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dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

I'm not sure what you are looking for here. Do you want me to let your arguments to go unchallenged?

No. And I'm not calling you out personally, nor the submitter of any sift for submitting it. Never have.

Do you think you are a victim?

That's a question I would ask of anyone who leans left.

Do you think you are being singled out and persecuted because you are conservative? If that's the case, then why don't other conservatives on the site suffer the problems that you do?

1) Barring a few random posts, I know of no other conservatives on this site; I'm told they avoid me...since they don't exist...I cannot say.

2) You assume the feedback is "a problem." The only suffering, I realized, is the suffering I get by spoiling others' good time. The majority of sifters lean left. I'm not helping anyone, including myself.

3) My "critics" seem unable or unwilling to tolerate my "punditry". If it's not the one-liners, they object to the "name calling" (e.g. Keith Olbyloon = Keep Overbite) or that this or that comment "lacks depth", the last being a problem of generation and education. I can't make up for decades of government school indoctrination explaining something as simple as "The Constitution limits government power."

Maybe it's not everyone else. Maybe it's you.

That's OK. Right or wrong, a warrior always stands alone.

Say whatever you want, whenever you want. I actually enjoy the opportunity to deconstruct your rhetoric, and I encourage you to deconstruct mine.

But we haven't done that...if I gave every sift I commented on the loving attention it deserves, this would be my full time job. Ha ha ha.

If you can't see problems in plain view with our President and country, then I'm not sure what to say.

Both sides see a country in crisis. Where they differ is the reasons, motives and underlying philosophies.

Example: man-made global warming, to the left, is the ultimate deity replacement and all-purpose tool to gain complete power, since everything and everyone is affected by it. Therefore the left embraces all evidence claiming warming is a real and immediate threat and act accordingly. The other side (mine) sees this for what it is, what I just described. Is the globe heating? Sure, it heats and cools all the time, has for millions of years. Is it man-made? There's no solid evidence, yet all these good folks that want to DO SOMETHING have decided the argument is closed and are ready to flip civilization on its ear for an unproven theory.

I'm actually hopeful that both parties are finally moving away from Movement Politics towards Principled Politics. I see the Republican love affair with principled conservatives like Ron Paul very heartening, just as the Democrats have begun to embrace principled Liberals such as Dean and Obama. It's very interesting to see how this switch effects the opposition. Politicians like Obama and Paul are gaining quite a bit of crossover respect, if not crossover support.

Maybe it's time you started the transition from Movement Conservative to the Principled variety.

I know you didn't ask for them, but here's my Cliffs Notes of those two:

Obama: a good speaker, inspiring, but inexperienced, naive about world affairs and hiding his true ultra-left agenda. No politician ever got elected stating flat out: "If you elect me, I will raise your taxes." You have to know that's his plan. Same with Hil.

Paul: a principled man, yes, but unfortunately the only one of his caliber in Congress and therefore a cult of personality. I agree with most of Paul's platform, but he's as naive about world affairs as Obama if he thinks recalling all of our troops around the world will somehow promote peace and understanding. You have to know that while you and I may embrace many views of a Ron Paul (or not), so many of our fellow Americans are already receiving a check from the government, and many, many more are hoping for the same. The government has bought in and bought everyone off. Nothing new really:

"Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." -- Frédéric Bastiat (1801 – 1850)

I want to agree with your moniker, as I'm a natural cynic and pessimist; I just happen to view conservatism as a rational response to humans' natural savagery, not a cause of it.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
I'm not sure what you are looking for here. Do you want me to let your arguments to go unchallenged?...

Star Trek + Nine Inch Nails - Closer

NIN + Star Trek = Goodness

The Giuliani-Oxycontin Connection

Prospero says...

It mystifies me that so many Repubs are taken with Giuliani, and Thompson as well... it's almost like they want to lose. It's worse than the Democrats love affair with Mrs. Clinton.

If the '08 election isn't Paul vs. Obama, I'm not even paying attention.

Bill Maher on Feminism

Mara says...

I as a woman, will gladly take to heart what Bill Mahrer said. In that light, I will never bog down a man by having him marry me. This gives me ample evidence that a life full of sex with various partners is the way to go. I can now live the life I've always wanted. Never getting married, never having kids because no matter what any man says to me from now on, he will never want to be with just me for the remainder of his life. I already own an indoor cat, why subject that cruelness to a human being?

Thank you, Bill, for showing me the way. I can now fill my schedule with a plethora of short torrid love affairs, one night stands and never have crying brats furthering the overpopulation of the world. Kudos!

Que es El Meatrix?

choggie says...

Seriously folks, thought that this Meatrix project was well-done, there are the meatrix 2 and 2.5 out there on u-tube from the producers, embedding disabled, for all you folks that don't speak spanglish.....The chicken and the pig love-affair is the only stretch, otherwise, you are what you eat.....

Intangible Meg Grabs Some Tangible Gold (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

Hmmmmm. The boys on the sift seem quite enthused.....HA! So many of then, I fear, have questionable hygiene, and love affairs with their gaming equipment and computers......That's what you get for putting up a slinky avatar, at a dweezer convention!!!!

More power to the ladies, now......where are all the stable, experienced women, on the sift????? heheh hehheh hehehehehehe......

archchef (Member Profile)

archchef (Member Profile)

swampgirl (Member Profile)

The Tick

Kirk and Spocks love affair

Krupo says...

nsfw note - it's the NIN song Closer which has the lyrics, "I want to F' you like an animal". Just in case you didn't know and have small children wandering around.

But more importantly, if you have small children around, why are you watching a Kirk/Spock love affair vid???

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