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lucky760 (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

Is this not a direct attack: Gotta love the irony, you wield the ban-hammer on me for a personal attack on someone, that happens to be about a constant and repeated open personal attack on someone else. Your douchebag sub-domain really does do you justice.

That was at me.

and here was why I banned it in the first place:

"GenjiKilpatrick, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Seriously, I'm so tired of going to watch a video and seeing comments from your dumb ass attacking another member of the sift, unprovoked, in an open thread. I don't care what your opinion is; I don't care what hers is. If you have a beef, settle it away from everyone else so we can stop having to see your relentless bullsit...."

is that not a personal attack? Are we getting relaxed? So I banned him, waiting an additional ban to make it final (that's how it works right?) Then he sent me that message calling me a douche. Which is fun when we're all having a good time, but that was out of spite. Fuck that guy, seriously why is he here?
In reply to this comment by lucky760:
@CelebrateApathy did not deserve to be instabanned for the reason you provided. There was nothing overly inflammatory nor was there any type of personal attack.

Please refrain from instabanning persons for reasons that aren't overtly harmful to the site. If someone is crossing the line with their commenting, please bring it up in Sift Talk instead.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
May the *ban-hammer reign upon you for egregious violation of sift code section 35, bullet 1 in the following comment

Tommy Chong Confronts "War on Drugs" Profiteer

Seth Rogen is a Dick - Wait...who's the dick?

Seattle cop kills nonthreatening pedestrian

ForgedReality says...

It makes me afraid to live in this city. As if there weren't enough fucking criminals, now I have to worry about the fucking people who are supposed to be stopping those criminals. This shit was all over the papers and the radio too. I used to think maybe he was just a fucking crazy guy and maybe the cop DID fear for his own safety. After seeing this video, I don't think so.

Hmm, let's see... Knife.. Gun.. I feel threatened by that short range weapon, so I'm gunna put half my clip in him just in case he's telekinetic.


George Carlin on Praying and the Invisible Man in the Sky

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Rights for everyman? No, fuck that guy.

Got it.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
When did you and Osama bin Laden become BFF? Why this sudden outpouring of emotion? In case you forgot, Osama bin Laden was kind of a dick. Any other person and I'd probably be with you, but Osama bin Laden? Not so much. No crocodile tears, no stages of grief, no flowers for his family and I've already responded NO to the evite for his memorial service. His death bothers me not in the slightest. Fuck that guy.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
The kill order. It was a state sanctioned assassination. By Obama. No attempt for a trial.


I know this bothers you, too. And it should. You're siding with McCain and Palin on this. This isn't a partisan issue. It's a betrayal of basic human rights. At least they could lie to us and say, "Well, we wanted to bring Osama in for trial. We exhausted every means to apprehend him, but he left us no choice and we had to take him down."

But the people in this country have condoned a secret assassination without due process. A human completely snuffed. By the people. This is not a step toward fascism?

blankfist (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

When did you and Osama bin Laden become BFF? Why this sudden outpouring of emotion? In case you forgot, Osama bin Laden was kind of a dick. Any other person and I'd probably be with you, but Osama bin Laden? Not so much. No crocodile tears, no stages of grief, no flowers for his family and I've already responded NO to the evite for his memorial service. His death bothers me not in the slightest. Fuck that guy.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
The kill order. It was a state sanctioned assassination. By Obama. No attempt for a trial.


I know this bothers you, too. And it should. You're siding with McCain and Palin on this. This isn't a partisan issue. It's a betrayal of basic human rights. At least they could lie to us and say, "Well, we wanted to bring Osama in for trial. We exhausted every means to apprehend him, but he left us no choice and we had to take him down."

But the people in this country have condoned a secret assassination without due process. A human completely snuffed. By the people. This is not a step toward fascism?

Attack dog has the wrong idea

Siskel & Ebert Forced to Review American Version of Leon

NaMeCaF says...

I've found that film critics are like bizarro film reviewers. If they say a movie is shit, I usually go and see it. If they say a movie is good I usually don't bother. Funnily enough - except for a few rare occasions - it's paid off tremendously.

Fuck these guys.

NMA: The Simpsons take aim at Fox News

Yogi says...

I like how the Glee kids are waving the Gay Flag.

Ok what the fuck is this? It shows the Simpsons writers watching Family Guy and taking notes? I don't like what Simpsons has become but FUCK NO! Fucking Family Guy copied what Simpsons established...if anything Simpsons is just copying itself over and over but to say that Family Guy is innovative is the worst atrocity of comedy I can think of.

Bill O'Reilly still doesn't get the tides

Tymbrwulf says...

A scientific mind asks a question, and doesn't give up when he/she cannot find the answer. If the answer leads to another question, well, you just keep going until you are satisfied with the answer. 2 minutes of just googling and some time spent reading would have brought him to an adequate conclusion. Bill ORLY? just gladly accepts "god did it" when faced with a "tough" question that any 5th grade science teacher can answer.

Man, fuck that guy for having a platform spreading this uneducated bullshit.

Jim Jeffries on heaven and hell

It's a motherfucking Roast, bitches and gentlemen! (Wtf Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

It takes a certain kind of man to be a Nebraskan: Namely one who can maintain a BAC of at least .22 at all waking moments. A sufficient dose of meth may be an adequate substitute if alcohol is not readily available. Anyone unable to adhere to these rigid standards of Nebraska life may ultimately realize he lives in Nebraska and kill himself or flee to a less boring state (I hear experts are predicting Iowans will invent the written word in the near future).

This necessary drunken state explains why our roastee, @MrFisk, thinks Nebraska is the "bull's eye" of the continental US: he can't see straight. Though I suppose even if you were sober in Nebraska, your vision would be blurred by the constant flood of tears, stemming from the certain knowledge that, yes, you are in Nebraska. Even Larry the Fucking Cable Guy was smart enough to run into Kansas City, MO and start calling radio stations, pretending to be a southerner. Apparently that's a celebrity career for a Nebraskan.

laura (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

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