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Tea Partier: 'John Boehner Is A Socialist'

MSNBC Republican Debate In 45 Seconds

Republicans and Science: It's Lose-Lose

packo says...

every scientist that views climate change as FACT is an "enviro-Statist alarmist"? that's the MAJORITY of the scientific community btw.

i so wish people understood the concept of the scientific method and peer review
if they did, you'd see as a whole, the scientific community and alarmist don't really sit together that well

even more depressing, is most climate change deniers i know, believe this to be some sort economic conspiracy by liberals... y'know those pesky conspirators who are only separated by nation, geography, language, politics, and economics to name a few

while a few "scientists" who deny climate change, a MUCH smaller total number, with a LARGER representation in corporate interests are the bearers of truth... because they, spread out over fewer demagraphics, are obviously much less prone to influence of money/greed

it's the conspiracy of the unaffiliated majority vs the affiliated minority... and some people can't see the irony in their argument

sort of like FOX news talking about how video games are promoting a liberal, anti-corporate agenda through the despicable use of fear

quite literally, there are people out there who would believe the sky isn't blue, if it comes from the RIGHT people

toss them the Kool-Aid flavored religious zealotry... you know they want it

Republican Debates 9-7-11

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

They've all swallowed the 'free' market kool aid. Free Markets don't care about unemployment, inequity or suffering. Free markets primarily benefit the wealthy - the same class of people that fund these elections. What a sad display. Ron Paul is clearly the lesser of evils here, and kudos to Huntsman for sticking up for science.

☜(゚ヮ゚☜) "It's this fucking guy."

Republican Debates 9-7-11

dystopianfuturetoday says...

They've all swallowed the 'free' market kool aid. Free Markets don't care about unemployment, inequity or suffering. Free markets primarily benefit the wealthy - the same class of people that fund these elections. What a sad display. Ron Paul is clearly the lesser of evils here, and kudos to Huntsman for sticking up for science.

Michele Bachmann Says Disasters Are Messages From God

Truckchase jokingly says...

>> ^lantern53:

Proves that hardcore progressives have no sense of humor.
And how can you be scared of this scary scary woman after having Obama and his socialist rogues run the country into the ground since day one?

You convinced me troll guy! It's all us vs. them and you're us and they're them! Of course! Did you pick the purple or green kool-aid? I like the purple stuff.

Nerdrage: Mac OS X Lion rant

Megyn Kelly on maternity leave being "a racket"

packo says...

the thing about "personal responsibility", is that it is used in very misleading, and brainwashed ways

the brainwashed way is the whole "you shouldn't have had a kid if you can't afford it" schpeel...

first, its moronic because it reduces the subject to $ figures... raising a child goes WELL beyond money, let alone the questions posed morally and on the scale of society itself... should only the rich (and yes, its expensive to have a child, outrageous actually, in the US... i'm not talking about the cost of feeding/clothing/education/etc... simply the procedures up to and including birth, let alone any issues that may arise afterwards both in mother and child - glad I live in a country where this is covered socially, and that I more than happily contribute to - our future isn't regulated to have/have nots)

second, as part of a society, do you feel you have a personal responsibility to it? or other members of it (irrespective of your opinion as to whether or not a particular person is "contributing" or not)? do other's in your society have a personal responsibility in regards to you?... the debate in the US literally ALWAYS boils down to someone arguing "personal responsibility" yet assuming none in regards to the society they "LOVE SO MUCH" and "WOULD DIE FOR"... that, or that if you give people handouts, that's all they'd ever want; they'd never strive

WELL, that is EXACTLY describing the situation of your (and I mean YOU, yes YOU) parent's raising you... did they keep all the receipts and calculate the interest you owe on top regarding food they fed you, education they paid for, etc? are they sending collectors yet?

better yet, can you honestly say you have no drive or ambitions in life because of being raised like this (as is the general norm)?

it provides a foundation, a base from which to launch... its two swimmers racing, one with something to push off of, and the other starting with nothing to push off of... sure the outcome isn't decided completely... but you can make a REALLY accurate guess as to who has the better chance to win... no one is throwing them a dragline while they are swimming... its just the start of the race

if you had a family member who got ill, would you help them? if the swimmer got cramps and couldn't stay afloat would you want someone to pull their head up above the water?

why this doesn't translate from being a staple of family life, to society should make most American's go "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

the honest truth... it is GREED
both personal GREED of the average citizen not wanting to spend a cent on a fellow citizen
and corporate GREED... they see social programs and free health care as either a pool of money they don't got but WANT or robbery from them... and they lobby and basically buy off politicians through campaign financing and lucrative job offers post office... meanwhile you are sold that this is in the interests of your freedom... when really all you are being sold is the freedom to be F_CKED

Government is there to protect the INTERESTS of it's citizens, not it's CORPORATIONS (most of whom are multinational btw)... and it's failing Americans... mainly because Americans are failing themselves... they'd rather drink the kool-aid than question what's in it... they'd rather get worked up about side issues that really only affect their life MINIMALLY (mainly because of religion) rather than care about issues that do... and they like to bite people who question the status quo... why? because WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!! USA USA USA. (despite the OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary)

its really elementary logic to deduce that a society that tries to elevate itself by uplifting all members of that society (or as many as possible) will have a better survival chance than a society where all individuals horde and fight over resources... i mean, which one do you think leads to feudal style systems? really?

Extreme(ly stupid) exorcism: spit out the demons!

critical_d jokingly says...

@hpqp Actually, that's Pastor Asschin in the vid. He looks like McNutbag but it's not. I think what sealed the deal for me was the lady with the doily on her head around 2:30 ish. Maybe she uses it as a coaster so the glass of kool-aid won't leave a ring on the table?

Drank me some Kool-Aid and Sleep like a baby/

Drank me some Kool-Aid and Sleep like a baby/

Drank me some Kool-Aid and Sleep like a baby/

Drank me some Kool-Aid and Sleep like a baby/

Awesome Looking Star Wars Touchscreen Game.

frizlefry says...

Thank you for welcoming me into the new age of computing! I totally did not know that millions of devices with touch interfaces had been sold. That is amazing. As you are well aware, the popularity of something is direct irrefutable proof of it's greatness. Millions of people bought Milli Vanilli albums and Beanie Babies and Pet Rocks and all those things are great! I would definitely use the general public to try to prove my own points if only they agreed with me. Typing on a smeary screen, using up valuable visible display space to show a keyboard and getting no tactile feedback is surely the wave of the future! What could be better when gaming than looking at the back of your own hand? What is more immersive than using imprecise finger pointing to generally direct game elements? I can't think of anything really. Joysticks and keyboard/mouse combinations have just been holding us back. It's all so clear now.
P.S. Where can I get a some of that iPhone kool-aid you've been drinking? The game shown here looks to be in the RTS genre. The generally accepted measure for proficiency in RTS games is actions per minute. Top players in Starcraft perform several hundred per minute on keyboard/mouse. This kludgey junk you are so quick to praise because it looks like Minority Report or something from a hacking scene in a movie would never come close to that in APM. It's junk for casual gamers who are easily impressed. So I guess I should say "Enjoy!".
>> ^jmd:
Btw friz, welcome to 2011, with millions of touch phones and tablets all over the world being used. Todays glass can be coated in a way where thumb prints don't cause to much of an issue. May be a slight prismatic look when sweaty, but people have no problems enjoying gaming on them. The touch interface shown here is far more superior then a gamepad or mouse could do. Having one hand on a keyboard to help facilitate issuing command types with your next touch could easily be handled with an onscreen panel too.

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