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Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into a Wall

ReverendTed says...

>> ^volumptuous:
Now the guys in a fucking coma, and you're defending the cop? What a strange world you live in.

I agree that the video is inadequate to develop an informed opinion, but I doubt anyone thinks the cop intended to put someone into a coma. That's what makes it an accident. He may have used excessive force, and it may have even been malicious, but the extent of the boys injuries are certainly accidental.
The cop should absolutely have to worry about being able to justify (or accept punishment for) his intent.

Think about it this way, if you can: Roll back this video in your mind, and pause it right before the cop collides with the kid. Draw out a multiple choice list of possible outcomes: a) kid gets nailed, falls down; b) kid gets nailed, tossed into wall, falls down; c) kid gets nailed, breaks a limb; d) kid gets nailed, hits wall, goes into coma
Would you honestly be likely to pick d if you didn't already know the outcome?

Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into a Wall

volumptuous says...

@ Mashiki & Sofaking

You don't have to act like total douchebags because you disagree with most commenters here. And yes, there are many members here who have experience with law enforcement, as well as active duty military members, so cut with the "none of you know anything" garbage.

It's a very simple thoery called "excessive force". It is against not just the cops training, but also the law to use excessive force while apprehending a suspect.

Now the guys in a fucking coma, and you're defending the cop? What a strange world you live in.

Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into a Wall

ChosenOne says...

Argh.. stuff like this is what makes my blood boil. It's when the department covers for an officer like that that just farkin pisses me off. I hope the news isn't just slanted and got other comments about how sorry they farkin better be. Dude is in a coma from excessive force, no other explanation for the video even if the suspect ran 1 block to 100 blocks away.

CNN: Police Beating Caught On Video -5 Cops Fired In Alabama

ponceleon says...

I dunno, I'm kinda torn on this one: I'm usually appalled by police excessive force, but the guy clearly hits a cop with his van... I'm thinking that would piss off the other cops understandably.

Actual Footage of Pastor Beaten & Tazed By Border Patrol

Naked man tasered multiple times at Coachella festival

Naked man tasered multiple times at Coachella festival

jwray says...

Excessive force. It's pathetic that 3 cops couldn't cuff that lardo without using a taser 5 times, pathetic that laws of censorship exist against a petty annoyance, pathetic that those laws may be enforced with violence, and pathetic that the cops chose to enforce unjust laws.

Naked man tasered multiple times at Coachella festival

Handcuffed motorist is tazed (Supreme Court meets youtube)

sometimes says...

Imagine for a moment that the tazer is a club or a fist. "Mr. Buckley get up or I'm going to punch you in the face".

Or what if the driver was semi-paralyzed? How would the cop get him into the squad car?

A weapon was used on a passive, restrained, non-violent, non-threatening person as a means of expedience.

I don't see how anyone can claim this is anything but excessive force.

Handcuffed motorist is tazed (Supreme Court meets youtube)

Sniper007 says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Yes, I understand your sentiment, but if all things used 2 police instead of 1 it could be crippling to response times robbing everyone of a level of justice. Once you refuse an officer, you are now placing yourself in his discretionary power, a dangerous place to be as they are armed with multiple flavors of pain. I think the real question is does this constitute excessive force. I would have to say no, so much so that it still didn't compel him to get into the car and he had to further escalate by calling other officers.
It isn't a black and white situation, so there is a great deal of personal opinion in something as charged as this.

You make a really good case for leaving this country permanently and letting the psychopaths destroy themselves. Seriously. Just twisted. It's this whole collective right of everyone to have a "level of justice," what the hell is that? It's totally ambiguous. Totally non-descript. Those concepts of rights and duties allow any true injustice imaginable. Collective rights don't exist.

It's not excessive force because it didn't work? Amazing.

It's OK for a police officer to tazer someone because they're taking to long, and the cops MIGHT be doing SOMETHING ELSE, that's more important? WHA?! Really?!

Handcuffed motorist is tazed (Supreme Court meets youtube)

GeeSussFreeK says...

Yes, I understand your sentiment, but if all things used 2 police instead of 1 it could be crippling to response times robbing everyone of a level of justice. Once you refuse an officer, you are now placing yourself in his discretionary power, a dangerous place to be as they are armed with multiple flavors of pain. I think the real question is does this constitute excessive force. I would have to say no, so much so that it still didn't compel him to get into the car and he had to further escalate by calling other officers.

It isn't a black and white situation, so there is a great deal of personal opinion in something as charged as this.

CCTV: King County sheriff's deputy assaulting 15 yr old girl

LordOderus says...

>> ^JohnnyMackers:
The quoting system is an arse to try and work with so

To mouthbreathers like Maze and Throbbin: Stop trying.
To others: No, in my opinion YOU are wrong. And your views based in fantasy.
Desirable as it might seem, that is not the world we live in.

No, their views are based on the Law not fantasy. Our government and society have set up a set or rules and regulations on how the police are allowed to treat people. Police officers are not allowed to beat the crap out of a person for no reason. Actually, they're not allowed to beat the snot out of people at all. Yes, they're authorized to use physical force, pain compliance, and even deadly force to restrain a prisoner or to save a life. In this case the term "excessive force" is a completely accurate description of the events. The officers probably had just cause to handcuff and restrain the girl, she did kick her shoe at them. They did not have justification to pummel her in the face, slam her on the ground, hit her a few more times while shes prone, then lift her off the ground by her hair.

That is not the view of some liberal fantasy world, that is the law. Now if you think that the laws are allowed to be ignored because "the real world is a hard place" or whatever, then I fear our society has gone past its prime. Everyone has to be held accountable to the law. Cops, Judges, Hookers, Drug dealers, and innocent people are all the same under the law. As a country and as a people, we have been ignoring the abuse by the police for far too long now. This needs to stop for the good of everyone in the country.

3 Cops Subdue 42 Year Old Woman on a Bicycle

Ryjkyj says...

A video released as part of a lawsuit against police in Millville, Philadelphia, shows an officer forcefully punching a woman in the face four times after he bungled an attempt to arrest her for riding a bike on the sidewalk.

As reported by NBC news, Sheila Stevenson, 42, has filed a civil suit (PDF), alleging police used excessive force, after then-Millville Police Officer Carlo Drogo stopped her one year ago on February 3 2008.

The newly released video shows Drogo attempting to use pepper spray on Stevenson while she is still on the bike, but instead spraying himself in the face.

As Stevenson struggles, a reeling Drogo knocks her off the bike and onto the ground.

Two more cops then arrive and haul Stevenson to the curb, one of them seemingly applying the full force of his upper arm onto her neck and head.

The same cop then thrusts his knee into her back twice, with full force, whilst attempting to handcuff her.

"I am not doing nothing," Stevenson screams.

"Put your hands behind your back," one of the other officers orders.

"Can you not do this? I'm not doing nothing! I'm not doing nothing," she wails.

Drogo, clearly in great discomfort from using his own pepper spray on himself, then approaches Stevenson after the other officers have restrained her and aggressively punches her in the face and head four times.

"Why are you hitting me? You're hitting me! Why are you hitting me?" Stevenson cries out. "Why did you hit me and I'm handcuffed?"

Stevenson was later convicted of resisting arrest. As noted by NBC10, Drogo resigned from the police department in October for undisclosed reasons. He has previously issued a statement defending his actions and maintaining that Stevenson's allegations represent a distortion of the facts.

Tony Benn: If you wont broadcast the Gaza appeal then I will

Psychologic says...

How likely do you think it is that anyone in Gaza believes that stopping the random rocket fire will cause Israel to stop blockading the area?

My guess (and it's just a guess) is that they expect the blockade to continue no matter what they do, so their chosen option is to provoke Israel into causing such a humanitarian crisis that other countries finally step in and tell Israel to stop, possibly by force.

I honestly don't see the actions of either side as surprising. People in Gaza (HAMAS or individuals) are intentionally provoking Israel and Israel is responding with excessive force.

Cop Knocks Out 70 Year Old Lady

Zyrxil says...

Excessive force or not, that lady is batshit insane. Looks like she was grabbing for the radio, trying to stop him from calling in something. I also can't imagine what she was trying to do reaching into his pockets not once, but twice.

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