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creepy hologram at a london railway station

FlowersInHisHair says...

This really grinds my gears. I had to listen to this irritating thing for 2 hours when my train was delayed at King's Cross. I was on the verge of going over and unplugging it.

Note: we don't say "elevator" in the UK and the "available" at the end of the sentence is completely unnecessary, as is the passive-aggressive tone.

Monday's Mona Lisa "Katy Perry"

Cassie1123 says...

Hello all,
I've just been alerted to this thread through the a few fans of this band. Maybe I can shed some light on what seems to have happened. First of all, I co-manage this band and NO, I will not be posting any videos, because obviously that would be a violation of this websites rules. Understood, they're trying to keep this an entirely "spam free zone" and not used for any type of promotional tool.
That being said, I also understand why KellyMML posted the video here. KellyMML has not "lied" or tried to spam anyone in anyway, NOR did she post this video for some type of self promotion, as Kelly is NOT a band member nor is she a paid employee in any way shape or form. She IS however a street team leader, but is not paid, given any types of gifts or holds any kind of "rank" within the management company.
Kelly was one of the artists earliest fans, and through her own enjoyment and wanting to be a part of their growth, as taken to sharing their work online through out the world, and I must say has done an incredible job of it.

I completely understand the views that the site owners take on spam, and not wanting VideoSift to become some annoying sounding board of musicians/comedians/actors and up-and-comers posting constantly about their "not yet anything" dreams. I get it. There are plenty of websites out there that allow this and I myself have become irritated at having to scroll through trash to see something good lol.

After some digging, I was able to contact Kelly myself and figure out why this may have happened. Kelly informed me that when she email the website to find out how to put a video up, they replied to her with instructions AND the rules. Still confused, I asked her to forward me that email.
I immediately saw where the confusion begin.
Kelly worded her email as if she WERE either a bandmember, or in the very least someone who works for them. This isn't the case, but it's noticeable by reading her inquiry why it looked that way.
After she read the rules, she posted the video. I'm guessing that because she used those terms when she first contacted VideoSift, they assumed (understandably so) that "we and our" meant this was some type of self promotion.
Since I've been notified of this issue, Kelly has been instructed that while she is more than welcome to run a street team for MML and we appreciate her spreading the word, to please not refer to herself, or any of her posts/shares/activities as if she were connected with the band either AS a member, or as an employee of management, and to also identify herself as a fan. She is also welcomed to explain that she runs her own street team but is not employed by or managed by anyone on their professional team.

Hope this clears some things up. Feel free to contact me at cassie at mondaysmonalisa dot com if you need any other information. We would like to dispell any negativity affiliated with Monday's Mona Lisa.
Thank you!

man pepper sprayed in his own home as "burglar"

lantern53 says...

Would have been instructive if the reporter had asked the officer or the chief to give their version of the events.

Pepper spray is not deadly, it's a nasty irritant. If the kid had followed directions, he would not have been pepper-sprayed.

I've been stopped numerous times by the police for traffic infractions and never once have I had a problem. My brother who used to drive OTR semis got stopped frequently and has never been arrested, never had his windows busted out.

If anyone viewing this website has had their windows busted out or gotten arrested for something improperly, I'd like to hear it.

What this country needs is a one day blue-flu, and we'll see what happens when everything is legal.

German Language Compared to other Languages

ulysses1904 says...

The "spanish" guy sounds like an idiot when he pronounces it "maripotha". He is affecting a Spain accent, which makes no sense in this case because only the letter "z" and the letters "ci" and "ce" are pronounced with a SLIGHT "th" sound in some areas of Spain.

I don't want to go off on a Dennis Miller rant here but that always bugs the shit out of me. It's said quite often that people from Spain speak with a lisp, because some king back in some century had a lisp, so everyone was ordered to speak the same way. Sounds interesting, right? Sounds like some stupid myth to me. If it was a lisp then the letter "s" would be pronounced like "th".

While I'm on the subject nothing irritates me more than native English speakers who study Spanish but then speak it in their flat American or British accent. They make no effort to emulate the specific Spanish vowel and consonant sounds, it sounds moronic. But they make sure to throw in the "lisp", as if that's all it takes to sound authentic. Only they can't even manage that, they end up sounding like Daffy Duck. Usually it's college kids studying for their Bachelor's in Posing that do this crap, with a minor in Hipster Studies.

I have studied Spanish for years and I admit it takes effort to change your whole vocal apparatus to have a conversation in Spanish and maintain the accent. But otherwise why spend all that time learning a language only to speak it with your McAccent.

In line at the Burning Man DMV

Yogi says...

You're telling me, it's goddamn $380 to go there, another $40 if you have an interesting or weird car. Very irritating.

Grimm said:

Bucket list....though I feel I've waited too long...should have gone before it became such a massive event.

Why I Don't Like the Police

lantern53 says...

I never fired my weapon at anyone. That is the general experience of the vast majority of police officers. In fact, in 30 years, I can think of about 2 instances of cops on my dept shooting at someone. Any cop who shoots at someone on the job is the exception, not the rule.

Also, pepper spray won't hurt you, it's only an irritation, like being called a fuckface on videosift or trying to have an intelligent conversation with voodoo.

newtboy said:

How many times did you 'use' your gun? How many of those times would pepper spray have sufficed?
The instance I spoke of was a completely improper application of pepper spray (with cotton swabs directly to the eyeballs) was to handcuffed people sitting in front of a building (a building with other entrances, so not blocking any business or access I might add). It was all about asserting their power because someone didn't respect their authoratah.
The other recent incident was people handcuffed sitting on a bike path (with other pathways easily used to get around them)...once again, no need for violence other than frustration at not being 'obeyed'...absolutely none.
Thousands of people are treated violently by cops in their own home yearly who aren't making meth, didn't have any argument with anyone, but were simply in the wrong home when the cops either made a mistake or acted on bad information. What about them? That's why I say the cops need to be swatted at least once a year, so they remember what it's like and don't act like asshats.

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

dannym3141 says...

Not only do i think this is wrong, but i think it is obviously and patently wrong.

It is demonstrable that a confrontation does not necessarily escalate the longer it goes on for. If you've been taught that in training by someone purporting to be an expert then i despair. I almost feel at a loss for where to begin - i have been in thousands of confrontations that de-escalated due to more time passing allowing both parties to explain or understand better, or for the blood to cool down. I've seen thousands of the same types of confrontation happening to other people. It literally happens all the time; misunderstandings get corrected and the situation de-escalates.

I hope that the brief explanation has betrayed what you really meant. Perhaps you were talking about a specific range of situations with a violent individual.

Or perhaps that's the problem and someone has been training law enforcement this falsehood which effectively encourages you to use the most extreme measure you have to end the conflict more quickly and keep it at a safely low level of escalation. And then you end up with mine- and rocket-resistant urban combat vehicles patrolling the streets, teams of camo'd police holding weapons INCORRECTLY in the presence of civilians on your own streets, and the mowing down of unarmed shoplifters...... all because it's more kind that way? I refute that, and before anyone says the most dangerous words ever spoken 'but we've always done it that way', in a discussion about the ineptitude or otherwise of law enforcement you aren't allowed the premise "law enforcement's methods are and always have been the best way to do things." -- Law enforcement, along with politics, should be the most heavily scrutinised and re-scrutinised systems that exist - because of their unique position to affect people.

I do NOT consider the concern for the safety of a police officer to be greater than the concern for the rights of a citizen; i was under the impression that police were the defence line between citizens and criminals, they put their lives on the line to keep society safe and running. Their job is to ensure we can be citizens, and they are paid to uphold the ideals of the society - freedom, respect for the individual and personal security. I genuinely hope they do so safely, but you don't play with feathers unless you're willing to get your arse tickled, as the saying goes. It is very possible to be safe, respectful and understanding all at the same time in the pursuit of law enforcement. If a person does not have the ability to behave that way they should not be in the job in the same way as someone who finds kids irritating and hit-able shouldn't go into childcare.

Lawdeedaw said:

1-A fun fact is that the longer a confrontation goes on for the further it escalates. By doing nothing you are letting it get further than by doing something.

krelokk (Member Profile)

ex-jedi says...

My wife had the same kind of symptoms. She was diagnosed with Celiac disease and irritable bowel by her GP. And I learned the hard way to double check that I get gluten free chow. A night with her alternating between throwing up and curling up in a ball on the bathroom floor means I read the ingredients label on everything... twice. Moral of the story I guess is go see a doctor.

krelokk said:

My gf had terrible headaches, constant nausea, and terrible drowsiness whenever she was hungry for her entire life... until I met her. I suggested she might be hypoglycaemic and should carry around a sugary treat or drink wherever she goes. She started doing that and quickly her hunger sickness symptoms could be basically controlled. But they were still there. One thing I always found strange about her eating habits was her insistence on having lots of bread. She never felt satisfied or full without bread.

After a year of doing that my mom suggested she might be gluten intolerant. My gf had never heard of the concept, had zero friends on any kind of gluten free fad diets. She decided to give it a shot, no gluten for 4 weeks. Boom all symptoms gone. More tests led her to trying out gluten after a week, and what do you know it was back. She waited two weeks, back again. Eventually she figured out a system in which she could have a gluten meal/snack/treat every four weeks without symptoms appear.
Also, she started to feel satisfied and full without an urge to eat bread, almost like the bread caused a weird drug like addicting withdrawal cycle which seemed to be why she always craved it. The gluten seems to build up in her system, or at least the allergic reaction and her body goes through a withdrawal after she has had too much, or too much too frequently, and doesn't get more in her system soon enough.

I eat gluten just fine. Together we eat vegetables, meat, fruit, and occasional pieces of the best gluten free bread (most of its sucks). I tend not to eat tasty gluten stuff around her unless it is a treat day for her Gluten products also make people fat, so it really isn't a problem to not eat them. No one on the planet requires gluten to live a healthy lifestyle. Bread, white bread in particular just gets converted into sugars and fat inside the body. It is empty calories.

God loving parents give gay son a choice

EvilDeathBee says...

"it's a choice"... GOD that irritates me, it's just so damned stupid

This poor guy. Fuck his goddamned, red neck, intolerant, piece of shit arsehole family. FUCK them.

Coulthard on team orders

chingalera says...

Again with the 'clearly' and 'actually' when used in a sentence or spoken...Actually quite irritating and clearly telling....CLeeeearly. What type of troll are you, CE? The fairer and ultimately honest toll-taker or some hairy stinker under a bridge otherwise avoided for a longer and more pastoral route??

The Daily Show: Glass Half Empty

Fairbs says...

It seems like the bluetooth ear piece wearers have realized how stupid they look and how shallow walking around like a self important arse is. Now it's down to the 1% d-baggers that still wear them. I predict the same course for this product.

The 'every one will be wearing them in a year' comment is so smug. Really irritating.

Neil deGrasse Tyson schooling ignorant climate fools

chingalera says...

Climate change-The hot-topic for a new age of ineffectuals...something for the insects to rally-around and discuss which produces nay but fodder for the same passive-aggressive types who are being seduced by their desire to trade practical action (whatever that could be) for polemic intercourse with themselves and others like them on the internet....

....people who are passionate to a fault and use forums like this to espouse their anger and frustration with tomes of keystrokes AT and not WITH others they deem unworthy, those ignorant and simpering few with opinions or observations dissimilar to theirs (and lower than 130 I.Q.'s....*cough), who know they are helpless to act to stop the high-speed train of planet-fucking (wage-slave-required and dutifully induced through the programming by adepts of semantic mind-fucking).This delusional empowerment, with all the invisible superpowers of new 'information' gives them the license and ability to do absolutely nothing to correct or marginally disrupt the pace of the so-labeled change while becomming better dicks in doing-so.

This fan-driven subject of climate change they use not only to deride those with any dissenting opinion and doubt regarding the mechanics and unfolding of what our big, blue marble is handing the creatures onnit, but also and most evidently obvious, to bolster their own superiority and self-satisfaction in their ability to process the distraction of disinformation/information/datum-ad-nauseum, and then condense it into how clever they can be in being complete assholes without breaking rules of accepted decorum so they can hear themselves bark, howl, and foment.

Smug, helpless, and irritatingly predictable in their helplessness to do anything more effectual than to add more used motor oil to the bonfire of their own vanity.

I would ask these irritating bugs what ARE you prepared to do to alter the course of the 'changes' in the 'terminal climate' described above? Recycle and drive a hybrid? Sacrifice anything but another trip to a polling-station? Oh I know, sit at your computer keyboard and grow more incensed while going-on with your business of spouting and shouting from a mountain of trash that you add-to daily by converting oxygen to more life-giving C02 and buying shit you don't need with paper you are forced to trade for 'bads and disservices??'

Thought so.

Fuck global warming in it's ass and let the planet shake and quiver with change as humans and/or their own slave-like actions continue to feed the earth-furnace. The bigger fish to fry and serve head-on have you by the short and curlies and we're all bio-fuel for future generations

Honest Trailers - The Wolf of Wall Street

ctrlaltbleach says...

I don't see what the big deal is about Leo winning an Oscar this year in my opinion he has had better performances and Scorsese has made better films. I didn't even finish the film I thought I was watching The Hangover got irritated and turned it off.

Morris Minor & Majors - Stutter Rap

Zawash says...


I love this tune - I know it by heart - or at least know by heart how I though the lyrics went when I listened to it as a kid.

Bedtime boys!
Oh mom!

Now hey there people, won't you lend an ear?
'cause I've a story to tell and I'm telling it here
I was born in a town in the great UK
From a baby to a boy to a man today
And I'm a musical man, and I'm a man of verse
But I've got a little problem and it's getting worse

Well my life was so well planned
Survivin' and a-jivin' in a f-f-funk band
'cause rappin', it's my, bread and butter
But it's hard to rap when you're born with a st-st-st, st, st-st, st,
st-t, st-t, stutter!

Well no-one's ever seen what I mean
From the age of n-n-n-n-n-n-thirteen
We've all been caught in a m-m-mouth trap
So join with us and do the st-st-st-st-st-st-st-stutter rap

Well it was '82 when I joined the boys
And I was hip, and I was cool, but now I've lost my poise
The kids, our fans, are starting to doubt
When you open your mouth and nothing comes out

And it breaks my heart that we're not on the chart
'cause the record's nearly over when the vocals start
And I'm down and out, and I'm down on my luck
And I'm livin' on my own and I'm dying for a fr-riend to say "You're great!" But I'm under the hammer
'cause all I seem to do is s-s-s-stee-
Come on man!

Well no-one's ever seen what I mean
From the age of n-n-n-n-n-n-thirteen
We've all been caught in a m-m-mouth trap
So join with us and do the st-st-st-st-st-st-st-stutter rap


Well interviewers turn away
Who wants to be covered with spray?
Talkin' to me for more than an hour
Is equivalent to an April shower
It's tough! Tough! Tougher than tough!
It's worse than Benny Hill and that's bad enough!
Something must be wrong with your vocal technique
When the twelve inch mix goes on for a week

I was rappin' in my club the other night
When nothin' I said was comin' out right
The crowd got angry, and this one man
He was gonna throw a bottle
He was gonna chuck a can, chuck a can, chuck a, chuck a, chuck a,
chuck a

Well no-one's ever seen what I mean
From the age of n-n-n-n-n-n-thirteen
We've all been caught in a m-m-mouth trap
So join with us and do the st-st-st-st-st-st-st-stutter rap


W-w-w-w-why's that then?

Well, you'll wake Mr Whittaker at number thirty-two

Besides, it's not very good for the voice

(An amplifier or similar shorts out)


That's a bit harsh isn't it?


Talking of which - it's ten-thirty already!

Is it? Ooooh!

What time do they stay up 'til in America?

(I mean)

Oh, very late. Sometimes quarter to eleven


Well actually I've heard in New York they sometimes even stay up 'til midnight

No! No wonder they do all that shouting

(I mean)

Yes, they must be very snappy and irritable

That's right


Do you know, I heard a story that those Toastie Boys stayed up 'til
quarter past twelve!

Really? Well that's just silly!

They're just gonna get burnt out

Burnt out!

Well no-one's ever seen what I mean
From the age of n-n-n-n-n-n-thirteen
We've all been caught in a m-m-mouth trap
So join with us and do the st-st-st-st-st-st-st-stutter rap

Well no-one's ever seen what I mean
From the age of n-n-n-n-n-n-thirteen
We've all been caught in a m-m-mouth trap
So join with us and do the st-st-st-st-st-st-st-stutter rap

Well no-one's ever seen what I mean
From the age of n-n-n-n-n-n-thirteen...

(Fades out)

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

ulysses1904 says...

Sidenote, it always irritates me how people tend to jack up a story to say he escaped 5 years in jail. As if he had already been sentenced to 5 years. The story has enough real drama, they don't have to lay it on.

Meanwhile in Iowa a 10 year old girl faces 20 years in prison because she didn't pay taxes on the income from her lemonade stand.

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