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Walmart Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt

AeroMechanical says...

McDonald's milkshakes (er, I think officially just "shakes"), don't melt either. They just kind of dry up and solidify.

Astronaut ice cream doesn't melt either. I used to love that stuff when I was a kid, but I haven't seen it anywhere for a while. Probably the same stuff. So the moral is that it's probably NASA that invented that ice cream sandwich. How many food products can you buy that required a hundred million dollar engineering budget and won the Cold War?

Walmart Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt

TheFreak says...

This actually used to be Worse. When I was a kid, you could leave any ice cream on the counter over night and it would look like it had just been scooped. It wasn't until consumers became more discerning a couple decades ago that store bought ice cream actually became food.

nock (Member Profile)

Walmart Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt

atara says...

Cheap ice cream contains a lot of fillers like that so that the product is a bit more forgiving to freeze/thaw cycles (eg, shipping, sitting on a loading dock, stored in a sub-optimal freezer). Also, fillers are cheaper than, you know, actual cream.

When ice cream partially melts and refreezes (even slightly), tiny ice crystals form in it, making it less creamy. That's why it's important to keep ice cream really cold. If you load the dairy dessert up on guar gums and the like, it retains that "creamy" mouthfeel even if it's been melted and refrozen.

Walmart Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt

TheGenk says...

Also great for shitty logistics:
"Boss, the ice cream hasn't been cooled for 2 days, we should throw it out."
"Nah, just put it in the freezer again when there is room, no one will notice. We should even be charging extra for the added salmonellae!"

lantern53 said:

Great for campers!

Walmart Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt

Dam Fun Facts About Beavers

Chicago Resident: Obama Will Go Down as Worst President Ever

enoch says...

bush was considered the worst president and so many liberal minded people would openly criticize his actions and policies.

and rightly so,bush was a disaster.

but now we have obama,who has not only continued the same bush policies but EXPANDED them.
and only now are the rumblings of discontent in regards to obama policy are being heard from the more left leaning populace.

yet BOTH presidents were/are products,creations to be sold as a brand to the population,in order for the business class to profit i.e STEAL.

in america you have 32 flavors of ice cream to choose from,30 kinds of tissue to wipe your ass but only TWO choices in regards to who formulates policy and laws.

and both work for the business class.

it is the choice that is the illusion.


Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War

Truckchase jokingly says...

Got it; we enforce the rights of women at gunpoint and give the kids ice cream. This will turn out well in a few years.

Sepacore said:

Ice-cream. Give everyone ice-cream.
Granted the plan isn't fully thought-out, but this could be the core component.

More seriously, empowering women's rights would be the best method to improve poverty & education, while further restricting the ease and acceptance of violence.

Less seriously, maybe only give ice-cream to those who are being socially pleasant, considerate and respectful to others.

Either way, we'll get there eventually or have a great time wiping ourselves out in the process of failing.

Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War

ChaosEngine says...

It's interesting to see @Sepacore and @direpickle have essentially opposing viewpoints here, one is the carrot, the other the stick.

Maybe we could combine the two approaches. Everyone who behaves gets free ice-cream, but if you start acting like a dickhead... into the fuckin' dome

Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War

Sepacore says...

Ice-cream. Give everyone ice-cream.
Granted the plan isn't fully thought-out, but this could be the core component.

More seriously, empowering women's rights would be the best method to improve poverty & education, while further restricting the ease and acceptance of violence.

Less seriously, maybe only give ice-cream to those who are being socially pleasant, considerate and respectful to others.

Either way, we'll get there eventually or have a great time wiping ourselves out in the process of failing.

ChaosEngine said:

Right, it's fucked. How does it get unfucked?


Why Do Ice Cubes Crack In Liquids

Fantomas says...

I like how the ice caused the liquid nitrogen around it to boil spontaneously.

You really don't need to keep your freezer that cold. It makes your ice cream go too hard.

Thor: The Dark World Trailer

Wil Wheaton's Response to a Child's Nerd-Bullying Question

SDGundamX says...


I see what you're saying. I wasn't trying to reduce everything about a person to environmental factors. Certainly our choices have a huge impact on how we turn out. Instead I was disagreeing with the specific notion that personal preferences are primarily choices. Certainly we choose which preferences to nurture and how much to nurture them, though. I love Chocolate Chip Mint ice cream, but I don't eat it every day because I'm skirting obesity (statistically speaking for my weight and height) as it is.

Yeah, for the second part I think I just got thrown by how you worded it.

Wil Wheaton's Response to a Child's Nerd-Bullying Question

SDGundamX says...

What's your favorite ice cream flavor? How about your favorite color? Did you choose those things to be your favorite? Could you suddenly decide--right this instant--that a different flavor of ice cream or color is your favorite and not only behave as if it was, but actually believe it was (i.e. eat the ice cream every day and not be secretly wishing it was a different flavor)?

I suspect you've exaggerated how much choice comes into play in determining these things. Genetics, early life experiences, upbringing, social ties, and a host of other factors are probably far more important than choice in determining our "personal preferences."

Unless you're trying to say we can deny our personal preferences, which is absolutely true. People who are smart can decide fitting in is more important than being themselves and pretend to be dumb in order to be socially accepted. That behavior is a choice, but I don't think it really changes their underlying preferences.

As for the second part, it sounds to me like you agree with exactly what he said. "It's not you, it's the bully." Disagreeing with that statement would mean it IS you that's the problem and you deserve to be bullied. Whether the bully is an "evil little fuck" or the product of their environment, it's the bully that's the problem, no?

ChaosEngine said:

I disagree with this on a few points.

First up, "we didn't choose to be nerds". er, yeah, you did. It's not skin colour or sexual orientation, it's personal preference. Literally.

At some point you have to own your choices in life. I've always maintained that "you shouldn't judge people on their beliefs/opinions" is bullshit. It's not acceptable to use "it's just what I believe" as a scapegoat for unsavoury beliefs (racism, homophobia, sexism, etc).

Unfortunately, it swings both ways. If we get to tell racists they're assholes, we must accept that people have the right to judge us on our taste in movies, books, etc. If we can't do that, then we are forced to accept that reading Twilight or listening to Nickelback is not up for mockery. That is not a world I want to live in.

Now, that said, of course no-one should be bullied for liking sci-fi or math or science. Those things are awesome, but not even twilights fans deserve to be bullied.

Next up, the whole "it's not you, it's the bully and their own issues".

Sorry, but no. Some kids are just evil little fucks. They're not jealous or looking for attention, they're just mean. It's a nice idea, but honestly, some people just need to be powerslammed.

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