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Machine Malfunctions - Ejects White Hot Metal

skinnydaddy1 says...

Basically, the steel rolling process starts with a huge slab of steel about 20-30 feet long, which is heated up to a few hundred degrees in a giant oven. Once it exits the oven it's sent on a conveyor through a series of rollers with smaller and smaller gaps between them, going from around 200mm tall to 2mm tall, o More..ver a distance of a few kilometers. As a side effect from this, the slab gets extremely long (larger plants can end up with sheets over 200m long), and moves extremely quickly.

The reason it has to move so quickly is that the compression elongates it, so the exiting material has to be moving faster than the entering material, or you'll get a nasty 400 degree, 20 ton traffic jam.

The conveyor it travels on is essentially a series of rollers spaced around 1-2 feet apart, and when it's rocketing along like in the video, the leading end will bounce slightly as it hits each roller. On very rare occasions that leading end will bounce high enough to catch on something, or even curl over of its own accord, causing what you see in the video, where it looks like the sheet has hit the front end of the roller.

Amazing Rescue - Helicopter Blows Stranded Calf Off Ice

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Unsung_Hero:

>> ^westy:
curling with helicopters and cows, shud be winter olimpic sport

I commend your courage to ignore the little red squiggly lines under your comment when posting.
Fuk U Spel Sheck!

Spel shecking is practicaly neanderthal. To spend so much time primping and preening your communication feels dishonest imo. Thank the maker for teh internetz!

Amazing Rescue - Helicopter Blows Stranded Calf Off Ice

Amazing Rescue - Helicopter Blows Stranded Calf Off Ice

Amazing Rescue - Helicopter Blows Stranded Calf Off Ice

Cat Finds it Impossible to Relax on Trampoline

lampishthing says...

Naw dude, that cat was making the some noises mine does when he's losing a fight. Cat not happy.>> ^griefer_queafer:

Not saying that I am def. right, but read kitty's body language. His paws are curling in, first of all. And his ears are not back. He is trying to roll over to get the feeling more on his back. And he is meowing, which doesn't necessarily mean a desire--it could mean that a desire is being SERVED (common misconception about the meow).
Many kittehs LLLOOOOVE epic massages like this. My cat loses it when I give him some nice, hearty pats on the back--starts purring and meowing uncontrollably. Give er' a whirl. This kind of stuff will turn a cold kitty into a lap kitty pronto.

Cat Finds it Impossible to Relax on Trampoline

griefer_queafer says...

Not saying that I am def. right, but read kitty's body language. His paws are curling in, first of all. And his ears are not back. He is trying to roll over to get the feeling more on his back. And he is meowing, which doesn't necessarily mean a desire--it could mean that a desire is being SERVED (common misconception about the meow).

Many kittehs LLLOOOOVE epic massages like this. My cat loses it when I give him some nice, hearty pats on the back--starts purring and meowing uncontrollably. Give er' a whirl. This kind of stuff will turn a cold kitty into a lap kitty pronto.

The Army Ant from the BBC's Life in the Undergrowth ...

ant says...

>> ^Sagemind:

We caught a Huge Black Widow Spider and put it in a jar.
My kids, wanting to feed the spider, put 7-10 ants in the jar with her.
Ten minutes later, the the black widow was curled up on the bottom of the jar - Dead!
Now which one is scarier!

Ants FTW!

The Army Ant from the BBC's Life in the Undergrowth ...

Sagemind says...

We caught a Huge Black Widow Spider and put it in a jar.
My kids, wanting to feed the spider, put 7-10 ants in the jar with her.
Ten minutes later, the the black widow was curled up on the bottom of the jar - Dead!

Now which one is scarier!

Jackass For Girls

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jackass, girls, curling iron, regular bra, stunt, its huge' to 'jackass, girls, curling iron, regular bra, stunt, its huge, vomit' - edited by ponceleon

David Mitchell is a Convincing Liar

INCEPTION - 10 more days! (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Farhad2000 says...

I think it will suck. I only say that because every movie I looked forward to this year disappointed me. Secretly I hope it r0x0r my b0x0rz.

I was sold the day I saw a city curl into itself like it was fucking Halo.

How to Deal with the Police (part 1 of 4)

csnel3 says...

I don't have any answers on a better way to deal with cops. I was just commenting on what I felt as I watched this video.I know its best just do as you are told by the police. I also know that doesnt always make it right. I have had some bad dealings with the police, never any major trouble, but enough to know that they can be liars and power tripping dickheads who know they can getaway with almost anything. I think its sad that we all know that cops are bad news, and are instructed to learn how to deal with it.
"we know that if you run, cops will shoot you" is a good example, running is now a capitol offense that requires deadly force? Running is a bad idea, curling up in the fetal posistion and pissing youself is the safest action when the police approach. (and No, i dont really reccomend it). >> ^longde:
Except we know that if you run, the cops will shoot you.
I see the disconnect here. Let me explain. The people in this video trust the cops and the legal system much less than you. Their objective is to leave any police encounter alive, with limbs intact, and without some arbitrary felony thrown at them.
So, they're not hoping for the best, they are trying to prevent the worst.
For all your cynicism, I haven't heard any better ways from you to deal with cops. What advice would you give these people.>> ^csnel3:
I think we all watched the same video. I admit I question things more than normal.
This rang of a video that the authorities would like to play for all the children everyday at the beginning of school. They tell you you have rights, this is comforting, then they tell you the proper way to be arrested and or released, depending on what the police decide to do with you. Wrong or right, just follow these steps and the police will have an easier time with you, and maybe you will recieve some kind of repreve, or not.
I know that the police will lie to us, and do whatever they want, regardless of our rights. I also know they will lie to each other, the court system, and the media, to be able to do and say anything they want. For the most part, once they are in control of you, it doesnt matter what you say about your rights. The video even states that the cops hate people who say they have rights and be prepared for the shitstorm if you go down that road. It's better to shut-up and obey.
I always try to be polite and cooperate, even though I really dislike and distrust the police.
Sometimes I just feel, Rights or not, Run!! Serpintine!Serpintine!Serpintine! dont look back.go go go.
Or just do as this vid says and hope for the best.

Adam Savage: Banned MythBusters Episode on Cannibal Mouse

MilkmanDan says...

My firefox has AdBlock, Noscript, and a cookie blocker, so frequently my paranoid combination of plugins screws up video sources and I paste the URL into IE if I trust the source but don't want to add exceptions. That was the case for this one, but when I went to IE I got a video that made no mention of Adam Savage and just had a dude with a curled mustache talking about advertising revenue bouncing back.

I watched that for a couple minutes thinking that perhaps he would mention Mythbusters, but I don't think that ever happened.

So I guess I'd summarize that into either a dead or WTF nomination.

*edit - Aha, the first backup link actually displayed the proper video. Thanks!

True Masters of The Tea Party Revealed

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