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"Dare to be stupid" Weird Al's Devo parody

Health Care: U.S. vs. Canada

bremnet says...

Lived in Ontario (28 years), Brisbane, Australia (5 years), Alberta (7 years), and now Texas (14 years).

Agree with pretty much with Boneremake on Alberta, gets more points than Ontario. My Australian experience was good, in both the city and rural (blew an eardrum due to infection in Longreach QLD at Xmas... the doctor was drunk when they wheeled him into emerg, but he was a gentle, caring drunk).

Small things in Ontario are manageable - anything requiring stuff beyond typical emergency room patching up in more rural locations (my definition - anywhere far enough from Toronto that you can't see the nighttime glow, so north of Newfenmarket sort of) is quite lacking (v. long wait times for things like weekly dialysis, MRI, even open MRI, GI tract scoping, ultrasounds, contrast X-rays etc). Parental unit #1 with diabetes requiring 3 times a week dialysis almost snuffed it as there were only 4 chairs in the unit 14 miles from home, got on the list and had to wait for someone to die before getting on the team. Finally snuffed it when they shut down these 4 chairs and the new unit was now a 90 mile round trip 3 times a week for man who could barely walk or see. Died from exhaustion, not diabetes. 2nd parental unit needs an MRI for some serious GI issues, can't keep food down, losing weight rapidly. Wait 4.5 months and we'll see if we can get you in. I'm having her measured for the box.

Having said that, the situation is easier to describe in Texas, the land of excess (excessive wealth and excessive poverty).

Good health insurance plan, preferably through employer with lots of employees = wait times for advanced procedures measured usually in minutes or hours, sometimes days, but not weeks or months. You get taken care of, and your birthing room at the local maternity ward looks like the Marriott (just Couryard though, so no mini-bar or microwave).

Mediocre or no health insurance plan = pray you never get sick enough to require more than what you can buy at the CVS or splint up by watching do-it-yourself first aid videos on youtube, because an unplanned night in the hospital or a trip to emerg in the short bus with swirly lights followed by admission can, for many, wipe them out or sure eat up Bobby's college fund. No exaggeration. I have insurance, but for a reference point, one night in hospital (elective) for a turbinectomy (google it people) including jello and ice cream came in at $14,635. Yes, one night. 24 hours. Do the math. An emergency room visit for a forearm cut requiring 13 stitches (and I didn't even bleed on their white sheets - just cut through the skin to the fat tissue) was billed at $2,300 bucks. Our new baby tried to exit the meatbag as a footling breach, so emergency C-sectioned him out, and one extra night in hospital (2 in total) - all up, billed at just shy of $24K. We now have 3 full service hospitals within 5 miles of our house, and a full service children's hospital in the same radius. And they just started building another. Somebody's making money. If you don't have insurance, or your insurance is shitty (huge deductibles, huge copays) you will eat much of these types of costs. Rule: cheaper to die than get sick.

Ontario and AB might have longer wait times, but even an 83 year old woman in a rural Ontario village with no pension, insurance, income or large stacks of cash can (eventually) get the health care she needs without spending unjustifiable amounts of money. Happy birthday mom.

My 2¢

Mom Tries to Teach Adorable Girl Life Lesson

Sniper007 says...

If you've read any of the recent (or ancient, or any) literature on diet and health you may wonder why the girl isn't asking, "What the heck is a cookie, and what the heck is ice cream?" - Because there's no reason to feed that crap to children in the first place!

Mom Tries to Teach Adorable Girl Life Lesson

Ice Cream Van!

Ice Cream Van!

Ice Cream Van!

Daisy and Cooper Get Ice Cream - Cooper Knows the Deal

silvercord (Member Profile)

F1 Pit Stop Perfection

F1 Pit Stop Perfection

F1 Pit Stop Perfection

Scientifically Accurate Pokemon

Diane Feinstein's Signature Party-Line Diatribe in True Form

newtboy says...

No, he's just an inflammatory 'little fucking thing' that loves to use big words to talk massive shit ad nauseam about everything and everyone because it makes him feel like a man, and nothing more. The only positive thing he's ever posted was about ice cream.
"fast burning flame out" he calls her, but how long has she been in the same position? If that's a fast burning flame out, then we should expect all politicians to die of old age in office....or he doesn't know what he's talking about and is simply spouting angry BS (guess which I think is true).
I WISH she was a fast burning flame out, then she would have left office in the early 90's and we wouldn't be talking about her.
Oh, and also...*dead

Yogi said:

Cunt flaps cake hole? Damn you really are sick of this shit aren't you?

Talented Turkish Trickster Totally Trolls Tourist

newtboy jokingly says...

So...'Merica sucks...'Mericans suck...culture sucks...goods suck...people suck...but ice cream rules.
Just making sure I got it straight.

chingalera said:

Fewer and fewer Americans are willing to pay for a performance or a skill commingled with artisanship. The reason may lie somewhere between the homogenization of culture through programming from an early age and the cheapening of a creative livelihood being replaced by covetous material gain in the form of disposable goods and services, music, art, etc. Entertainment/infotainment marketed to crass, low-ebb robots being created by a society in overall decline.

I blame media, damaged standards of education, and those who would hijack personal freedoms to control the world mind through disinformation and economic subjugation.

Mmmmm, ice cream cones..

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