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Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Here, let me help you with this. Some of these channels are managed, but for whatever reason their overlords are too busy to respond*. The ones I've marked "active": I've seen them around here recently, either posting videos, or commenting, or voting, or all of the above. The ones I marked "AWOL": I've seen neither hide nor hair of them in ages. The ones I marked "?": Unsure.

If I marked any of you "AWOL" and I'm wrong, now is the time to open your piehole. Same goes for those I marked "?"

*They probably also don't like you. Around the water cooler I hear some of them call you "gorgoncreep". Better you hear this from me than through the grapevine.

-1sttube: Grimm, active
-cooking: djsunkid, active
*happy: Issykitty, active
-music: doesn't have an overlord
-sports: michie, AWOL
-80s: dag, active
-cult: therealblankman, active
-hiphop: benjee, AWOL
-mystery: grspec, AWOL
-standup: winkler1, ?
-actionpack: wildmanBill, AWOL
-cute: doesn't have an overlord
-history: rickegee, ?
*nature: Arvana, active
-terrible: sometimes, active
-animation: thesnipe, ?
-dark: dystopianfuturetoday, active
-horror show: pyrex, AWOL
-obscure: Farhad2000, active
-travel: silvercord, ?
-art: plastiquemonkey, AWOL
-documentaries: Fedquip, active
-howto: maudlin, AWOL
*parody: dotdude, active
-videogames: Oatmeal, active
-asia: lucky760, active
-downunder: maatc, active
-humanitarian: bl968, AWOL
-philosophy: bluecliff, AWOL
*vintage: swampgirl, active
*books: kronosposeidon, active
-eia: karaidl, AWOL
-islam: gwaan, AWOL
-politics: doesn't have an overlord
-viral: doesn't have an overlord
-bravo: Deano, AWOL
-election08; joedirt, active
-jazz: choggie, active
-religion: LadyBug, AWOL
-waronterror: raven, AWOL
-british: Zifnab, active
-engineering: oxdottir, active
-kids: James Roe, active
-rocknroll: mlx, ?
-wildwestshow: doesn't have an overlord
-canada: calvados, active
-fear: blankfist, active
-latenight: eric3579, active
-science: rembar, active
-woohoo: Krupo, active
-catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
-femme: intangiblemeg, ?
*lies: Fjnbk, active
*scifi: Firefly, active
-worldaffairs: histnerd, ?
-cinema: pigeon, ?
-gay: doesn't have an overlord
-livemusic: deathcow, active
-sexuality: persephone, ?
-wtf: Spiff, active
-comedy: doesn't have an overlord
*geek: gorgonheap, active
-meme: MarineGunrock, active
-shortfilms: Sarzy, active
-commercial: looris, ?
-grindhouse: dw1117, active
-military: darksun, AWOL
-spacy: lunkwill, active

Dupe or not dupe? (Sift Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

To get the thread back on track: The sifter that fixed the video with the wrong code should PM the poster, or if the poster is an absent member (i.e. Firefly/ladybug) then they should invoke the * discuss command so that the admins can fix it or send it back to the dead pool if the proper embed is not found.

As for the original topic: If a short clip is here already, and a longer one is added, it can stay, provided that it adds significant context over the first. If a longer clip is here, and a short one is submitted, it's a dupe is a dupe is a dupe. I don't want to hear about "oh, well I don't want to have to watch 40 minutes to see 10." That doesn't matter. The content is already here.

As for same video content with alternate audio:

Provided that the new audio changes the context/purpose of the clip than it's acceptable.
Example: Original Maki clip Kinda boring, if you ask me. Then there was the THX remix. This one added a new level of comedy to it just with the added sound. Lastly, there's the Dramatic Tarsier II video. This time the sound exists for shock value, not comedy.

Back from the Void (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

gorgonheap says...

Well an army of dotdude's clones invaded the sift for a while last weekend. Everyone just kind of ignored them and they eventually went away. Zifnab retreated to his castle of darkness and is plotting on a way to post the entirety of YouTube on the site. Dag revealed that he's secretly a Hillary supporter. Ladybug came back only to find out that it was another Elvis sighting and not the real Ladybug. MarineGunrock is running for Mayor of any town named Springfield in over 25 states. And yours truly has been fighting off a bout of Lycanthropy, trust me I'd rather have pneumonia.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

qruel says...

what happened to thsoe people mentioned ? was there a falling out or did they just quit participating?

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Congrats to Videosift!

A small shout out to all those who are missed! a few names - benjee, NickyP, gwaan, michie, LadyBug, SnakePlissken, Daphne, mauz15, plastiquemonkey, rickegee, thecosmicshame, gluonium, theo47, sfjocko, NTB, westy, firefly, maudlin and joemawlma.

These guys made the site thrive in terms of submissions and commentary! Sorry if I forgot anyone!

Happy 2nd Siftiversary! VideoSift is 2 (Sift Talk Post)

Happy 2nd Siftiversary! VideoSift is 2 (Sift Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Congrats to Videosift!

A small shout out to all those who are missed! a few names - benjee, NickyP, gwaan, michie, LadyBug, SnakePlissken, Daphne, mauz15, plastiquemonkey, rickegee, thecosmicshame, gluonium, theo47, sfjocko, NTB, westy, firefly, maudlin and joemawlma.

These guys made the site thrive in terms of submissions and commentary! Sorry if I forgot anyone!

♪Oh L'Amour ♫ .. Erasure

Jaguar vs Crocodile ...

JAPR makes gold! (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

You've come a long way, dude. For those about to sift, we salute you!

I was just taking a walk down memory lane by watching your Ging Nang Boyz video again, and I noticed in the comments section that ant requested a translation of the lyrics. You politely supplied them, and then ant politely downvoted it. There's a lesson to be learned here: All future translation requests from ant should read something like "Ants are the best / Fuck all the rest..." or "Ooh LadyBug, my LadyBug / I need you, oh how I need you..."
You get the idea.

rembar (Member Profile)

calvados says...

Cool, thanks for that, Rembar.

In reply to this comment by rembar:
Sorry for the late response, I've been terribly busy warring on a sift about "remote viewing", of all things. What I wrote to Jonny:

"By the by, I took a bit to go look for my notes I took while watching that video of the cat on LSD, but I can't find the right binder. The info I've found is this: the experiments were performed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base by Dayton, OH as part of the MKULTRA project. I'll check around a bit more and tell you if I find my notes.

*edit* The video uploader says: I took this clip from 'Thomas Pynchon: A Journey Into the Mind of TP', a movie-documentary by Donatello & Fosco Dubini (2001). Hope that helps."

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Can you provide some exposition on the full version and/or point us to a video link?

In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.

To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.

calvados (Member Profile)

rembar says...

Sorry for the late response, I've been terribly busy warring on a sift about "remote viewing", of all things. What I wrote to Jonny:

"By the by, I took a bit to go look for my notes I took while watching that video of the cat on LSD, but I can't find the right binder. The info I've found is this: the experiments were performed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base by Dayton, OH as part of the MKULTRA project. I'll check around a bit more and tell you if I find my notes.

*edit* The video uploader says: I took this clip from 'Thomas Pynchon: A Journey Into the Mind of TP', a movie-documentary by Donatello & Fosco Dubini (2001). Hope that helps."

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Can you provide some exposition on the full version and/or point us to a video link?

In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.

To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.

Ants Farming (Milking) Aphids!!!

rembar (Member Profile)

jonny says...

Can you tell me the name of the documentary this is from? I can't seem to find it.

In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.

To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.

rembar (Member Profile)

calvados says...

Can you provide some exposition on the full version and/or point us to a video link?

In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.

To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.

LadyBug (Member Profile)

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