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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Trailer #1

lucky760 says...

>> ^berticus:

Just finished watching The Office (UK) for the first time and discovered the actor who played Tim Canterbury portrays Bilbo Baggins in this flick. Neat.

I don't know how to use google. Can you please link me to what it is you're referring to? I'd love to check out some new quality material. Is this Sherlock you speak of an ongoing series or a film or a mini-series, or...?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Trailer #1

Europe: Lost Without Christianity

poolcleaner says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Mammaltron:
Well, that was a heartening story, maybe there's a glimmer of hope for mankind.
I especially like the part where Europe owes its culture, freedom, science and wealth to Christianity.

To be fair, there is a cultural debt to Christianity. Religion has inspired many great works of art, but that's no reason to believe in it (anymore than you need to believe in hobbits to enjoy Lord of the Rings).
As for freedom and science... that's very marginal.
As for wealth, well it's probably true but not in a good way.
Oh, and "nothing can be said against muslims"? O Rly?

I wouldn't say religion inspired art, rather religion gave artists jobs. Sorta like "Video games inspired artists." No, video game companies give artists jobs. A small percentage of them are inspired by, but more often than not, it's the "gettin' paid" factor.

Europe: Lost Without Christianity

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Mammaltron:

Well, that was a heartening story, maybe there's a glimmer of hope for mankind.
I especially like the part where Europe owes its culture, freedom, science and wealth to Christianity.

To be fair, there is a cultural debt to Christianity. Religion has inspired many great works of art, but that's no reason to believe in it (anymore than you need to believe in hobbits to enjoy Lord of the Rings).
As for freedom and science... that's very marginal.
As for wealth, well it's probably true but not in a good way.

Oh, and "nothing can be said against muslims"? O Rly?

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Concerning Hobbits live concert

Yogi jokingly says...

>> ^CrushBug:

>> ^Yogi:
I used to read The Lord of the Rings in vent to my guild. I started each session with this piece of music because it really set the mood. Now I'm looking for a guild in SWTOR to read to

Awesome. I used to quote Ghostbusters right before EverQuest raids in text chat.

Pfft nerd.

Concerning Hobbits live concert

CrushBug says...

>> ^Yogi:

I used to read The Lord of the Rings in vent to my guild. I started each session with this piece of music because it really set the mood. Now I'm looking for a guild in SWTOR to read to

Awesome. I used to quote Ghostbusters right before EverQuest raids in text chat.

Game Of Thrones Season 2: "Shadow" Tease

deathcow says...

I have heard some distressing news about Season 2. They are emulating Star Trek in a sense, where famous old series characters would make appearances in modern series to tie it all together. That always bugged the hell out of me when Spock would appear on Picards ship for example, or Riker appeared on Voyager.

Anyway, they are cashing in on the Lord Of The Rings and several of Peter Dinklage hobbit cousins from the shire will be visiting this season. And get this... Elijah Woods is confirmed. He will be "passing through the kingdom on a secret mission to destroy a powerful weapon" but wait, Sean Bean AGAIN tries to seize it.

Ian Mckellen on Religion and Homosexuality

shinyblurry says...

I liked Ian as Gandalf, although I thought the books were a bit better than the movies, however, I dont like that Ian is encouraging thousands (millions?) of people to deface the bible, a criminal act when it is other peoples property btw, and which is completely irresponsible and immature, not to mention ridiculous. What's going on is that Ian doesn't like that look in the mirror, so he tries to shatter the reflection.

>> ^holymackerel013:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Professor Tolkien would not approve. Ian obviously feels threatened by Gods judgement on his lifestyle, and well he should be, but to boast about defacing the bible on television takes it to a whole other level of criminality and rebellion. All I have to say is that you reap what you sow.

What?....Gandalf is...GAY!? OH NO...why did nobody ever tell me! I guess I'm not allowed to watch my favourite movies & I've been so excited about the upcoming Hobbit movies. Why God? Why does he have to be gay?

The Hobbit - Production Diary Video #5

Peter Jackson's Hobbit Diaries: Hobbit-town

The Best and Worst Movies of 2011 (Cinema Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

>> ^deathcow:

I liked the Prometheus trailer better than any 2011 films

I don't know if I necessarily agree with that, but 2012 is definitely going to kick 2011's ass, cinematically. You've got Prometheus, The Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit, Star Trek 2, John Carter, Skyfall, Cabin in the Woods, not to mention new films from people like Paul Thomas Anderson, Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, Rian Johnson, Derek Cianfrance, Steven Soderbergh, Alfonso Cuaron, Nicolas Winding Refn, and a movie directed by Tom Tykwer and the Wachowskis. Plus: not one, but TWO NEW ARNIE MOVIES! 2012 -- best year ever? Possibly.

Peter Jackson's Hobbit Diaries: Hobbit-town

Peter Jackson's Hobbit Diaries: Hobbit-town

Peter Jackson's Hobbit Diaries: Hobbit-town

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