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Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

residue says...

>> ^A10anis:
residue; if your; "favourite part of curling is listening to the compulsive behaviour of people that don't like it whine about it endlessly." then i guess that shows how entertaining it is to you.


>> ^A10anis:
Also, I wasn't; "letting everyone know why they shouldn't like something." i was passing an opinion on my incomprehension as to its attraction as a sport.

yea, sure. that's why you compared it to "dwarf throwing," which actually sounds sort of awesome and probably difficult

>> ^A10anis:
Finally, regarding you sarcasm; "Thank you so much for letting everyone know why they shouldn't like something, your opinions are so very very important to us all". Mine, like yours, is simply a personal opinion and, surely, mine was objective whilst yours was vitriol. If you enjoy curling, great. Personally i enjoy watching sports which require skill and years of commitment.

I feel bad piling onto the other comments about that particularly moronic statement, but that's like saying some of the following:
Soccer is easy, it's just kicking a ball into a huge truck-sized net
football is easy, you catch a ball and run away from people
bull-riding is easy, you just sit on a bull for what, 15 seconds?
Diving is easy, you just jump into the water.. gravity does all the damn work!
Rock climbing is basically climbing a ladder made of rock

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Spoon_Gouge says...

forgive me if I misunderstood your comment...but I believe when you score points in an end, your opponent then gets "the Hammer" in the next end. If your opponent already had the hammer, they keep it. BTW loved the Olympic Curling and how much of it was televised this year, both men's and women's.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Payback says...

>> ^A10anis:
I truly apologise to those who find this "sport" entertaining. I have tried - honest - but it seems to me that with a line to the target to follow, a target the size of a small car and some "helpers" with brushes to speed up/slow down the projectile, anybody, even drunk, could become proficient at it in about an hour. A similar game is played on cruise ships for the elderly to partake of "strain free exercise". Seriously, why is this an olympic event? We might aswell have dwarf throwing or spitting the furthest, or how fast can you go down an ice track, flat on your back, on a plank of wood - oops, sorry, think we have that one already.

Just a couple things. You don't know what you're talking about, and therefore you SHOULD have said such.

Curling is not shuffleboard. This statement alone proves your complete lack of understanding.

I bet, even sober, you would spend the first hour playing mostly flat on your ass. Even skating does not prepare you for what you need to do in curling.

Ever play pool? Imagine making a two bumper bank shot from 40ft away. (adjusted for size difference of cueball vs. rock)

The sweeps are there to stop the rock from curling until the shooter calls it. The sweeps are an extension of him/her. It is teamwork in it's purest form.

...and yes, you are insulting people who love the SPORT by belittling the skill of the players.

ps. about the luge comment "flat on your back, on wood, etc etc" I have never heard of a spitting contest where someone could be killed because of a split-second lapse in judgment.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Skeeve says...

>> ^A10anis:
Personally i enjoy watching sports which require skill and years of commitment.

I'm not one of the many Canadians who is passionate about curling - though I played as a child and have watched my share of tournaments - but if you think that world class curling doesn't require skill and years of commitment then you're obviously on crack. Just look at this image. If you think one can throw a 40 pound stone 150 feet and have it curl perfectly around the stone 2 feet in front of it without years of commitment, then you're an idiot.

Curling isn't the greatest sport ever, it's not always fun to watch, but the people playing it at an international level are true athletes.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Bruti79 (Member Profile)

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

A10anis says...

residue; if your; "favourite part of curling is listening to the compulsive behaviour of people that don't like it whine about it endlessly." then i guess that shows how entertaining it is to you. Also, I wasn't; "letting everyone know why they shouldn't like something." i was passing an opinion on my incomprehension as to its attraction as a sport. Finally, regarding you sarcasm; "Thank you so much for letting everyone know why they shouldn't like something, your opinions are so very very important to us all". Mine, like yours, is simply a personal opinion and, surely, mine was objective whilst yours was vitriol. If you enjoy curling, great. Personally i enjoy watching sports which require skill and years of commitment.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

residue says...

My favorite part of curling is listening to the compulsive behavior of people that don't like it whine about it endlessly.

Thank you so much for letting everyone know why they shouldn't like something, your opinions are so very very important to us all.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

GoodAttorney says...

Whoa people! Come on... the vid IS great, but let's be honest unless you're drinking and participating, curling is lame and the fact that it's an Olympic event kind of sums up why the world is going to shit. Yes, I'm down south, but you don't see me hooting and hollering about 4 man horse shoes, chicken bingo, or some other regional equivalent, with all do respect to our esteemed Canadian friends of course.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Bruti79 says...

The basics of Curling are:
4 persons per team, each person throws two rocks.
You play 10 ends, much like baseball innings
You score points in the house. The team with the closest rock scores one point. If your team has the two closest rocks, you score two, etc. When an opposing teams rock is the next closest is when you stop tallying.
When you score points in an end, you give "The Hammer" to your team, which means they get to shoot last.
You have 90 minutes to play. If you run out of time, you can no longer shoot rocks.

I hope that brief explanation helps a little. It's an amazing game to play, and lots of fun. Some of the best curlers in the world come from beer leagues in northern Canada =)


Asian Chick's Awesome Hand Ninja

WORD-(three spoken word shortfilms)

rougy says...

My Dog from Hell

It was the day I got laid off
Boss said I was lazy

I heard that word
On my way back home
With each footstep through the snow

La-zy, laz-y, la-zy

With a cold key
In an old door
I twisted the knob

From a blue void
I stepped into the orange glow
Of my lazy world
Reeking of patchouli
And crock-pot stew

Saw my dog, Tessie, lying on the couch
Awakened from a dream

“We're professionals here,” said my boss.
“Everybody works long hours.”

Tessie blinked her
Coal-black teddy bear eyes
Smiled immediately

“You just don't get it,” said my boss.
“When you get to this level, you have to sacrifice.”

She leapt to greet me
Turning pirouettes in the air
Jumping so high
Nipping at my fingers
With her tiny hell-hound fangs

I said, “Did he sacrifice, Tessie?”
“When he bought that membership to the Denver Country Club?”
“Or when his wife toured Europe last summer?”

Tessie rolled on her back
And offered me her belly

I trudged past her to my bedroom
Loosened my tie
Collapsed on the mattress

My attache sprung open
As it hit the wall
A flurry of pseudo-code
Littered my world

“I thought you were more mature than that,” said my boss.

A furry little Lipizzaner
Tessie huffed and marched
With high paws through the
Blizzard of hard copy

She laid down on my chest
Licked me on the nose

Darkly, outside my window
The winter's gloom gathered

I pushed her off
“Not now!”
Rolled to my side

All of me
Turned against the world
Pleated pants
Bill Blass silk tie
Yves Saint Laurent jacket

At the base of my back
She curled into a little ball
Facing the doorway
And guarded me from demons
As I wept

Hardest Hockey Shot EVER!

This Week in Unnecessary Censorship 11/6/09

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