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Al Qaeda Attacks Internet With Photo Of Adorable Piglet

ant says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^ant:
>> ^BoneRemake:
@ant do you really think its proper to place Faux News under the news channel? this is parody purely, in my opinion.

Onion NEWS Network.

ol chap, I think the point went right over your head. Frivolous channeling. There I said it. It is not news, its fiction. Fik^tion Ul stories.

Even news parody?

Al Qaeda Attacks Internet With Photo Of Adorable Piglet

BoneRemake says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^BoneRemake:
@ant do you really think its proper to place Faux News under the news channel? this is parody purely, in my opinion.

Onion NEWS Network.

ol chap, I think the point went right over your head. Frivolous channeling. There I said it. It is not news, its fiction. Fik^tion*Ul stories.

Grandmother Gives 'Em Heck in Iowa

Ricky Gervais must have gone off prompter on this one

Amazon Boobs, Ancient Gods and the End of Evil

hpqp says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I'm sure this chap means well, but this is not a lecture, it's a sermon.
Without regulation, what prevents one person from enslaving another? or robbing another? or killing another? or raping another? or molesting a child? or destroying the environment? or exploiting labor? He makes it clear that he does not like government, but he provides no evidence for his own utopian belief system, and belief without evidence is the definition of faith. I'll say it again....
Belief without evidence = Faith
On the other hand, we all have a good understanding of government; which types of governments work and which kinds of governments don't. We also have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these different types of civic structures. It's a known quantity, with thousands of years of evidence to draw from.
Unless this guy's pie in the sky resembles Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome, he is hopelessly naive.

"It is indeed probable that more harm and misery have been caused by men determined to use coercion to stamp out a moral evil than by men intent on doing evil." -- F.A. Hayek

Yeah, look at religion. Government, however, is a necessary evil, and would be less evil if it were less self-serving (I'm looking at all you stock-holding, lobby-swinging, corporate-pandering politicians) and more about the people's needs.

Amazon Boobs, Ancient Gods and the End of Evil

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I'm sure this chap means well, but this is not a lecture, it's a sermon.
Without regulation, what prevents one person from enslaving another? or robbing another? or killing another? or raping another? or molesting a child? or destroying the environment? or exploiting labor? He makes it clear that he does not like government, but he provides no evidence for his own utopian belief system, and belief without evidence is the definition of faith. I'll say it again....
Belief without evidence = Faith
On the other hand, we all have a good understanding of government; which types of governments work and which kinds of governments don't. We also have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these different types of civic structures. It's a known quantity, with thousands of years of evidence to draw from.
Unless this guy's pie in the sky resembles Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome, he is hopelessly naive.

"It is indeed probable that more harm and misery have been caused by men determined to use coercion to stamp out a moral evil than by men intent on doing evil." -- F.A. Hayek

Amazon Boobs, Ancient Gods and the End of Evil

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I'm sure this chap means well, but this is not a lecture, it's a sermon.

Without regulation, what prevents one person from enslaving another? or robbing another? or killing another? or raping another? or molesting a child? or destroying the environment? or exploiting labor? He makes it clear that he does not like government, but he provides no evidence for his own utopian belief system, and belief without evidence is the definition of faith. I'll say it again....

Belief without evidence = Faith

On the other hand, we all have a good understanding of government; which types of governments work and which kinds of governments don't. We also have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these different types of civic structures. It's a known quantity, with thousands of years of evidence to draw from.

Unless this guy's pie in the sky resembles Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome, he is hopelessly naive.

Homeless man with 'golden radio voice' gets his chance

Yet another hit piece by Fox News on Julian Assange

Andrew would like to sing you his Christmas Song

The Men From up Stairs

Capitalist Holiday Brings Out Best In Humanity

ctrlaltbleach says...

Really? I just picture you chaps waiting in line patiently and when its all sold out an employee politely says "Oh I'm terribly sorry but our inventory has run out." And the person next in line says "Oh bother" and everyone slowly walks away with an occasional "after you madame no after you."
>> ^alien_concept:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 20th, 2008" class="profilelink">ctrlaltbleach
We don't have anything like Black Friday here, I expect it would take us a great many years to get to the point of being so impolite, but nevertheless we'd get there in the end

Alien_concept gets crown, royal consort (British Talk Post)

Melting a Rock With Sunlight

Zero Punctuation: Fallout: New Vegas

budzos says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

Drink lots of cola. Your pee will be yellow. This means you are dehydrated. Now drink lots of water. Your pee will be much clearer. This is good. You are becoming hydrated, and not killing your kidneys. Good job, chap!

My problem is with people saying that drinking soda/beer/coffee will *always* make you thirstier. This is the logic of a ten year-old. If you haven't had anything to drink for hours, and especially if you've been sweating, any beer pop or coffee is going to have a net hydrating (not a net dehydrating) effect. It's not like you mix all the sugar/salt in the beverage directly into the cells of all your tissue. A lot of that shit gets filtered out or absorbed where it's needed.

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