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SFOGuy (Member Profile)

Conan busts the secret employee "Foodie List"

Do Negative-Calorie Foods Exist?

worthwords says...

i think some of these rumours were down to a misunderstanding since we often call food calories by the short hand 'calories' when we mean the extreme I think someone had erroneously worked out that thermogenically speaking, eating ice cream should make you lose weight

Why Uber Is Terrible - Cracked Explains

Payback says...

...completely ignoring the sweatshopping tactics Uber employs. It's all puppies and ice cream now since the cars are still new. Wait until that Uber driver is tired of paying to get his brakes done and squeals through the red light and kills someone you care about.

Cheaper isn't better, it's just cheaper.

Police Capture Runaway Unicorn

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Abortion Laws

newtboy says...

Yes. It was a long, painful slog to excise chingalera from the body. It was, in fact, the reason I started posting, because I just couldn't sit back and watch him make the sift an ugly place with little or no pushback.
Lantern, while I often disagreed with him vehemently, USUALLY didn't devolve into a 5 year old little girl who just had her ice cream taken away, ranting, screaming, cursing, and attacking anyone in earshot. It did happen, but not often. I realized one day that I seemed to be one of the few actually responding to his posts, so I ignored him, and he left soon afterwards. I thought the same thing might happen with bob, but clearly not. I shouldn't be so surprised bad for expecting reasonable, rational, or even adult behavior from the die hard extreme right winger who spends his time on a left leaning site.

VoodooV said:


and how long did it take, and how painful was it to get the "Chingalera situation" resolved? How many sifts got Ching-jacked before something was finally done?

Hell, we couldn't even get Lantern out of here, he seems to have left of his own accord, (thanks btw, for I know you had a hand in inducing him to leave) but any day, he could come back and troll again.

Wonder Woman (2017) Exclusive First look

JustSaying says...

Feminist icon? The superhero whose weakness is mild bondage sessions with men?

And regarding Gal Gadot and her "wrong body type", in today's world, the closest to an Amazon would be an MMA fighter like Gina Carano. I'd be fine with that but I also like Pretzel-flavoured ice cream.

Teacher Dancing With His Students Has Already Won 2016

Payback says...

Nah, I'm glad it's all happiness and ice cream, just being cynical...

Just seems to be the exact thing a school board would try to squash into the mud.

eric3579 said:

Take a look at the links in my comment at the top. He's about as good as it gets when it comes to educating/teaching.

This is what an amazing teacher/educator looks like.

...and it's not because he dances with his students. Although that's pretty cool.

Why Does Hot Food Taste Better Than Cold Food?

JustSaying says...

Ok, this is bullshit. Great job explaining why cooking is important for human evolution but they're not answering the question, which is stupid to begin with. I had a ham sandwich this morning and it tasted great. So does ice cream. Two things that aren't hot food but both cooked. Being hot and being cooked aren't the same thing. I clearly prefer cold Pizza over uncooked one.

How to fold shirt in 3 seconds!

Cibo Matto - Sugar Water

ulysses1904 says...

I found their "White Pepper Ice Cream" on my iPod, I had never heard of them and I have no idea how it got there but it was a nice surprise. Thanks for posting this.

nock (Member Profile)

Elegant Handmade Fresh Thai Ice Cream Rolls

Elegant Handmade Fresh Thai Ice Cream Rolls

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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