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Diablo 3 in a Nutshell

Auger8 jokingly says...

and 12 years later it's still a work in progress. $60 for a Beta, take my money now!
>> ^Unsung_Hero:

and by Blizzard raiding people's wallets they mean producing a product the masses are willing to buy.
>> ^Auger8:
And by looting they mean Blizzard raiding people's wallets.

>> ^Fusionaut:
Yup, that's about it...
Still, there's just something about getting some better loot...

Diablo 3 in a Nutshell

Unsung_Hero says...

and by Blizzard raiding people's wallets they mean producing a product the masses are willing to buy.

>> ^Auger8:

And by looting they mean Blizzard raiding people's wallets.

>> ^Fusionaut:

Yup, that's about it...
Still, there's just something about getting some better loot...

Diablo 3 in a Nutshell

Diablo 3 in a Nutshell

What makes America the greatest country in the world?

cosmovitelli says...

That was great! If everyone in the US thought like that it would be no.1 in everything. God knows it has the rescources to be and then some.

Tolstoy said 'Anyone who says things are worse now than they were before is a fool.'

But it has to be said that right wing mercenaries knocking over democracies and looting their countries used to be done in the dark, not in broad daylight. And when the much vaunted new LIBERAL president is sending killer robots to blow up funerals without feeling he has to explain himself it's difficult to say nothing has changed..

>> ^criticalthud:

uggg. everything was not GREAT in the past. utter bullshit. we are just repeating the same mistake today.
this generation is a direct product of the past generations.

Zero Punctuation: Diablo 3

00Scud00 says...

>> ^jmd:

He never played diablo 2 (fail), and he played diablo 3 in single player and on normal mode.
This is a review of the EZ mode blizz puts in for the little kids. Play some inferno big boy. Oh yea and your loot table is not shared in multi play. No pants to split here.

Here's a thought, how about making a game that's fun right from the start, rather than forcing people through as others have put it "a 10 hour slog" first. It's like, even after paying 60 bucks I still have to prove I'm worthy enough to start the actual game by playing 10 hours of BS, I'd say that the criticism is valid.

Zero Punctuation: Diablo 3

jmd says...

He never played diablo 2 (fail), and he played diablo 3 in single player and on normal mode.

This is a review of the EZ mode blizz puts in for the little kids. Play some inferno big boy. Oh yea and your loot table is not shared in multi play. No pants to split here.

Zero Punctuation: Diablo 3

shagen454 says...

Not playing it how Blizzard intended for it to be played is exactly why there is such an uproar over the game in the first place. Everyone wants to have their way with their Blizzard game and Blizzard ain't complying. Yeah the DRM sucks but there isn't all that much different in Diablo 3 than any other recent Blizz title. It's a scheme. Anyone who has played any of their games since War3 knows that the games are multi-tiered so what at first seems like a simple, boring, repetitive game ends up being finely tuned & crafted in the end. By ACT III on Nightmare mode it becomes apparent and if one doesn't get that far into the game then they really shouldn't be giving it a review because they should just know better from the get-go.

It's got some of the best multiplayer aspects that I've had in recent memory, running relentlessly across vast floors trying to avoid pools of Hell, or encountering impossible zombie mobs moving 50% faster than normal. It's a lot of fun. Blizzard is a different company than they were back in the day, I don't like it as nearly as much as the first Diablo, for sure... but it's still fantastic. It's still Blizzard. Great mechanics - for what it is - better art direction than most games, great sound and the absolute insanity of it on the more difficult modes where it really comes together. Yeah there are a lot of things that piss me off about D3...

I must admit it seems to me like Blizz didn't give it their all on this one... maybe so they can make sure people go back to their cash cow
The levels are barely random, what the ^%$# is up with the lag? There is too much loot like Yahtzee said, the normal mode IS too easy, nightmare & normal are light/day... don't waste our time. The art direction is great... but not as great as I'd expect from Blizz, muddy textures, accesses the hard-drive too frequently, some of those "cut-scenes" are whack, on Hell mode the random encounters are more difficult than the main quests, no in game auction house? Why the hell is that loot popup menu always there? The story is dumb as fuck. But, regardless that is what the Diablo series is - not much innovation here except in chaos and mechanics and that is good enough for me. We can't compare every Blizz game to WoW... and that is exactly why D3 is great, it's like WoW-ultralite meets Left For Dead, nothing wrong with that.

Zero Punctuation: Diablo 3

entr0py says...

>> ^Darkhand:

Normal mode is ENTIRELY too easy in Diablo 3 TBH.

To me that's the single biggest problem with the game, it's even worse than the constant online nonsense. A 12 hour tutorial per character is tedious and insulting. But even with the system they have now it would be so easy to provide another starting difficulty. The difficulty already scales as more players are added, so they've already implemented a way of making the game harder without making any change to their loot/leveling progression.

Zero Punctuation: Diablo 3

lv_hunter says...

I like the game. You can switch to elective mode so that you can change up all your skill bindings. The comment about someone stealing the better trousers is false since each person gets there own seperate loot drop. I dont agree with yahtzee on this review then.

Saying normla mode is easy is because it is normal mode. Its just meant to get you through the first run through since you dont have the cool items or cool skills yet.

If diablo was a girl

Jinx says...

Don't get the hype tbh. Haven't really followed Diablo lore, so the story doesn't really interest me, and the other incentives to keep play, loot and levels, just seems kind of shallow when the combat is so dull and repetitive. Blizzard were sort of put in an impossible position, any innovation would have received flak from Diablo purists but I am still disappointed they didn't really do much new with it.

Oh, and its miserable to play on your own, which always leads me to believe that your enjoyment of it has more to do with the company you keep than with the game itself.

Turkish Football Hooligans Riot with Police on the Pitch

messenger says...

The movie "Cass" is based on a true story and has similar themes.>> ^chingalera:

There's a book by Bill Buford called, "Among the Thugs" which is his personal account of his infiltration of the seedy world of football thuggery in the UK in the early nineties-These Brits would attend matches throughout Europe with the purpose of inciting riot in order to commit crimes like looting, shoplifting, etc. Cause a panic at a match, take it out into the streets and the city is ours was the plan. Great read.

Turkish Football Hooligans Riot with Police on the Pitch

chingalera says...

There's a book by Bill Buford called, "Among the Thugs" which is his personal account of his infiltration of the seedy world of football thuggery in the UK in the early nineties-These Brits would attend matches throughout Europe with the purpose of inciting riot in order to commit crimes like looting, shoplifting, etc. Cause a panic at a match, take it out into the streets and the city is ours was the plan. Great read.

Diablo 3 Stress Test Weekend! (Videogames Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

I've been in the beta for awhile, but the recent attention its been getting has gotten me to fire it up again. First thing I'll say is its fun, especially when you gain a few levels/skills and better weapons.

I think its graphically appropriate for Diablo, one of the issues I have visually is that special monsters and mini-bosses glow shiny yellow or blue, and I find it distracting from the rest of the game's visuals.

As fort he skills, I kind of understand what they're trying to do, but for all its flaws I still prefer the skill tree/stat assigning. Though I do appreciate that you can change skills with ease. I never liked feeling stuck to one build with few opportunities to re-spec.

The always online thing does suck. Despite the online AH and achievements they could have added an offline mode for those who just want a single player experience and aren't concerned about the other stuff.

But its still monster smashin, loot grabbin, dungeon crawlin fun.

The Rape of Europa

legacy0100 says...

I may have to contest with that argument. Germans were the first modern nation to fully conquer and plunder its fellow imperial European power. But they weren't the first to be plundering in any exceptional level. I mean what qualifies as exceptional, really, when plundering basically means killing everyone and taking whatever you want? India and Egypt were considered non-white non-European nations, therefore safe to be exploited without much guilt. China and India were exploited to an industrial level too, but the Brits were focused on land ownership more than the artworks at the time. The artworks they just took from China without documenting anything because it was the 'conquer's right' to take from these uncultured savages without having to ask for it or give proper document. But France and Britain were of 'equal-stature' amongst European powers. They were 'SPECIAL'.

And there's also the definition of 'industrial'. Germans were highly organized and documented everything they did, which gives the impression that they were absolutely thorough and milked their subjects dry. But other European powers did the same exact shit to their conquered people, except they never provided evidence of their plunders simply because they were dealing with non-Europeans, hence they did not have to treat them fairly and take whatever they wanted without signing anything. They all did the same thing. There is no difference when it comes to looting.

The reason why there's such huge backlash against Nazi Germany is not only because of the holocaust, but because Germans were the first to break the invisible rule between the European imperial powers, in that they were n't suppose to treat each other like they did with 'foreign non-equals'. Nazis took European racism to another level and self-proclaimed themselves to be the 'best-white-people-of-all' and started treating their neighbors as inferiors. Nazis were 'exceptional' in the way that they were the first to break the unspoken rule between 'European superiors' by fully subjugating France. Germany fully CONQUERED France like they did with their colonies, and that was the main difference.

That's when all of Europe knew for sure that "okay, these guys aren't playing by the rules anymore." So I cannot accept the argument saying Germans were the first to loot in an industrial level, but rather the first to do it to a fellow traditionally 'superior' European people. Britain and France didn't do shit about the holocaust before the war. They sat and watched. It was when Germany treated France like a inferior colony nation that got Britain and France pissed off the most.

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