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Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

Gabe_b says...

What a disgusting waste. Stupid children with high tech shit. This makes me very angry.
The work field journalists do is a wonderful thing.
Edit: Riddling wounded people with bullets? Wouldn't that be a war crime? They're clearly no longer a threat. Fuck these guys, I hope they burn in hell.

Plane attack victim's son speaks

Raaagh says...

>> ^demon_ix:
There's nothing brave about killing innocents. There's nothing brave about committing suicide.
People who say that guy is a hero are also saying the 9/11 hijackers were heroes, and that every single suicide bomber was a hero.
At any rate, fuck those guys. This guy was scum, using his plane to do the most cowardly thing, the consequences of which he knew he wouldn't have to face.
There's absolutely nothing brave about that.

I agree to an extent.

But brave does not simply equate to Heroic.

It does take a brave person to take their own life for a cause. If the cause is wrong in your eyes, then they are not a hero.

But objectively, they do have ballzz

Plane attack victim's son speaks

demon_ix says...

There's nothing brave about killing innocents. There's nothing brave about committing suicide.

People who say that guy is a hero are also saying the 9/11 hijackers were heroes, and that every single suicide bomber was a hero.

At any rate, fuck those guys. This guy was scum, using his plane to do the most cowardly thing, the consequences of which he knew he wouldn't have to face.

There's absolutely nothing brave about that.

Bill O'Reilly - Glenn Beck Reacts to Jon Stewart Interview

JiggaJonson says...

I really wanted to come up with some kind of comprehensive analysis of this.
If not that, I wanted to pluck out one aspect of it and refute it.

But the problem with listening to these two chit-chat is that I quickly became overwhelmed with their bullshit. I think my problem was trying to draft something mid video but I kept catching myself stopping and saying "HEY that's not true!"

So my new direction with my comment is this: The truth leaves you no outs. Lies on the other hand always leave you something to fall back on, you can always tell another lie. It's really interesting watching these to dance through a conversation together.

I can point out numerous contradictions in the 6 minutes I just watched (and I will if asked) but to be honest I really dont want to. The only reason I even bother to watch this crap anymore is because I feel like I have a social obligation to understand opposing views on politics. The only trouble is I really dont understand what the fuck these guys are talking about because the facts have gone through some kind of bullshit filter before they were put back on the air.

And then I see it, the whirlwind of facts and bullshit intermingle so frequently it's exhausting even trying to really understand what these idiots are blabering about even within the context of what i consider to be objective facts (i get my news from a variety of sources including NPR, cspan, the associated press, cnn, and google news to name a few) -- But now I'm thinking about the man who watches nothing but Fox news. And I remember Fox has the highest ratings of them all.

We're fucked.

thinker247 (Member Profile)

Shepppard says...

Both taken from the post you sent back from discussion. It was staying there because there's no advertisements and therefore in a form of "Limbo". The sponsors names aren't associated with anything to do in sift talk, and therefore cannot pull their funding. You, therefore, decided to not return it to vote, but then doublepromote to put it straight up on front page. After dag said it's staying in sift talk.

>> ^dag:
Yes. Censorship. Let's go there. You might as well invoke Hitler too- it seems that's the direction your hyperbole is heading.
In fact, the fate of this group masturbation video may validate or destroy Democracy in the western world as we know it. We must choose wisely!
Anywhooo ... I've offered to leave this in Sift Talk where you can visit it as much as you want - tell your friends, too! Post it to Facebook- we can't cover up this awesome masterpiece of video journalism. Power to the people and keep up the good fight against wicked censorship ... my liberty loving brothers and sisters.

>> ^dag:
I'm not sure on your definition of "most people". Your sample size might be a bit small.
Yes, I do think sponsors will object to this post- it's hurt us before:
It's great to take a moral stand- but I'd like to continue to be able to pay the server bills- and consistently uphold the guidelines for this site that have been in place since February of 2006.


dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm not sure on your definition of "most people". Your sample size might be a bit small.

Yes, I do think sponsors will object to this post- it's hurt us before:

It's great to take a moral stand- but I'd like to continue to be able to pay the server bills- and consistently uphold the guidelines for this site that have been in place since February of 2006.

>> ^kulpims:
@dag: MOST people here don't seem to find this video inappropriate and don't feel the need to discard it. i'm aware we must follow certain rules regarding site content, but there's no need to invoke one in this particular case (unless you own this site and are afraid potential sponsors might object to such content). you accuse me of being a drama queen, but you're afraid this harmless parody might jeopardize the future of VS? get some balls, man. yeah, almost forgot: hitler! there


Shepppard says...

>> ^peggedbea:
help, im a man on the sift and unattractive woman are sexualizing themselves in ways im not comfortable with.
if they were hot young girls jumping up and down or doing something worthless and unfunny, that never the less made me think of sex without ACTUALLY thinking about sex, where the sex thought only existed in my imagination. id send it straight to number one.

or if this was a fucking family guy video, id tell people they were pretentious and should let the votes decide what stays and goes.
sometimes i feel like mink. FUCK.
who defines quality?

I challenge you to find me another sifted video that is this graphic, and not in some way educational.

(I.e. Nothing you'd find in a medical textbook. So, things that are just diagrams, or explinations of how things work)

Nothing you will find will be this graphic (Seeing full on genitals, people in the act of pleasuring themselves in full view. etc.) The worst I've been able to find is a video collection of "O Faces" and one from Gwiz about the "Anatomy of the Vagina" which just seemed to be him posting it for the hell of it, because the video he posted that was from a porn site got discarded.

This has nothing to do with the fact that they're all older, it's the fact that what they're doing is sexually explicit, and doesn't belong on the sift.


peggedbea says...

help, im a man on the sift and unattractive woman are sexualizing themselves in ways im not comfortable with.
if they were hot young girls jumping up and down or doing something worthless and unfunny, that never the less made me think of sex without ACTUALLY thinking about sex, where the sex thought only existed in my imagination. id send it straight to number one.

or if this was a fucking family guy video, id tell people they were pretentious and should let the votes decide what stays and goes.

sometimes i feel like mink. FUCK.

who defines *quality?

The Best Fight Scene EVAR!

Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer

Gabe_b says...

Upvoted for the description alone.

Also, seriously? Already? Shit, I almost feel bad for EA. But then again, fuck those guys and the DLC armor wearing horse they rode in on.>> ^ajkido:
I would just like to thank the good people of Razor1911.

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

Under the Influence - Vodka

These people are our future... gods help us all

Zonbie (Member Profile)

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