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Eva Markvoort's Last Words - Farewell Blog (heartbreaking)

xxovercastxx says...

Her blog continues here.

Death does not affect me as strongly as it does most people. I feel it's one of the most important parts of life. That doesn't mean I'm not sad when someone dies; that I don't miss them; but I am not obsessed with prolonging life the way most people are. I'm not a very charitable person. I have mixed feelings about a lot of causes that seek to cure terminal diseases.

I still admire Eva. She inspired thousands. I don't hesitate to say, were I in her position, I'd curl up and wait for death. I'm not proud of that, but there are few people who can use the end of their own lives to improve a world they won't even get to enjoy. The vast majority of us just don't have the fortitude.

@westy, you "moronic fool", Eva's story is not notable because she was a young woman who died; It's notable for how she used her time.

John K. Samson (of the Weakerthans) "The Last And"

calvados says...

So I’m the first one in again

with the quiet and the window growing snow.

When I hear the furnace rouse itself

From its slumber, somehow suddenly I know

As my eye stops on one curled up in my lesson plan

That I’m just your little ampersand

When your voice springs from the intercom

with announcements and reminders and prayer

I remember how you made me feel

I was funny, I was thoughtful, I was rare

But like the jokes about my figure

kids think I don’t understand

I know I’m just your little ampersand.

After Christmas holiday you never asked to drive me home again

Sometimes in the staff room I’d catch your eye with “why’d it have to end”

But I know from how you worry at your wedding band

That I’m just your little ampersand

The last conjunction after every other and

I was just your little ampersand.

Started drinking early, so here's Martha Stewart & a chicken

Obama's Stance On Mandatory Healthcare Insurance

bobknight33 says...

What fools voted or this man. You had to drink the Kool-Aid. Well it just about time to bend over and let Obama FIST you and pull out wallet, take all you money, and leave you curled up on the floor screaming Why did I do this? Why did I vote for this? My tuckus hurts.

Girl on Acid Totally Freaking Out

choggie says...

>> ^enoch:

nice friends she has there.
" is a good idea.sally is starting to loop into a bad trip.let's put her in a confined area with crappy music and leave her alone".
great work retards.
here is what i think based on almost no information,but i'll take a swipe anyways.
something happened while this girl was starting to peak.maybe it was intentional by some douchebag or her mind perceived something in the wrong context and it kicked her mind into a loop.(think a scratched cd skipping).
the worst and LAST thing you ever want to do with a friend in that situation is to leave them ALONE with their own mind.
you get that person,as gently and calmly,to another location with different scenery and different sounds.
talk that person down.. are not having a heart attack it is in your head.
no..your face is the same as it was an hour ago and is not peeling off.look in the mirror? see?
mirrors are $$$ btw in this situation but only after you have calmed the person down.they will just trip out on themselves for hours.
a calm voice and sincere compassion can go a long ways in helping someone steer clear,or out of,a bad trip.
there are also times when you are too late and the person is in a full blown psychotic break.
in that case all you can do is stay close,keep watch and many times just hold them and tell them it will be ok,even if they dont recognize you.
my sons are grown and since they are MY sons i hold no illusions that they will not(and already have in some instances) experiment with advice has always been the same:
because by what i have seen evidenced here is that these retards couldn't find there way out of a paper bag with a flame thrower.
they have done their friend a huge disservice by their ignorance.
not the first time i have seen it though.
i kinda feel sorry for that poor girl.
eight hours of the same thing playing over and over and over.
whatever mind-altering perception she could have experienced is toast due to friends being retarded.
fucking ass-wipes,may they lick the balls of a syphillis infected rhinocerous.

My sentiments as well, avoid the loops through proper psycho-navigation-some folks do this naturally, others need the coach-once your are in familiar territory, things are fine.....sometimes! Whoa, ok, not always that predictable....when in doubt, curl up in dark ball....mmmmmmmmmmmmm dark ball!

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

geo321 says...

I've never curled before but it looks like a fun game to try. Anyway, here's a quick little rules of curling video...

em>>> ^Bruti79:
The basics of Curling are:
4 persons per team, each person throws two rocks.
You play 10 ends, much like baseball innings
You score points in the house. The team with the closest rock scores one point. If your team has the two closest rocks, you score two, etc. When an opposing teams rock is the next closest is when you stop tallying.
When you score points in an end, you give "The Hammer" to your team, which means they get to shoot last.
You have 90 minutes to play. If you run out of time, you can no longer shoot rocks.
I hope that brief explanation helps a little. It's an amazing game to play, and lots of fun. Some of the best curlers in the world come from beer leagues in northern Canada =)

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Bruti79 says...

Whether curling is boring, is all subjective. It's whatever floats your boat. As for sport, it's one team vs. another team, and who ever gets the most points at the end is the very basic definition of sport.

As for athletes, no they can't do back flips, or have rock solid bodies bodies. But, the best muscle you use in this sport is your brain. It's not just westerners, the Chinese have won the world championships in 2009, and came damn close in the oylmpics.

Arguing over if it's boring or not is a waste of time, because everyones opnion is going to differ.

Either way, this is almost number one, I hope it makes it up there =D

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Samaelsmith says...

>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^westy:
Curling is obviously a shit sport , It can be proven scentificly by the fact that English people have managed to get a gold in it.
Most the sports in olimpics are absurd , in fact all sporting activities r pretty arbitrary and absurd.
The only thing I take issue with is people taking these things so seriously . I mean its gr8 to be in a sport try your best at it (if u ohnistly enjoy it) maby spend time on it , but ultimately the person should realise the obsirdity of it .
Really people should realise how absurd nearly all human activities are.
some of the dynamics of curling are interesting from a games design perspective . for example unlike lawn bowls the players have influence over the active piece as it slides down the court but not a huge deal of control and it also requires a large amount of effort to get the movement.
the game has manny aspects of design that people generally enjoy ( anticipation , planning and reolisatoin, situational changes , team work , multiple conciquences from a single seed action.

"Really people should realise how absurd nearly all human activities are."
1 billion humans are malnourished and cancer's still waiting to be cured. Much of human activity is extremely valuable.

As you say, countless people are suffering yet here we are arguing about whether curling is boring or not. Seems absurd to me.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

chilaxe says...

>> ^westy:
Curling is obviously a shit sport , It can be proven scentificly by the fact that English people have managed to get a gold in it.
Most the sports in olimpics are absurd , in fact all sporting activities r pretty arbitrary and absurd.

The only thing I take issue with is people taking these things so seriously . I mean its gr8 to be in a sport try your best at it (if u ohnistly enjoy it) maby spend time on it , but ultimately the person should realise the obsirdity of it .
Really people should realise how absurd nearly all human activities are.
some of the dynamics of curling are interesting from a games design perspective . for example unlike lawn bowls the players have influence over the active piece as it slides down the court but not a huge deal of control and it also requires a large amount of effort to get the movement.
the game has manny aspects of design that people generally enjoy ( anticipation , planning and reolisatoin, situational changes , team work , multiple conciquences from a single seed action.

"Really people should realise how absurd nearly all human activities are."

1 billion humans are malnourished and cancer's still waiting to be cured. Much of human activity is extremely valuable.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

westy says...

Curling is obviously a shit sport , It can be proven scentificly by the fact that English people have managed to get a gold in it.

Most the sports in olimpics are absurd , in fact all sporting activities r pretty arbitrary and absurd.

The only thing I take issue with is people taking these things so seriously . I mean its gr8 to be in a sport try your best at it (if u ohnistly enjoy it) maby spend time on it , but ultimately the person should realise the obsirdity of it .

Really people should realise how absurd nearly all human activities are.


some of the dynamics of curling are interesting from a games design perspective . for example unlike lawn bowls the players have influence over the active piece as it slides down the court but not a huge deal of control and it also requires a large amount of effort to get the movement.

the game has manny aspects of design that people generally enjoy ( anticipation , planning and reolisatoin, situational changes , team work , multiple conciquences from a single seed action.

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

residue says...

>> ^A10anis:
For "residue" to compare curling to the skill necessary to compete in soccer/football/diving/bull riding or climbing, succinctly reflects my point, THEY all require TRUE skill. As for "skeeve" saying; "people playing it at an international level are true athletes", is rather like me saying; " i can open a tin of beans, therefore, i must be a chef". Once again, i'm sorry if i offended anyone, it just seems ridiculous that we make a "sport" out of a pensioners pass time. Anyway, bye bye, i'm off to lie on a plank in the garden to prepare for the next winter olympics luge event...:)

Glenn Howards Amazing curling shot Brier 2009

A10anis says...

Guys, Guys, chill out. Go watch some curling to lower your blood pressure, alternatively, i have some paint you could come watch dry. Look, i already said "each to their own", I agree, i know nothing of the "intricate skills" necessary to play this olympian "sport". For one thing i never knew they "threw" the "rocks", I must have missed that. I only see men/woman pushing a doughnut shaped lump down the ice using a convenient handle and guided by blind sweeps - I assume they're blind as "payback" says they have to be told when to make the rock curl (YEARS of practice there). I also didn't realise you needed to be an olympic ice skater to slide on your knees. For "residue" to compare curling to the skill necessary to compete in soccer/football/diving/bull riding or climbing, succinctly reflects my point, THEY all require TRUE skill. As for "skeeve" saying; "people playing it at an international level are true athletes", is rather like me saying; " i can open a tin of beans, therefore, i must be a chef". Once again, i'm sorry if i offended anyone, it just seems ridiculous that we make a "sport" out of a pensioners pass time. Anyway, bye bye, i'm off to lie on a plank in the garden to prepare for the next winter olympics luge event...:)

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