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Ladybug flight in UltraSlo motion

Baby Pictures (History Talk Post)

Kevlar says...

KP, my face really IS like that now. Thanks a lot, freak.

Anyway, you might already know the story from the Coming Out thread - that avatar really is my face, and I'm a graduate of Blue's News like so many. After lurking for quite some time, my first sift went up a year and a half ago about Bioshock. Coincidentally, the video is of a lot of gameplay features that never made it in; empty promises, if you will, that mirror my meteoric ascent into Sifting celebrity. In reality, it's probably due to my personality of wanting the Sift to be about true video discovery that so many offbeat news stories and game or music-related videos take up my sift history, and the fact that this is my lunchtime addiction at work is what sets the pace.

In any event, I have now determined to make the slowest progress ever toward gold status and cement my legend.

Some members I miss in no particular order:

- mlx
- LadyBug
- SnoozeDoctor
- Anybody who helped to make this the funky, cool place it's become.

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

deputydog says...

missed this, along with a lot of sift goodness recently.

shaun, 30, hairy boy-man. live in manchester uk with my scottish ladyfriend of 5 years and loveable little bastard cats of 4 months. went to university, got drunk, quit in my 2nd year when i realised my potential qualification was useless (combined honours degree - law, art and sociology) and started working in shitty sales jobs. became hideously addicted to the sift whilst at work a couple of years back, got to the point where i was refreshing the new comments page every 30 seconds. started a blog. got some decent traffic, started making money from it. quit my job and the sift temporarily as it was literally stopping me from earning a living. i now write for websites fulltime and try to run my site too. best 'job' on earth.

i drink approx 15 cups (large) of tea per day and get caffiene shakes around 6pm. i miss being a hardcore sifter but i had to kick the habit. is awesome.

p.s. hi to all the old school (farhad, benjee, ladybug, michie, swampgirl, plastique etc) if you're still about.

p.p.s i see choggie committed sifticide. shame. considering he spoke his own language he did well to offend so frequently.

LadyBug (Member Profile)

LadyBug (Member Profile)

Sifter's Coffee House (Sift Talk Post)

Sifter's Coffee House (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Ladybug ran the Coffee House, well a long time ago she just kinda dropped off the face of the interweb and no one has really heard from her since. And seeing as she is the sole administrator of the site, no one new can join. It's a bummer I admit. I submitted an application over a year ago and still haven't heard a peep.

Channel Takeover? (Videogames Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Actually this situation is not unprecedented.

A couple of months ago member jimnms wanted to take over LadyBug's religion channel. The unwritten protocol is basically as described above: Post a public comment to the current owner's profile of your desire to take ownership and ask for a reply. If within 2-3 days you have received no response, we can assume they shan't return, so just let me or dag know and we'll get you all moved in.

Zonbie (Member Profile)

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

80s: dag, active
asia: Lucky760, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active
kids: James Roe, active
geek: gorgonheap, active

1sttube: Grimm, active
vintage: swampgirl, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
latenight: eric3579, active

commercial: Looris, MIA
viral: Open
--> meme: MarineGunrock, active

comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active

music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active

cinema: pigeon, ?
--> shortfilms: Sarzy, active
--> grindhouse: dw117, active

actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
wild west show: Open
scifi: Firefly, active

documentaries: Fedquip, active

sports: michie, MIA

videogames: Oatmeal, active

art: plastiquemonkey, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
science: rembar, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
nature: Arvana, active
catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
cooking: djsunkid, active
history: rickegee, MIA
military: darksun, MIA
spacey: lunkwill, active
travel: silvercord, ?
howto: maudlin, MIA

politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active

religion: LadyBug, MIA
--> cult: therealblankman, active
--> islam: Gwann, MIA

humanitarian: bl968, MIA
philosophy: bluecliff, MIA

sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open

cute: Open
--> happy: Issykitty, active
obscure: Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
eia: karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

Chelsea Handler sexually assaults her staff

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

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