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I present to you Emily Ratajkowski - OMFG!!

digitalpimp says...

Vimeo description: So as "blurred lines" shoots to number one everywhere I thought it would be nice to show some love to the real star of the show Emily Ratajkowski! It is a great song but I felt we didn't see enough of her! Please enjoy my edit of the video.

Is the other also the edited version or the original blurred lines video?

Barseps said:

Sorry dude, but *dupeof=

I present to you Emily Ratajkowski - OMFG!!

I present to you Emily Ratajkowski - OMFG!!

I present to you Emily Ratajkowski - OMFG!!

Cop Sexually Assaults Woman Then Arrests Her For Protesting

VoodooV says...

wtf...that's some shitty blurring tech. Anyone who even remotely knows this woman would know who she is. They don't distort the voice, the blurring is trivial and then you can see the unblurred face just a few minutes earlier...what...the..fuck.

Man Shot and Killed on Camera by South African Police

The Incoherence of Atheism (Ravi Zacharias)

shinyblurry says...

Hi Alcom. I agree with you that atheists are able to find value and meaning and beauty in life, but that is because we all intrinsically know that there is good and evil, and that life does have meaning, and things do have value, and there is such a thing as beauty and love. These values are ingrained into every single person who exists, because God put them there. The argument isn't that atheists don't appreciate these things, but that these values are inconsistent with their atheism. The argument is that atheists are living like theists but denying it with their atheism, thus the incoherence.

Utility isn't suitable for a foundation because the definitions are subject to change. What's good or useful today might be evil tomorrow depending on the majority opinion and conditions. Without God imposing a moral standard, there is no actual compelling reason why the morality of a pedophile is inferior to anyone elses idea of morality. If morality is just what we decide is true then any idea of right and wrong becomes meaningless because it is entirely arbitrary. Without any authority or true accountability behind it, what is moral and immoral blur into amorality.

alcom said:

I found Ravi's previous lecture much more compelling. The foundation of morality could certainly be defined simply by the UTILITY of peace and cooperation versus the anarchy that would result if atheists simply decided that all decisions should be based on purely on selfish motivations.

Atheists are perfectly able to find value and beauty in life, created, evolved or otherwise. I find his argument incoherent, circular and indefensible. Poetic, sure. But ultimately invalid.

Mid-Air Collision of RC Plane and RC Helicopter

Payback says...

I kind of disagree. Those stunt helos can accelerate to a blur and then make a complete dead stop in a fraction of a second. Given the usual "he who is less maneuverable has right of way" rule of thumb for everything not on wheels, I'd say the helo is at fault. Works for sail boats up to oil tankers...

My_design said:

This is why you fly with a spotter. This is also why most fields have different areas for Heli's and Airplanes. Watching it I actually think this is the airplane pilots fault. He's calling low pass, but he knows there is a helicopter on the field. Calling low pass doesn't mean that you automatically get to come roaring down the center line. Especially if there is a helicopter, which doesn't and can not clear the runway like an airplane. The heli has just as much right to the airspace as the airplane. And that whirly bird is closer to $500 and the plane is about $2000 with the gear in it. Most likely most of the gear survived (Too bad he hit pavement), Fuji's are built like bricks.

Insurgents get a taste of their own medicine

Deceptive Shadows

zeoverlord says...

Any aperture will produce this result, it's just that a larger aperture will produce a fuzzier image, so at one point it will just blur beyond recognition.
Basically every tiny detail in the image is spread out over the area of the shape of the apeture, but if you spread out the image over a large area you can get a pretty decent quality image.
The size of the image is determined by the ratio of the distance from the focal point to the sun and the wall respectively.
In this case the focal point is in the aperture itself but if your using a lens it can be elsewhere.

Diffraction only comes into play when you have a really tiny aperture.

jonny said:

I know next to nothing about photography, but I guess this has something to do with the ratio of the size of the aperture to focal length? Anyone care to explain in more detail?


detheter says...

Actually, I have read the details in the case, Canada is NOT a free for all where you can do whatever you want because you think you know better than everyone else. CANADA IS NOT AMERICA. You should properly store your firearms. There should be a trial regarding these charges, and if the situation (gun instructor, imminent threat to life) warrant that the charges be DROPPED in this case, I would find that to be fair. However, regulations such as these stop assholes from keeping their heat ready just in case they need to rapidly without thinking end a human life. You right wing Americans make me sick how you see everything in black and white, you've swallowed every lie told to you by the gun manufacturers and your right wing politicians you don't know how to see past your own blurring ignorance. But of course.... *I* must be wrong, and not the right wing wannabes at the SUN. LOL. Which is why the top search results for the story are all right wing papers beating the drums of war.

Louis CK Explains Historical Context

Jimmy Kimmel: Have You Ever Smoked Pot?

Quality Advice From Zefrank

How much pain a man can endure just to see some boobs

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