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MaxWilder says...

>> ^chilaxe:

@ gwiz665 @ Jinx @ MaxWilder @ quantumushroom @ Yogi @ peggedbea
It seems like a mistake to imply we don't care if people are douchebags or if they irrationally destroy their family.

It is irrational in the extreme to expect politicians to be saints. In general, they're kinda the opposite. We know that, and accept it. So why do we act all shocked when one of them screws up?

What chaps my hide is that we don't get all outraged and demand resignations when they blatantly go against the will of the people and their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution when passing legislation like The unPatriot Act.

spoco2 (Member Profile)

longde says...

I thought you had some very good comments, all things considered.

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Ha, what does that say about my commenting I wonder? :-/

Well, I'm glad to be a recipient of your comment upvote journey

In reply to this comment by longde:
Hi Spoco.

I took the 4 words in the comment below; then did a 4 comment searches with each of the keywords. Then read and upvoted the comments that had 14 points in the results. You won the jackpot; apparently you had a few comments with any of those words therein.

crazy, wrong, long, frequent

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Hey, you didn't just happen to purposefully go and upvote a bunch of my comments to get me to the next Silver Tongue level did you? If so... thanks!

If not, then... thanks for all the upvotes on my comments anyway, I must be an insightful chap

longde (Member Profile)

spoco2 says...

Ha, what does that say about my commenting I wonder? :-/

Well, I'm glad to be a recipient of your comment upvote journey

In reply to this comment by longde:
Hi Spoco.

I took the 4 words in the comment below; then did a 4 comment searches with each of the keywords. Then read and upvoted the comments that had 14 points in the results. You won the jackpot; apparently you had a few comments with any of those words therein.

crazy, wrong, long, frequent

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Hey, you didn't just happen to purposefully go and upvote a bunch of my comments to get me to the next Silver Tongue level did you? If so... thanks!

If not, then... thanks for all the upvotes on my comments anyway, I must be an insightful chap

spoco2 (Member Profile)

longde says...

Hi Spoco.

I took the 4 words, below; then did a 4 comment searches with each of the keywords. Then read and upvoted the comments that had 14 points in the results. You won the jackpot; apparently you had a few comments with any of those words therein.

crazy, wrong, long, frequent

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Hey, you didn't just happen to purposefully go and upvote a bunch of my comments to get me to the next Silver Tongue level did you? If so... thanks!

If not, then... thanks for all the upvotes on my comments anyway, I must be an insightful chap

longde (Member Profile)

spoco2 says...

Hey, you didn't just happen to purposefully go and upvote a bunch of my comments to get me to the next Silver Tongue level did you? If so... thanks!

If not, then... thanks for all the upvotes on my comments anyway, I must be an insightful chap

Old Timey Trash Talk

How Will You Vote in 2012? (Politics Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^rottenseed:

oh yea! yes yes that's it, ol' chap! Now what if, let's say, we have a situation (let me assure you that this is PURELY hypothetical) wherein the congress is heavily influenced by would a president pass legislation against corporatism then?>> ^blankfist:
>> ^rottenseed:
Remind me...what steps would a president have to take to push through legislation? Magic? A really stern tone of voice and finger wagging?>> ^blankfist:
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^blankfist:
See, I think the two parties are part of the problem, and they tend to be pro-corporatist and pro-war.

It's silly that you would think ANY elected president could change corporatism. Corporatism runs deeper than the president.

I doubt any President could do much to change corporatism unless he tried to push it through legislation that all corporate charters would be revoked, because corporations do NOT run deeper than the government. They're government created entities.

It's called Congress. Surely you've heard of the other branches of government?

He couldn't. That's the failure of any human government.

But would you rather have a corporatist prez or not? At the very least he could veto pro-corporatist legislation, right?

How Will You Vote in 2012? (Politics Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

oh yea! yes yes that's it, ol' chap! Now what if, let's say, we have a situation (let me assure you that this is PURELY hypothetical) wherein the congress is heavily influenced by would a president pass legislation against corporatism then?>> ^blankfist:

>> ^rottenseed:
Remind me...what steps would a president have to take to push through legislation? Magic? A really stern tone of voice and finger wagging?>> ^blankfist:
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^blankfist:
See, I think the two parties are part of the problem, and they tend to be pro-corporatist and pro-war.

It's silly that you would think ANY elected president could change corporatism. Corporatism runs deeper than the president.

I doubt any President could do much to change corporatism unless he tried to push it through legislation that all corporate charters would be revoked, because corporations do NOT run deeper than the government. They're government created entities.

It's called Congress. Surely you've heard of the other branches of government?

Top-secret C-130 with rocket boosters

Oil Spill Execs Want Bonuses

Guitar Simpsons Medley - with awesome impressions!

Obvious Bicycle Thief Science: What If The Thief is Black?

messenger says...

Yah. Yer a troll.>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^messenger:
Right. Because pretences conclude that people should do things all the time. What are you talking about.

Something along the lines of <sS> to solicit "sarcasm" to the reader.
because I took your douchy paragraph as literal.
Hope that clears it up chap!
edit, which I now know means that strike out lettering I have always wondered about.

Obvious Bicycle Thief Science: What If The Thief is Black?

BoneRemake says...

>> ^messenger:

Right. Because pretences conclude that people should do things all the time. What are you talking about.

Something along the lines of *<sS> to solicit "sarcasm" to the reader.
because I took your douchy paragraph as literal.

Hope that clears it up chap!


*edit, which I now know means that strike out lettering I have always wondered about.

The outs and abouts of a Penis (NSFW!)

Stephen Merchant on Conan, 22 Feb 2011

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