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Member Since: March 30, 2009
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Comments to krelokk

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 14 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

ex-jedi says...

My wife had the same kind of symptoms. She was diagnosed with Celiac disease and irritable bowel by her GP. And I learned the hard way to double check that I get gluten free chow. A night with her alternating between throwing up and curling up in a ball on the bathroom floor means I read the ingredients label on everything... twice. Moral of the story I guess is go see a doctor.

krelokk said:

My gf had terrible headaches, constant nausea, and terrible drowsiness whenever she was hungry for her entire life... until I met her. I suggested she might be hypoglycaemic and should carry around a sugary treat or drink wherever she goes. She started doing that and quickly her hunger sickness symptoms could be basically controlled. But they were still there. One thing I always found strange about her eating habits was her insistence on having lots of bread. She never felt satisfied or full without bread.

After a year of doing that my mom suggested she might be gluten intolerant. My gf had never heard of the concept, had zero friends on any kind of gluten free fad diets. She decided to give it a shot, no gluten for 4 weeks. Boom all symptoms gone. More tests led her to trying out gluten after a week, and what do you know it was back. She waited two weeks, back again. Eventually she figured out a system in which she could have a gluten meal/snack/treat every four weeks without symptoms appear.
Also, she started to feel satisfied and full without an urge to eat bread, almost like the bread caused a weird drug like addicting withdrawal cycle which seemed to be why she always craved it. The gluten seems to build up in her system, or at least the allergic reaction and her body goes through a withdrawal after she has had too much, or too much too frequently, and doesn't get more in her system soon enough.

I eat gluten just fine. Together we eat vegetables, meat, fruit, and occasional pieces of the best gluten free bread (most of its sucks). I tend not to eat tasty gluten stuff around her unless it is a treat day for her Gluten products also make people fat, so it really isn't a problem to not eat them. No one on the planet requires gluten to live a healthy lifestyle. Bread, white bread in particular just gets converted into sugars and fat inside the body. It is empty calories.

deathcow says...

A bunch of Apple crap and Canon camera gear would have been fine, but it was far from the cart.

krelokk said:

He should have figured out what gave him the best bang for the work and focused on that single item over and over. He could have done ALL televisions or all laptops, whichever item nets him the most money and then just sell all of it afterwards.

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