, or illegal guns. Running away is not always an option, and the police can't be everywhere. In these situations a gun can be the only way someone can avoid death.

It is a human right to have this ability.

Olberman: Glenn Beck Encourage Americans to Shoot Americans

The Lord Humungus' Speech

World's Fattest Monkey Found in Backyard

budzos says...

Haha the second dream was so revealing that I edited it out, but thanks for that awesome insight! I'm pretty sure it's the underriding fear of my creditors. I am currently making good money and it's all flying out the window to credit cards, etc. to the point I was half-rooting for the world to go Mad Max for a little while there.

The Faster you speed, the bigger the mess:Irish PSA

1932 Helicron

Weather Channel & 30000 scientists sue Al Gore for fraud

braindonut says...

IMO, we're quickly approaching an event horizon where this won't be a debatable topic - and from everything I'm reading and hearing on the news, we are very nearly there. At a certain point, I would guess that any individual who argues the case provided in this video will be held accountable, at that point. What "being held accountable" translates into depends on severity of the situation. It's shaping up to be pretty severe.

Me? I plan on strapping people with this viewpoint to the front of my Mad Max'esque truck.

500 Climate Change Skeptics Meet to Discuss Global Warming

Irishman says...

I don't think any of us have heard and understand both sides of the climate change debate.

Why don't we just put the sceptics on the TV and have them make their case?

Why don't the sceptical scientists just get together around a laptop, and make their own Al Gore style PowerPoint and stick it on YouTube?

You know what I think? I think we all secretly want a huge global catastrophe, just so we can say "fuck it", not go into work anymore, and drive around all day in Mad Max cars hunting gasoline tankers and shagging Tina Turner.

Fox Business: Gerald Celente Predicts US Revolution

schmawy (Member Profile)

Mad Max montage, set to Motörhead's "Ace Of Spades"

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