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Zero Punctuation: Fallout: New Vegas

ForgedReality says...

Drink lots of cola. Your pee will be yellow. This means you are dehydrated. Now drink lots of water. Your pee will be much clearer. This is good. You are becoming hydrated, and not killing your kidneys. Good job, chap!

from dusk till dawn-outtakes and bloopers

QI - Winston Churchill's Reaction To Homosexual Shenanigans

QI - Winston Churchill's Reaction To Homosexual Shenanigans

bleedmegood (Member Profile)

rebuilder (Member Profile)

Gabe_b (Member Profile)

The Plural of Octopus

Gabe_b says...

>> ^MilkmanDan:

I held off watching, expecting a grammar-nazi style rant. Pleasantly surprised by the actual answer!
yeah, pleasantly surprised... By Her Face! Deal with it.

>> ^gwiz665:

Had a party last night with a bunch of podes. Was great.. old chap.

there's a monocle smile emoticon now???

The Plural of Octopus

One Man, One Cow, One Planet

Asmo says...

You ever get a chance to taste full cream milk from a cow vs the standard stuff in the store, I think most people would be surprised how far apart they are...

A local dairy produces fresh, un-homogenised milk (so the cream can separate) and the difference in taste between that and any of the major brands (which homogenise, use bulking agents, produce 20 different types of 'milk' etc) is surprising.

ps. Not far from the end of the vid there is a real "Right Stuff" moment when you see the old Kiwi and a number of older Indian chaps walking down the road together... ; )

enoch (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Oh plenty of time for world peace, old chap! Camping and shroom weekend in August

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
Hahaha, I know. Well it's not that much of a secret, it's just the drugs got bad and the music got worse Thank you sweetheart!

In reply to this comment by enoch:
A_C you are such a closet raver..

happened in britain too eh?
same happened hear..sadness.
fucking fascists i betcha.saw world peace coming.

So can you fix a Discarded video? (Asia Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Sure, fair enough. From a "player" standpoint the old one would be the dupe, but as far as the videosift rules work - as in what can be done without interference from the admins - the newest posted one is the dupe and can be dupeoffed to the old one. My point being that it's just an issue which inherently causes trouble.

The times that it has happened, we've fixed it so no dick moves were completed (actually, @lucky760 had to go in and undupe the post and kill the old one if my memory serves - lots of work for the poor chap).

As long as people are careful about it, I'm not too concerned, I just don't *like* having a powderkeg of potential problems simmering under our feet. I'd love to see all currently discarded posts converted to kills and clear out any potential problems.

Rotating things (Geek Talk Post)

Girls Suck at Video Games

Girls Suck at Video Games

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