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thinker247 (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Comedian Greg Giraldo Passed Away...RIP

Excuse Me, Do I Have a Lizard Hanging From My Tongue?

Reactable: Live performance @ submixpro studio

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

budzos says...

So deserved. Have seen a few videos lately of idiots like this fellow who take it upon themselves to dance in traffic, putting random passers-by at risk for massive legal and financial repercussions (not to mention psychological).

Fuck this guy. I hope he's .. learned his lesson.

Giant Mother Garage Spider

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^ponceleon:

Okay I don't know where the fuck this guy lives, but he has so many of these giant spider videos that:
a) I don't ever want to visit him
b) I suspect that he is breeding these fucking monsters

I know right!? That pulsing mound of spider children was about the end of my viewing experience.

Giant Mother Garage Spider

Creation of "Whiteness"

Canadian Stop at US Border: 3 a Day

handmethekeysyou says...

This guy was a douche from jump street. Normally I would say that you shouldn't treat law enforcement the way he did. But honestly, you shouldn't treat anyone the way he treats the border officer. This isn't just 'be polite and you won't be detained', be polite and people will go out of their way to help you.

Another way this douche is a douche: after complaining about oh, how can he be expected to sit down when he isn't given a reason to sit down, he screams at his wife to sit down, just sit down, just sit down. "Why?" "Just sit down. Just sit down. Sit down." Fuck off guy.

Show some respect to your wife. Show some respect to the border patrol. Show some respect to your fellow man so we can all do what needs to get done.

Smile at someone today. Thank the guy who serves you your morning coffee. And if a cop is outside on your way in to buy that coffee, offer to buy him one too. Pay shit forward.

How to make a Soccer Ball out of a Condom

dannym3141 says...

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^dannym3141:
What the fuck are you people talking about AIDS epidemics for? I saw a pretty heartwarming video about people finding a way to enjoy themselves and have fun in a country where there may be precious little else to have fun doing.
What you saw was a dirty african. Probably got AIDS. Right? Yeah, he probably went and gave AIDS to a little girl as well after he played his dirty condom football. Right?
Fuck you guys. Seriously. This is the worst kind of xenophobia. The kind where you don't even realise how xenophobic it is. You see an african, you see AIDS, you see having unprotected sex and spreading disease.

Ahem...first of all Africa is not a country. Secondly some countries in the African continent have up to a 25% HIV rate. Yea that was the first thing on my mind too...I mean it could've been "wow no wonder why people from Kenya are so fast, they like to play soccer". But it wasn' was AIDS...oh and overpopulating an area with little resources. I thought about how stupid that is too. It's ok to call people from African countries stupid. Just as long as it isn't because they're black.

First of all, where did i say africa was a country? I know africa isn't a country, i didn't call africa a country. If i had stated any country inside africa then i would be a) guessing and b) badly imitating the xenophobic generalisation as shown above.

Anyway. If the first thing you honestly saw was an irresponsible AIDS riddled african using his last condom on football rather than sex instead of a guy trying to have some fun where there's not a lot of fun going round, then i credit your honesty but i'm horrified.

Is it so hard to see a person? Am i alone?

How to make a Soccer Ball out of a Condom

rottenseed says...

>> ^dannym3141:

What the fuck are you people talking about AIDS epidemics for? I saw a pretty heartwarming video about people finding a way to enjoy themselves and have fun in a country where there may be precious little else to have fun doing.
What you saw was a dirty african. Probably got AIDS. Right? Yeah, he probably went and gave AIDS to a little girl as well after he played his dirty condom football. Right?
Fuck you guys. Seriously. This is the worst kind of xenophobia. The kind where you don't even realise how xenophobic it is. You see an african, you see AIDS, you see having unprotected sex and spreading disease.

*Ahem...first of all Africa is not a country. Secondly some countries in the African continent have up to a 25% HIV rate. Yea that was the first thing on my mind too...I mean it could've been "wow no wonder why people from Kenya are so fast, they like to play soccer". But it wasn' was AIDS...oh and overpopulating an area with little resources. I thought about how stupid that is too. It's ok to call people from African countries stupid. Just as long as it isn't because they're black.

How to make a Soccer Ball out of a Condom

dannym3141 says...

What the fuck are you people talking about AIDS epidemics for? I saw a pretty heartwarming video about people finding a way to enjoy themselves and have fun in a country where there may be precious little else to have fun doing.

What you saw was a dirty african. Probably got AIDS. Right? Yeah, he probably went and gave AIDS to a little girl as well after he played his dirty condom football. Right?

Fuck you guys. Seriously. This is the worst kind of xenophobia. The kind where you don't even realise how xenophobic it is. You see an african, you see AIDS, you see having unprotected sex and spreading disease.

Royal Canadian Air Farce - US/Canada Border

BoneRemake says...

>> ^choggie:

almost 20 yrs ago it was all we could do to promise to smuggle drugs out/come in to stir up shit without a credit card......fuck you guys, yer as big a pussified lot as the hoards that'll come rolling over in 5-10 yrs than you know-Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

explain that without the retarded element please. ? ? ?

Royal Canadian Air Farce - US/Canada Border

choggie says...

almost 20 yrs ago it was all we could do to promise to smuggle drugs out/come in to stir up shit without a credit card......fuck you guys, yer as big a pussified lot as the hoards that'll come rolling over in 5-10 yrs than you know-Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

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