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Shameless self-promotion - Frisbee Forever (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

Shameless self-promotion - Frisbee Forever (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

Shameless self-promotion - Frisbee Forever (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

Canadian versus British English rap-off

Skeeve says...

I think it is likely that the Australian/Kiwi accents are closer to "British English" because of its (slightly) later divergence and the fact that there is significantly less influence from the United States and quite a bit more influence linguistically from England. Canadian English stems primarily from the language spoken by United Empire Loyalists who migrated to Canada after the American Revolution. Australian English, on the other hand, was based largely on the English spoken by British convicts, military personnel and settlers (a large proportion of which spoke with Cockney or Irish accents).

With a proportionally larger influx of people from British cities, particularly London and Southern England and, with Received Pronunciation being largely a formalized form of the London accent, it is understandable that Australian English has a closer connection to "British English".
>> ^FishBulb:

Skeeve, How do you explain the Australian and New Zealander accents?
It's interesting, as to dialect Australians say rubbish, bin, spanner, etc.

Earthquake (Humanitarian Talk Post)

Aerial footage of TODAY's Christchurch earthquake

Aerial footage of TODAY's Christchurch earthquake

DerHasisttot says...

Just last week I had an oral exam about the first Christchurch earthquake and discussed it with my Kiwi lecturer; one point being that the first earthquake had luckily been during the night, and not during the day when people agglomerate in higher rising buildings in larger numbers. And now this...
>> ^bareboards2:

Just heartbreaking.

All Blacks, Haka

Zowie - Broken Machine Music Video

Oh No! Hedgehog is Stuck!

One Man, One Cow, One Planet

Asmo says...

You ever get a chance to taste full cream milk from a cow vs the standard stuff in the store, I think most people would be surprised how far apart they are...

A local dairy produces fresh, un-homogenised milk (so the cream can separate) and the difference in taste between that and any of the major brands (which homogenise, use bulking agents, produce 20 different types of 'milk' etc) is surprising.

ps. Not far from the end of the vid there is a real "Right Stuff" moment when you see the old Kiwi and a number of older Indian chaps walking down the road together... ; )

World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes

kymbos says...

They're on Aussie telly, but John Clarke is a Kiwi.

This has to be the most duped video of the month:


...Justin Biebers 32 flavors of stupidity...

...Justin Biebers 32 flavors of stupidity...

...Justin Biebers 32 flavors of stupidity...

sineral says...

Okay, I wasn't going to comment on this originally. I assumed people had the intelligence to see what was going on here. But, I see people prefer to mindlessly pile on the hate bandwagon instead. I wonder if any of you guys commenting on Justin's intelligence actually understand the question he was being asked. Note that Justin experienced this first hand, he did not have the benefit of our ability to replay the scenario over and over until he figured it out.

Let's look at a partial transcript:

Interviewer: "Uhhhh, okay, Justin, um, Beiber, sorry, is German for basketball, true or false?"
Justin: "Is what?"
Interviewer: "Is German for basketball, true or false?"
Justin: "Germing?"
Interviewer: "German. Sorry, that's the Kiwi accent going on there. German, you know? German"
Justin: "I don't know what that means."

The interviewer's verbal sloppiness butchers the original question. It appears that him saying Justin's name is merely him addressing Justin, which then makes the entire question only "Is German for basketball, true or false?". This impression is then reinforced when he repeats only that part of the question. Unable to parse that question, Justin assumes he's hearing words incorrectly and asks about "German"/"Germing" as that was the least clear word. The interviewer clarifies that the word is "German", mentions that he is Kiwi, and continues to hammer on the word "German" without ever restating the entire question. At this point, the original question is long gone, and Justin's brain is primed to assume that the phraseology of the question he thinks he's being asked is due to some quirk of how Kiwis talk. And so he says "We don't say that in America", as in "I'm not familiar with talking that way". Then he offers up that he likes basketball just to give the interviewer something.

If the interviewer had originally said "Your last name, "Beiber", is the German word for basketball, true or false?" then none of the misunderstanding would have happened.

I don't like airheaded celebrities or tv personalities either, but lets not be sloppy in our hate as that discredits our position.

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Beggar's Canyon