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nock (Member Profile)

Cold Stone Ice Cream Juggler

World's Dumbest Cop

Mordhaus says...

Here is the thing, and it's the reason why I have started to switch my opinion of our law enforcement. The number of stories and videos that show good cops has become dramatically outnumbered by the ones showing despicable human beings wearing a uniform.

Now what am I supposed to think as a rational person when I post a video showing a good cop, not wanting to shoot a murder suspect that might be armed, and immediately after that I get inundated with multiple videos showing officers literally murdering, beating, soliciting, and running over people?

It's equivalent to me coming to your house every day and beating the shit out of you for months, but one time I buy you an ice cream cone instead and tell you to have a great day. Now can you tell me that you are the type of person that is going to say, "Wow, he got me an ice cream and didn't hurt me today!" or are you a thinking creature that is going to say, "Fuck you and your ice cream, you sociopath!"?

It's just not good enough anymore to be that one good cop or even multiple good cops unless you are willing to take a stand and out the bad ones to be criminals. The thin blue line can no longer be held if we are to gain a modicum of trust back towards our law enforcement. No more buddy system, you fuck up and you do time. Until then, I can't trust a cop anymore and I have actual family that does police work.

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

JustSaying says...

Guys, this ain't so hard...
You're a racist when you assign more or less value as a human being to people of a certain race (ethnical group) than you assign to yourself because of their ethnicity. There's a difference between saying "Stalin is less worth than M.L. King" (personal opinion) and "white people are worth less than blacks". The latter would be racism.
Prejudice is when you have opinions about people before knowing the facts about them.
Walking up to Mike Tyson and saying "You must have a giant cock because all black men are giants" is a prejudice that may be racist but it assigns positive values. Sure, it's offensive, like telling asian people they must be great at math, but somewhat forgivable. You're an ignorant cunt, yeah, but at least you said something flattering. You racist.
Walking up to Mike and telling him "All black men are criminals" is not only prejudice but also racist. Why? Because calling somebody a criminal is a negative judgement. A generalized negative prejudice towards an ethnic group is a racist way of thinking. Mike was convicted for raping his girlfriend. He is a criminal. Not all black men are Tyson. And if they were, I'd prefer the science variant. You're plain wrong.
Now saying "I bet all black people like listening to R'nB music" is just prejudice. There's no judgement here. Right? Unless you consider "he listens to R'n'B" an insult. How about "all polish people love ice cream"? Did you just imply polish people are all fat?
The difference between prejudice and racist prejudice lies entirely in subtext and context. It's not what you say, it's what you mean.
Prejudice is a tightrope made of blurry lines spanning over a pit of outrage. That's why politicians should not walk that way.
Being aware of differences between race, ethnic groups and talking about is simply being hones and probably not giving a shit about political correctness. We ARE different. That's the interesting part.
What we sadly forget is this: to focus on what we have in common. But somebody already said that way more eloquent than I ever could:
"Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer
as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us,
do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that.

Cat gets brain freeze

Cows play in snow

Why do competitors open their stores next to one another?

kevingrr says...


I've not been to Brick Lane but there are similar areas in Chicago. Chinatown has endless Chinese restaurants on the south side. Devon Avenue on the north has curry place after curry place.

These exist for a few reasons.

First, immigrants often naturally group together in certain areas of a city. This is very true of Chicago if you study the demographic profiles. It is not surprising that people want to open a business in the community they live in and eat food they are familiar with.

Second, these streets become destinations in and of themselves. "Let's go get some curry up on Devon Ave (Chicago) or Brick Lane (London)." You may not even have a particular restaurant in mind - you just go there and see what you find.

I would guess that those restaurants are able to survive because they exist in a community where there is high demand for their goods.

Those businesses are competing with each other but there is enough demand for their product in one area that they can all stay open.

Going back to the beach analogy it is like everyone on the beach wanting a LOT of ice cream AND people travelling to the beach because it is known for its great ice cream (presumably they know how to make the best ice cream, curry etc).

Back to my earlier comment, restaurants do like being next to one another and they would prefer if the product is different. Why?

Imagine there are two retail spaces available in a town that has no restaurants. You want to open a curry restaurant in one of the spaces and sign a lease with the landlord to do so. Ideally you are the ONLY restaurant in town. If people want to eat out they have to come to you. Now the landlord wants to lease out the other space - what would you like to see there most? Another Curry Restaurant, a pizza place, or an ice cream shop?

I can tell you for a fact that fast casual restaurants in the USA love being next to a Starbucks because people got to Starbucks everyday. That means if you sell sandwiches people know exactly where you are. They see you everyday and you are right next door to one of their favorite establishments etc.

Why do competitors open their stores next to one another?

Formula 1 Driver Kimi Räikkönen Cuts the Grass

gorillaman says...

Oh man, Raikkonen. My favourite was when he went to get an ice-cream while everyone else was sitting on the track waiting for a restart that would never happen. Then eventually leaving while a Ferrari spokesman assured us he was still ready to race.

kulpims (Member Profile)

Obesity PSA - Obesity doesn't happen overnight

lucky760 says...

Heheh. At this point I feel confident they won't become candyholics whenever they first taste it because we're effectively cultivating a preference for savory over sweet.

Yep, they have no idea what juice is; they only drink milk and water. They only know that candy is the stuff they pick up and play with at the store, but they put it back before we check out; they know it has lots of sugar and will give them cavities (but they don't actually know the word "candy"). They only know what an ice cream cone is from books and TV, but they've never seen one in person.

Whenever we do give them something very sweet, such as fresh fruit or a taste of our frozen yogurt, they often won't eat it complaining that it's too sweet (just like they are).

00Scud00 said:

Actually, fat people seem to be one of the few groups these days that can still be made fun of. Shame can be useful but shaming someone who's overeating because of depression or has a poor self image will not help them, it will only make them worse.

Your kids have never had any juice or candy or ice cream before? I can respect your desire for healthy kids, but, wow! I hope it doesn't backfire and they wind up like Rigel from Farscape when they encounter candy for the first time.

Obesity PSA - Obesity doesn't happen overnight

00Scud00 says...

Actually, fat people seem to be one of the few groups these days that can still be made fun of. Shame can be useful but shaming someone who's overeating because of depression or has a poor self image will not help them, it will only make them worse.

Your kids have never had any juice or candy or ice cream before? I can respect your desire for healthy kids, but, wow! I hope it doesn't backfire and they wind up like Rigel from Farscape when they encounter candy for the first time.

Obesity PSA - Obesity doesn't happen overnight

lucky760 says...

This is a very effective PSA. It really made me have a visceral reaction at the end.

I'm so happy my kids have never tasted juice or candy or chocolate or ice cream before (and I plan on keeping it that way for a very long time). I really hope that just like the habit of bad eating may be dictated by diet during infancy and toddlerhood, good habits can also be ingrained in our children and help guide their food choices for the rest of their lives.

Walmart Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt

Cocoa Farmers Tasting Chocolate for the First Time

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