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Documentary about the Australian accent

Sepacore says...

I've always found we more commonly speak vowels a bit lazy, carelessly & casually "start tha dence ef ya wunt end ya ken kess ma arse", varies a bit though due to our awesomely mongrel culture, a bit of everything =D

Similar goes for Kiwi's but with a slight tweak and greater consistency imo "guv me sux fush and som chups".

Canada Gets Rid of the Penny (Huzzah!)

spoco2 says...

>> ^oritteropo:

The U.S. does have a dollar coin, it's just that a lot of folk are weird about it... except the politicians who make the mint strike more and more of them to celebrate their own favourite famous people. They really like them.
I don't think you'll find many Aussies or Kiwis who will disagree with the rest of your comment though
>> ^spoco2:
About time... and for the love of all that is cute and furry, America, follow suit. Oh, and while you're at it, switch to $1 and $2 coins.
And make your paper money plastic
And different sizes and colours so that people can tell them apart, even blind people. Seriously, what the hell is it with having a wad of bills that may be $1 or $10 or $100?
US money is seriously retarded.

Oh, I know they do, but what they don't do is just stop printing the bills... The US Government has this weird aversion to making a decision and sticking with it.

Government: "We will go Metric like the rest of the world"
Some random idiot: "No we won't, that's infringing my rights to keep measuring in an insane manner"
Gov: "Oh, ok, yup, right you are"

Gov: "We're going to stop printing dollar bills and pressing pennies"
Another yokel: "You will not, that's infringing my personal rights to be provided with pennies by my government"
Gov: "Oh, ok, right you are"

It's insane, and it's things like that which keep the US back. They never seem to want to enforce some decision that'll upset a minority (in an unreasonable way) for the greater good.

Canada Gets Rid of the Penny (Huzzah!)

oritteropo says...

The U.S. does have a dollar coin, it's just that a lot of folk are weird about it... except the politicians who make the mint strike more and more of them to celebrate their own favourite famous people. They really like them.

I don't think you'll find many Aussies or Kiwis who will disagree with the rest of your comment though
>> ^spoco2:

About time... and for the love of all that is cute and furry, America, follow suit. Oh, and while you're at it, switch to $1 and $2 coins.
And make your paper money plastic
And different sizes and colours so that people can tell them apart, even blind people. Seriously, what the hell is it with having a wad of bills that may be $1 or $10 or $100?
US money is seriously retarded.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Trailer #1

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^kymbos:

Jaesus, it's just a book/film/whatever.
Read Lord of the Flies, you people - it might actually make you think.

About what? What happens if we're all mean to each other?

I think I understand why some people don't like LOTR. When I was a kid playing Dungeons and Dragons, I used to think that LOTR was a D&D rip-off! But eventually I read it. I hardly read any fantasy at all, in fact, "Game of Thrones" is the only other medieval fantasy I've ever read. But I do have a soft spot in my heart for LOTR. Actually, my friend is an amateur bookbinder and we're working on an 11" by 17" hand-printed leather and vellum copy. So yeah, I guess you could say I'm a little crazy about the subject.

Still, Tolkien had his issues like every other author. I for one can't wait for the new movie. It's obvious that Peter Jackson has given so much of his own life and culture to the movies that I find them beautiful to watch in their own right. He worked so hard making every tiny little detail. In fact, the only thing that gets tedious for me, weirdly enough, are all the battle scenes. But I love how everything looks like a Led Zeppelin cover though. And I love how the orcs and goblins all have kiwi accents. That's just hilarious.


a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^kymbos:

The suggestion that people hate America for its freedom and not for its history of intervention is just so laden with hubris it beggars belief. There is just no perceptible rational basis for that argument, and I refuse to believe anyone informed genuinely believes it.
Like the Swiss have less 'freedom', or the Danes, or the British. How much freedom do the Kiwis have? They must be loathed around the world, right? Them and their 'freedom'.

The Swiss, the Danes, and the Kiwis* are not the "leaders of the free world". While I agree that interventionism plays a large part in the legitimate grievances people have against America, I would say that a percentage would be ideologically opposed to the west and America is simply the largest target there. Reality, as always, is not that simple. There are a myriad of reasons America is targeted, some political, some economic and yes, some people genuinely do "hate freedom".

So yeah, you're right, but I don't think it's the whole story.

* I deliberately left the British out of that list. As a former colonial power, they have their own set of issues and in case you missed it, they're not exactly popular around the world.

a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

kymbos says...

The suggestion that people hate America for its freedom and not for its history of intervention is just so laden with hubris it beggars belief. There is just no perceptible rational basis for that argument, and I refuse to believe anyone informed genuinely believes it.

Like the Swiss have less 'freedom', or the Danes, or the British. How much freedom do the Kiwis have? They must be loathed around the world, right? Them and their 'freedom'.

Nek Minute!

Bird vs. Laser Pointer

Bird vs. Laser Pointer

Bird vs. Laser Pointer

Due to popular deMANd... BEHOLD THE MIGHTY MOOB!!

Umm... oops... I think.. maybe? (Geek Talk Post)

Catch of the Year?

Ajkiwi says...

We Kiwis never really like to express respect for our Aussie cousins. But secretly? Secretly we keep wishing we could get rid of that thuggy rugby thing and all watch Aussie Rules football all the time.

Coz that shit was sweet.


kymbos (Member Profile)

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