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Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

chingalera says...

Well, only one down-vote:

IMO Carey just pissed on what's left of any real career-The producers of Kick-Ass 2 seem to agree that he's not thinking clearly, not unlike some of the peeps on this banal thread.

If you begin with the Kool-Aid being served with semantics like "assault rifle" and end up on a video blog with about 5 videos published with any meat having to do with the recent whack-job mass-shooting, the bulk of whose active users are east/west coast U.S. and outside of the C.U.S....IS IT SURPRISING, that you have a skewed representation of attitudes towards free will relative to firearms in the United States?

I do see these bills introduced in states and nationally the writing on the wall to an eventual fascist future for the entire fucking world, and those who don't, deserve that future.

Carrey's schtick never did it for me after age 16, he's so off in the realm of some EST whack-job in interviews, (like some motivational speaker from a closed-circuit kid's show in Ottawa on at 6 a.m.) and now with this, why the turd even dishonors the memory of Stringbean Akeman by taking a jab at Hee Haw and the fine people of Nashville.

Fuck Jim Carrey, BIG BROTHER say's he's doubleplus unfunny

highdileeho said:

I think most people were upset because the skit was Not Funny. It stereotypes gunowners as dumb redneck bible thumpers, when the reality is that a majority of gun owners are non-white. So not only is it offensive, not funny, but also innacurate. Just imagine if he played to a different stereotype, wore black face and called all non-registered gun owners barbaric, ignorant black men. Then would you cross bearing douches deem it appropriate for people to feel offended?

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

shagen454 says...

Must be the kind of Kool Aid where the Kool Aid man comes out dressed in a black entity costume aboard a UFO and you are being blasted apart at a molecular level until your consciousness and huge ego does exist any longer. Sounds like Kool Aid more people should take around here right Choggs?

chingalera said:

Mostly ego, rather-Guilt bees but another construct of the big EGO.

Damn gwiz665, way to dash the man's passion to bits on the rocks of that golden shore of consciousness where you reside....What does one dunk in Kool-Aid anyhow, shagen454?? Has you ever has that before?

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

chingalera says...

Mostly ego, rather-Guilt bees but another construct of the big EGO.

Damn gwiz665, way to dash the man's passion to bits on the rocks of that golden shore of consciousness where you reside....What does one dunk in Kool-Aid anyhow, shagen454?? Has you ever has that before?

CreamK said:

This was removed from TED? Good, it started to get a little bit preachy and messianic.. Not really objective, hallucinogenics do reveal similar patterns but how we interpret them is personal. You aren't suppose to start converting people in to your thought patterns acquired during ayahuasca sessions, it's suppose to liberate yourself from that behaviour. And guilt. Mostly guilt.

VICE: Gun Crazy USA

Yogi says...

I gave you examples, you want more or do you want to do your own research? The American public was scared of Saddam in 1990 and they were scared again in 2003. In both cases there was NOTHING to be scared of yet you had people training and buying guns just in case he came HERE to the United States.

Hell you don't even have to look hard, remember the Red Scare when everyone was terrified that the communists are going to choke us in the night? We're a scaredy cat nation, because the propaganda is geared towards scaring us. You can't deny the effect of propaganda on people, it turned us from not wanting to get into World War 1 to a German hating crazy warmongering public. We couldn't even play Bach here because we hated Germany so much. Also the Yellow Journalism that got us into the Spanish American War, there are still people terrified that Cuba is about to strangle us...SERIOUSLY FUCKING CUBA!

Goebbels, Hitlers propaganda minister, based HIS propaganda on the United States' model. This shit is all documented, and you just sit there "Nope not true" you don't have any evidence though.

Chomsky talks about getting letters from people constantly about how dare he defend (as if he does) the helpless people that might kill us at any moment.

LOOK Right here at home, we're terrified of black people, so lets have a War on drugs to make sure if you're a 14 year old black kid with a joint in your pocket you go to jail for a LONG AS TIME. Just look at any prison, you'll see the effect it had.

Just provide some evidence for what you's not hard, till then you can't tell me I'm drinking kool aid because I actually work at gaining knowledge.

Stu said:

I read what you said and next time you want to respond actually read what I said. Noone is scared. It's an excuse to kill people. Noone is afraid. It's another reason to use our toys. No one is scared you ignoramus so please, read what I said.

You are a fucking moron and noone is scared. There I put a tl:dr for your dumbass. Read that you kool aid idiot.

VICE: Gun Crazy USA

Stu says...

I read what you said and next time you want to respond actually read what I said. Noone is scared. It's an excuse to kill people. Noone is afraid. It's another reason to use our toys. No one is scared you ignoramus so please, read what I said.

You are a fucking moron and noone is scared. There I put a tl:dr for your dumbass. Read that you kool aid idiot.

Yogi said:

Ok obviously you got None of what I said. I'm talking about the US public, and yes they are scared and it's easy to scare them. All you have to do is tell them that Iraq is minutes from a nuclear weapon, doesn't matter if it's true, a HUGE percentage of Americans believe it regardless of any facts. Throughout history the US public has been whipped up into a horrible frenzy about the stupidest things to fear. When Reagan was president we were scared of Libyan hitmen were all over DC and he was standing you remember Back to the Future and the Libyans that attack Doc...that's what that was about!

Also I was pointing out that there's nothing to be scared of, I for instance am not scared of Iran. Because I have a brain, I can look at things rationally and I'm not a reactionary idiot.

So next time you want to respond, please maybe read what I posted instead of trying to sound like a tough guy.

Natalia Kills ~ Controversy

Two Excellent Examples Of How Gun Control Can And Does Work

chingalera says...

Aside from the overall tone of your previous rambling sentiments on the subject (ahem, "rapid reload of semi-automatic and double-action revolvers"), the emphasis with "parenthesis" of a single word with clear intent to elicit ( showcasing an all-to-familiar lack of, "control" ), the subjective inference as to my inspiration or motivation for posting this video/ it's timing or titling...(down votes?! WHERE?!)???....I'd say your initial analysis reads like horse shit.
Thank you for your passionate observations and curiosity.

Oh and, down votes for any reason I heartily endorse and encourage,...Thanks for the advice on behalf of the three already with jerking-knees long-inebriate with the Kool-Aide, and for those to follow there, shcveddmeyer

New Rules 1/18/13

chingalera says...

Whenever I hear someone quote some Harvard Law prof or someone touting the idea that framers of the constitution did not mean for folks to own guns for anything but a militia, I have to simply laugh. It's obvious what they meant and if you brought back a group of school children from the Revolutionary war period and let them have look at the state of affairs of this little experiment, they'd wonder what has been put into the water supply to render seemingly intelligent people of today, hopelessly confused and gullible.

A well-regulated militia: The 18th-century equivalent to the U.S. Armed Forces perhaps??

DC v. Heller (2008)
U.S. v. Miller (1939)
U.S. v. Cruikshank (1875)

A few Supreme court rulings above to peruse and lest we forget, in order to change the document, you do so by amendment. the 18th made alcohol illegal and the 22nd made it fine for adults to drink alcohol again....a right and privilege of people since the motherfucking beginning of civilization...HELLO!!???

Yeah, they can take our guns, O' America and the dark hour (if it comes in my lifetime) everyone signs off on it is the day I move to fucking Canada Mexico, Belize, Nicaragua, COSTA RICA??....Fuck, anywhere white people aren't retarded drunk on 21st Century Kool-Aid HIstory with a government years away from buggering them!

May have to tunnel into the earth's crust to find such a place as more insane the world becomes daily.

The antichrist numerology of Gangnam Style

Thomas Ricks describes Fox News to Fox News. Tis luverly!

Megsta says...

Obama lies all the time, all politicians do, oh wait I forgot to drink my liberal kool aid where the rich and the republicans are all these evil people and Obama is the Messiah who can do no wrong. Yeah go back to your class warfare and spending other people's money.

xxovercastxx said:

It's not Fox that's scary, it's the people who are "informed" by it.

As for tolerance, I've never heard anyone, no matter how liberal, say that lying should be tolerated.

Thomas Ricks describes Fox News to Fox News. Tis luverly!

quantumushroom says...

Counterbalancing the liberal propaganda machine doesn't make FOX the opposite, it just makes it stand out against the former Fourth Estate, now nothing more than shills for taxocrats.

Long before FOX, all media minus a few papers were biased in favor of liberals.

It's that much more embarrassing for the left that the only media they challenge is FOX while chugging the Kool-Aid of every other "news" outlet (and Hollywood).

xxovercastxx said:

At least you've finally concluded that FOX is a propaganda campaign. The next question you need to tackle is why you think dueling propaganda machines is a good thing?

I would much rather see honest news come back and have all the propaganda marginalized. I would call that a very obvious need; propaganda from all angles, not so much.

Oklahoma Doctors vs. Obamacare

packo says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Single payer system will drive up costs and inefficiencies. What these guys are doing is a good thing. Putting up prices and letting you decide.

If Coke was the only drink in to have then they would no no issue to set the price high. As soon as a competitor shows up and delivers a comparable product at a lesser price the true price of the product will be discovered.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^bobknight33:
Obamacare is not driving out the cost of healthcare for this group. Capitalism is.
from the text above:
The major cause of exploding U.S. heath care costs is the third-party payer system, a text-book concept in which A buys goods or services from B that are paid for by C. Because private insurance companies or the government generally pick up most of the tab for medical services, patients don't have the normal incentive to seek out value.
The Government gave us the third party payer system during WWII. Government is at fault.

Patients shouldn't have to "Seek out value." They're busy, usually being sick, or trying to work while being sick. It shouldn't be a for profit industry, everyone should have healthcare it should be a single payer system.

sorry i live in a "single payer system"

i know people who work in multiple departments/sectors of healthcare...everything from doctors, to home care, to IT

and i can say with full knowledge and satisfaction, that your statement that a single payer system drives up costs/inefficiencies is either ill informed, or completely full of bs...

the notion of competition as being the great equalizer is moronic, in a system where insurance companies spend 100s of millions of dollars lobbying to get the game rules changed in their favor... insurance companies main goal is to make profit... they do that by minimizing cost/quality of service while maximizing return... if you can't see how that contradicts the purpose of health care, you are either naive or morally bankrupt

the arguement that businesses are held to be more financially responsible than government is also a lie... a business only has the financial obligation to report accurate numbers while being fiscally sound... the government has that exact same obligation, but further more has to show VALUE for what it is doing

your argument about Coke mystically assumes Coke is the only drink, thus they could set the price at whatever they want... I assume you are making the arguement that Coke is healthcare? but a company who's goal is to sell coke to make profit... that's an insurance company.... a company who has to be accountable to the people giving it money while making sure that the MOST people have cheap and easy access to coke... that'd be the government

you can either argue that government operates the same as business (as you are trying to do with your horrible coke analogy), or you can argue that they operate differently (as most people who back the business produces better financial results than government argue)... but you don't get to argue both in the space of 2 paragraphs

you, sir or madam, have taken a big old swig of the kool-aid

Obama Pride: LGBT Americans for Obama

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

packo says...

class warfare

debt (which MOST Americans have to get into, to get by) is a slave's collar

the American Dream and Freedom are political propaganda that don't actually exist

if you get riled up about someone "attacking" Freedom or the American Dream... but don't get riled up about the living conditions/opportunities available to your fellow citizens... you've drank the Kool-Aid and have sold your own freedom for fanaticism

for all you religious Republicans... instead of worrying about handouts, instead of not even bothering to consider them handups.... read some scripture : Matthew 25:31-46

when considering that passage, and the religious nature of the party... where do you think the real priority lays? Christianity or Capitalism? which God do they pray to? The one up in heaven or the one on the dollar bill?

Does it bother you that a high % of sifted videos are straight from Reddit? (User Poll by rottenseed)

Fletch says...

>> ^seltar:

Good thing that didn't come off as narcissistic at all!>> ^Fletch:
First of all, who turned off the email notification?!?! I haven't receive anything for a couple days, at least.
PaS, PaS, PaS... I'm your friend. The w/e-way-the-wind-blows Pill-Popper, the Cliquies, and the Badgers running to your "defense" are not. They care not for you nearly as much as they care that you represent 10% of every future star point. You have been beguiled and bamboozled by those whose thin skins betray the indignance-laced Kool-aid they have been drinking for years. They are your Roman Catholic Church. I am your Martin Luther. They are your Tom Cruise. I am your Tory Christman. They are your SLA. I am your windowless black van. They are your enablers, co-dependents. I am your friend. They want your upvotes and the kind of affirmation and vindication they can only receive by collective membership into their twisted groupthink. I want nothing.
Another prolific poster here once left due to the shenanigans of a recently-returned and reformed (?) exile. VS didn't miss a beat. Other people filled in and the same stuff she would have sifted got sifted by others. That's why it was somewhat comical to me when she returned to posting and threatened to stop if the exile was allowed to return. Exile is back, thankfully, and she is still posting, predictably. If you measure your value here by votes and badges, it is a lie. You've been caught up. They are participation ribbons. Everyone gets something eventually, and they don't mean jack shit to those who just want to see the two-headed calf and Journey concert.
Whatever your story... and I mean whatever your story, I stand by what I said. You could be nose-up in an iron lung pecking out smiley faces with a chopstick in your teeth, and I would still maintain that there are infinitely more interesting, meaningful, and rewarding (in RL) pursuits to dedicate hours and hours every day of your life to.
[edit: formatting broke again]

Cool. I was worried that it might.

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