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"I Just Had Sex" - The Lonely Island ft. Akon

New Orangina add includes lots more sexy animals

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

Sagemind says...

From Dr Phil's Website:

Dr. Phil plays a video of Jessica standing in her bathroom yelling at her 7-year-old son, Kristoff. Dr. Phil interrupts the tape before its completion and turns to the mom of six.

“So that makes sense to you?” he asks, indicating her discipline techniques.

“I don’t know what to do with this child,” she replies.

“I’m just going to tell you up front, there is no theory under which that is going to work. There is no theory under which that makes sense,” Dr. Phil says. “You had to know that was going to be my attitude about this.”

“Of course,” she says.

When the videotape ends, mouths hang open, and many audience members wipe away tears.

“I need to say this and be very clear. We didn’t shoot that tape. Your daughter shot that tape,” Dr. Phil reminds Jessica. “Because if I had a camera crew in your home shooting that, and they didn’t intervene and stop it, there would be something seriously wrong with my camera crew. I think anybody would look at that and say that that is absolutely outrageous, it is over the top, it is abusive, it is inefficient, it is out of control. I’m sorry. I just have to tell you the truth.”

“You’re completely entitled to your opinions,” Jessica says. “That’s why I’m here.”

“I’m glad you are here, because I’m telling you, that has to stop,” Dr. Phil warns Jessica. “If you say you’ve been through everything — you’ve tried time-outs, you’ve done this, you’ve done that — if you’re down to that, then you need to give the child up, because you are out of control. Somebody in the audience yelled out, ‘That is evil.’ I don’t believe that. I don’t believe you’re an evil person. I think you are misguided. I think you think you’re doing the only thing you know how to do, but that is totally unacceptable.”

“Then tell me what I need to do with him,” Jessica says in frustration.

Dr. Phil explains what Jessica means in the videotape when she says Kristoff “pulled three cards" at school. Green means good job, yellow is a warning, blue is a time-out, orange means removal from class and red means a trip to the principal’s office. “He had three cards that day. What were they for?” Dr. Phil asks.

“He was throwing pencils, he was sword fighting with another child, and he was acting out in another class,” Jessica replies.

“Your theory is, based on that, he then lied about it? He didn’t tell you he got the three?”


“Let me tell you, I would lie 100 out of 100 times. You are teaching him to lie,” Dr. Phil points out. “Based on results, what you’re doing isn’t working.”

“So tell me what will,” Jessica says. “I will be happy to abandon all of that.”

“I believe you are desperate for answers,” Dr. Phil notes.

In an interview, Jessica’s husband, Gary, explains how he feels about his wife’s methods for disciplining Kristoff. “Jessica is more frustrated than angry, because we’ve added more kids to the house. When Jessica gets frustrated, I see her having a shorter temper. Kristoff has not reacted to much of our discipline,” he says. “The idea for hot sauce came up from my wife talking to a friend of hers. In the military, we use cold showers for discipline, basically to get people’s attention. When Kristoff gets a cold shower, he pays attention at the moment. I feel like I’m strict with my kids.”

When the videotape ends, Dr. Phil turns to Jessica. “You believe that, in fact, he has reactive attachment disorder,” he says, referring to her adopted son.

“Correct,” she answers.

“Is that your diagnosis, or has he been seen by a professional who has rendered that diagnosis?”

“He was seen by a professional for a while, but I don’t know if that professional diagnosed him as reactive attachment disorder,” Jessica replies.

“He is a twin, and his brother is not like this at all,” Dr. Phil points out.

Reactive attachment disorder

"Save me, Spiderman! Save me!"

xxovercastxx says...

I probably sounded pretty snide but that wasn't my intent.

My point is every few months someone with a diamond or higher starts complaining about how hard it is to get videos sifted. This is almost inevitably followed by requests to lower the threshold.

First, the irony of someone with a few hundred or more sifted videos complaining about how hard it is to sift them is like a multi-millionaire complaining that his income has dropped in the recession.

Second, the last thing we need to do is lower the threshold. We have more than enough toothless dogs, Japanese gameshows, Jessica Rabbit fanart slideshows, and Funny or Die clips without lowering the bar.

If someone can't get votes, maybe they should sift something that sucks less. At the very least, do what I do, and grumble to yourself about it.

Also, apologies to @blankfist who is the apparent recipient of my ranting here. It's not meant to be directed at him, but I've seen this happen enough to know that his comment is the type that will snowball into a mass hysteria like I've described.

>> ^Gallowflak:

Ooh, ouch.
No, it's not a responsibility to upvote. It's a responsibility to participate in the community of which you're a part. It's this second sense of responsibility which I suggested was being diluted by the increasing scale of the site.
Is there a problem here?

How not to keep a hot girlfriend happy

Epic Daily Affirmation

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Epic, Daily, Affirmation, Jessica' to 'Epic, Daily, Affirmation, Jessica, motivation, preschool, like, can, anything' - edited by silvercord

Epic Daily Affirmation

Watch out 4chan, you've been reported to the cyberpolice.

joedirt says...

This is the WIN related to idiot camwhore.

Some 11 yr old shouldn't be fucking with 4chan.. nor misusing memes..

They hacked her YT and put a funny video in it's place.

"The girl, Jessica Leonhardt aka Jessi Slaughter is an 11 year old girl and quite frankly isn't even allowed to be on Youtube since the minimum age to be on there is 13."

Chapelle: White people can't dance unless there's guitar!


rellik says...

From youtube:

"Here is the roster of the Ebisu Muscats: Aika Ando, Sora Aoi, Yuma Asami, Megu Fujiura, Minori Hatsune, Kasumi Kaho, Risa Kasumi, Ena Kawamura, Rika Kawamura, Erika Kirihara, Jessica Kizaki, KONAN, Mihiro Taniguchi, Miyu Misaki, Airi Nagasaki, Shou Nishino, Asami Ogawa, Haruka Ogura, Tina Yuzuki/Rio, Rin Sakuragi, Kokomi Sakura, Ai Sayama, Kaera Uehara, Manami Yamaguchi, and Akiho Yoshizawa."

Catchin up w Jessica (Daily Affirmation) who's now 12

Trancecoach says...

"You may not recognize this face, but there's a good chance you've seen her in a viral video called Jessica's "Daily Affirmation." In the video, a four-year old Jessica defiantly stands on top of a bathroom sink and affirms her ability to grab life by the horns.

"I can do anything good," she declares, pumping her fists and telling the mirror who's boss.

Jessica's almost a teenager now and we were thrilled to find out she wasn't too cool to do a video talk with us from her home in Los Angeles.

We chatted about her recent rise to internet celebrity, her friends' and family's reaction to the clip and what she's up to now that she's all-growns-up."
Via Neatorama.

Epic Daily Affirmation

True Blood Season 3 Trailer

EDD says...

OMG, fangasm.

"HBO has confirmed to that production on a set of “minisodes” (3-5 minute episodes) is underway. These minisodes serve the joint purpose of promoting season 3 and filling in some of the blanks between seasons 2 and 3. They will feature various characters in short storylines, including Jessica Hamby (Deborah Ann Woll) in a revealing nightclub scene. Look for them to debut on HBO soon."

I just saw the first three and they rocked.

Amour Audition Ads - New Porn Channel (Safe for Work)

Payback says...

>> ^entr0py:
To me the brunette at 0:35 was more attractive than any of them. Nothing kills my libido faster than when a woman finally speaks and seems to have the mental age of a 12 year old. You just feel creepy. Even more so when you see that she's done everything from surgery to taking a bath in makeup to look as much like Barbie as possible.

I got the distinct impression "Jessica", the blonde with the white vest, is substantially more intelligent than she's letting on.

Your Filthy Past On Videosift (Cute Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

I'm surprised at you choggie. Those "you know who you are" lines are rather passive and indirect... doesn't suit you.

I don't have any shady doings here, really. @kronosposeidon and I have had 2 (entirely public) spats in the past, though I don't think there's any grudges left over from either. @LadyDeath took to harassing me on a regular basis after she took this downvote personally. I didn't hesitate to give it right back, though, and I guess that wasn't the mature thing to do. Eventually, though, it seems she had more fun harassing @LittleRed and @thepinky, so she left me alone. And of course, nothing has made this site more enjoyable for me than her absence.

I do wish I could hobble @ant for his constant misuse of NSFW invocations. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could.

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