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Camus can do, but JiggaJonson is smatre! (Happy Talk Post)

Camus can do, but JiggaJonson is smatre! (Happy Talk Post)

Johnnie Walker - The Man Who Walked Around The World

Is really an address we want? (Terrible Talk Post)

Throbbin says...

FWIW - I don't like the n-word either. It's unnecessary and vulgar. I'd be happy to see it go. I like burdturgler - we see eye to eye on alot of things methinks. In this case though, I'm with the jig...I mean Jigga.

Nissan GT-R R35 running the Nordschleife in 7.26.7

Joseph Beuys - Sonne statt Reagan (1982)

Eklek says...

Aus dem Land
das sich selbst zerstört
und uns den 'way of life' Diktiert

da kommt Reagan und bringt Waffen und Tod

und hört er Frieden
sieht er rot.
Er sagt als Präsident von USA
Atomkrieg ? - Ja
dort und da

ob Polen
Mittler Osten

er will den Endsieg
das ist doch klar.

Doch wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !
wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !

Er will die Säcke im Osten reizen
die auch nicht mit Atomen geizen

doch dein Krieg um hirnverbrannte Ziele

der läuft nicht Reagan - wir sind viele !
Hau ab mit deinen Nuklearstrategen

deinen Russenhassern
deinem Strahlenregen

Mensch Knitterface
der Film ist aus

nimm' die Raketen mit nach Haus !

Denn wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !
Wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !

Dieser Reagan kommt als Mann der Rüstungsindustrie

but the peoples of the States don't want it - nie !
und den wahren Frieden wird's erst geben

wenn alle Menschen ohne Waffen leben.

Wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !
Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !.....

Sun Instead of Rain (English translation)

From the country that destroys itself and dictates to us the "way of life," Reagan comes bringing weapons and death, and when he hears peace, he sees red. He says as president of the U.S.A., "Nuclear war? Yes please, there and there." Whether Poland, the Middle East, or Nicaragua, he wants the final victory, that's perfectly clear.

2X But we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, let missiles rust!
He wants to provoke those bastards in the East, even those without nuclear weapons, But your war over crazy goals just doesn't work, Reagan--there are too many of us!
Cut it out with your nuclear strategies, your Russian haters, your nuclear fallout.
Hey, wrinkle-face, the jig is up, take your missiles back home with you.

2X Yeah we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, the plague on all Cold Warriors!
This Reagan is married to the defense industry, but the people of the States don't want it--never!
and there will first be true peace, when all people live without weapons.

2X We really want sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, let missiles rust!
Yeah we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without armaments!
Whether West, whether East, the plague on all Cold Warriors!

Dubai goes from Booming to Bust Almost Overnight

Ryjkyj says...

Wow danny,

Let me clarify:

Rich americans (and others) are the ones vacationing in dubai and investing in the properties there. The whole thing just seems like a wasteful overindulgence to me. I'm happy that the people there have jobs and that it helps their economy but if I know rich developers(and I'm a construction manager in NYC), they're not paying very much.

It seems like you're railing me for my comments but then going on to list a bunch of negatives about the country? Not sure I follow the logic there.

PS: I realize that you're probably exposed to the worst of my culture every day but I'm kind of offended by your overgeneralization. I'm a hard-working stiff like most of the rest of the world, only with the advantages afforded me by being a US citizen. I can't remember the last time I took a vacation and I couldn't even afford a gun. Oh, and I don't dance.

If I judge solely by your comment, it would appear to me that the reason the rest of the world hates america is ignorance. There are real people here you know.

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^CaptainPlanet:

Couldn't agree more. Screw Dubai and everone who vacations in Dubai.

I can't understand sentiments like this. Probably cowboy americans firing their guns into the air and dancing a jig. This is why the world hates you. You dislike something because it seems to show prosperity to a greater degree than your own. You hate a people because they look like some people who once hurt you.
On another note - dubai is a good idea poorly executed. Yes they need a good source of income once the oil is gone. But seriously, a world-wide tourist attraction will not happen in a highly religious, highly divercially intolerant, highly alcohol-free country/capital. And their punishments for what they percieve as crime?
The knowledge of dubai i have comes from saudi arabians who live now in england, they're extremely good friends of mine. The stuff they tell me is outrageous. Young men and women (like 18-25) are not allowed to go and talk to each other in a social setting. They have to rely on stuff like "dropping pieces of paper with their phone numbers on the floor" when a group of guys spy a group of girls on the other side of the mall. If the authorities suspect any of this behaviour, they get in serious trouble.
I've been told how the law enforcement around dubai go around "picking up" random foreigners (white women/men) and taking them to the square where corporal punishment is carried out and making them watch, then letting them go and basically saying "remember what you saw".
That's not even half of the stuff i've heard but this post is getting long.
World wide tourist attraction to provide them with the money oil will not forever provide? Not unless things change. But i'm not an authority here, i only pass on information provided to me by people who grew up there.

Dubai goes from Booming to Bust Almost Overnight

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^CaptainPlanet:

Couldn't agree more. Screw Dubai and everone who vacations in Dubai.

I can't understand sentiments like this. Probably cowboy americans firing their guns into the air and dancing a jig. This is why the world hates you. You dislike something because it seems to show prosperity to a greater degree than your own. You hate a people because they look like some people who once hurt you.


On another note - dubai is a good idea poorly executed. Yes they need a good source of income once the oil is gone. But seriously, a world-wide tourist attraction will not happen in a highly religious, highly divercially intolerant, highly alcohol-free country/capital. And their punishments for what they percieve as crime?

The knowledge of dubai i have comes from saudi arabians who live now in england, they're extremely good friends of mine. The stuff they tell me is outrageous. Young men and women (like 18-25) are not allowed to go and talk to each other in a social setting. They have to rely on stuff like "dropping pieces of paper with their phone numbers on the floor" when a group of guys spy a group of girls on the other side of the mall. If the authorities suspect any of this behaviour, they get in serious trouble.

I've been told how the law enforcement around dubai go around "picking up" random foreigners (white women/men) and taking them to the square where corporal punishment is carried out and making them watch, then letting them go and basically saying "remember what you saw".

That's not even half of the stuff i've heard but this post is getting long.

World wide tourist attraction to provide them with the money oil will not forever provide? Not unless things change. But i'm not an authority here, i only pass on information provided to me by people who grew up there.

How an Engineer Folds a T-Shirt

Crazy runner fakes out catcher

gwiz665 says...

^Hey, don't shush at me... I'm in that same particular baseball-less boat. To me baseball is just an advanced game of tag. I have no idea how it works.

I like the little jig he avoided him with. He must wear his +5 avoidence gloves..

I fell asleep watching VideoSift, and had this weird dream

Flogging Molly - Seven Deadly Sins

Pushkill says...

yes I agree, they are actually a really great band to see live, I try to see them as much as possible when they come through town, been to a concert of their's at least once every year for the past 6 years! It's just a really fun, energetic, and drunken show, it's really where this band shines. Having a mosh pit full of people doing a jig is pretty fun.

Mos Def & Cornel West on Bill Maher

evil_disco_man says...

>> ^deathcow:
wtf why the downvotes

Well, since you asked, let's go back to your original quote (before you sarcastically edited it)...

"wow, Mos Def sounded much more intelligent on HHGTTG.... the "IQ 80" accent does not suit him"

The IQ 80 accent? As if everyone who speaks "ghetto" or uses slang must be unintelligent. No, Mos Def should go back to the corrupt and despicable school system of the ghetto (he grew up in Brooklyn) and learn himself some real English so us whiteys can understand him better! Then maybe he'll be more accepted into the mainstream media instead of being written off as another tokin' black guy for Uncle Sam to chuckle at. In reality, Mos Def is one of the leading underground hip-hop artists of our time, a man who actually has a message to his music, unlike 90% of the c"rap" that's out there talking about bling, guns and hoes. And as seen here, he's willing to speak his mind and say things in public that many people have thought but are too afraid (read: no balls) to say.

The accent doesn't "suit" him? Please. Do us a jig Mos! As if he's putting on some kind of act. Then to say he sounded more intelligent in some cheesy kiddy movie where he WAS acting, completely degrades what this man has accomplished in his lifetime - and believe me, HHGTTG is barely a blip on his radar.

On to the next quote...

"mos def might have a speech disorder, but luckily we can understand him alright.
cornell west.... who cares."

Speech disorder - pfft, yeah. Maybe he should start talking "more white" so that we can translate this foreign ebonic jibberish. See above.

Cornel West... who cares? Right, he's only a former Harvard professor, current Princeton professor, a best-selling author, civil rights activist, a well-respected sociologist and social critic especially when it comes to matters of race and religion, etc. etc. Nope, he's just using a bunch of big phony words I can't follow, therefore he must be talking out of his ass. In fact, Cornel West has many more meaningful things to say than you or I probably ever will.

I never thought I would give out downvotes, especially to people who upvoted my own video, but those comments completely missed the point.

FOX Reporter's Attempt to Ambush Bill Moyers Backfires

quantumushroom says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
The truth doesn't need junk science, political correctness and price controls, plus an in-cahoots media to cover up the resulting failures. Liberals need all four.

You really don't realize that all four of those are hallmarks of the right-wing, do you?

Hallmarks? No. Your examples are marginal at best.

"Gay marriage ban, abortion ban" This isn't political correctness, it's a legitimate position of a majority of conservatives; not necessarily mine.

Price Controls become Big Business Subsidies. Not exactly. Price controls attempt to regulate markets to the detriment of a few over most (Nixon was guilty of them too) and while I don't care for the subsidies, it's a side effect of allowing government to give away money to anyone (farmers, Amtrak, airlines, 9-11 victims' families) without any precedent.

Difference is, we don't actually legislate Political Correctness

Except for hate crimes legislation and turning government schools into liberal indoctrination camps.

The jig is up. I didn't say "O'Doyle Rules!" I'm sayin' the new media is here to stay.

choggie (Member Profile)

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