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(Un)official Horse Video Posting Day (Sift Talk Post)

(Un)official Horse Video Posting Day (Sift Talk Post)

(Un)official Horse Video Posting Day (Sift Talk Post)

(Un)official Horse Video Posting Day (Sift Talk Post)

(Un)official Horse Video Posting Day (Sift Talk Post)

Potential Spamming Exploit? (Sift Talk Post)

Movie Trailer For The Pat Tillman Coverup:Inside Job

Yogi says...

It was good. I was very upset after watching this which was sort of the point of this whole thing. This along with Jessica Lynch is a good reason why you shouldn't trust what your government says automatically.

Any opinions? QM did Obama exploit any soldier deaths yet? Maybe he helped Clinton kill all those people.

Jimmy K's Humpilates - Hottie Body Hump Club

Jimmy K's Humpilates - Hottie Body Hump Club

Jimmy K's Humpilates - Hottie Body Hump Club

Parallel parking a horsecart

Parallel parking a horsecart

CNN fails to comprehend basic concepts of journalism

NetRunner says...

>> ^ryanbennitt:

The good thing about that interview was that Glenn got to explain his stance clearly and uninterrupted, he wasn't shouted down like you might expect some "journalist" anchors to do, so the arguments he put forth were heard clearly. So even though Jessica had taken sides, she was a fair anchor and I commend her for that.

I understand that by today's really, really, really low standards, having the anchor refrain from shouting down the person who's arguing against the conventional wisdom seems like a positive, but you need to put it in perspective a bit.

Yellin's job isn't to just make sure people give each other a chance to speak, she's supposed to know something about the topic, and to try and correct (or at least call out) falsehoods if she hears them.

As Glenn said in the article gwiz linked, this interview had two big, universal whoppers that any journalist worth their salt should be calling out. Namely, the lie that Assange released everything indiscriminately, and the accusation that releasing the documents was a crime, even though he hasn't been charged with anything for that.

Furthermore, Frauline Townsend is supposed to be a journalist herself now (she's a CNN employee!), and not just a mouthpiece for the powers that be. Hell, even if she sees her job as that of an embedded propagandist, she would be more effective if she made valid arguments against what Assange did, instead of these fraudulent ad hominem attacks.

CNN fails to comprehend basic concepts of journalism

ryanbennitt says...

The good thing about that interview was that Glenn got to explain his stance clearly and uninterrupted, he wasn't shouted down like you might expect some "journalist" anchors to do, so the arguments he put forth were heard clearly. So even though Jessica had taken sides, she was a fair anchor and I commend her for that. Fran had obviously been given a stance to stand from which she couldn't back down. She never once tried to actually counter Glenn's arguments, she just kept reiterating the party line. In this respect she's just a parrot, which makes her look like somebody's pawn, which is a coincidence, as she got completely pwned in the interview.

"I Just Had Sex" - The Lonely Island ft. Akon

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sex, just had, lonely island, akon, song, music, comedy, andy samberg, jorma' to 'sex, lonely island, akon, music, comedy, andy samberg, jorma, jessica alba, blake lively' - edited by lucky760

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