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Plane crashes near freeway

BSR says...

You can see the man that was thrown from the plane at the 13 second mark on the right side of the frame. It looks like a dark blur then you can see his red clothing as he tumbles along. Pause the video and use the arrow keys to go frame by frame.

It's All An Illusion

jmzero says...

He needs a different filming setup for this to work as well as it should - as it stands, focus blur kind of gives stuff away (you could see this even in the thumbnail). Cool anyways.

Clever Photograph Trick

chingalera says...

There's plenty of intentionally blurred faces in the ones I've taken part in (elementary and middle school)-Once kids figured out that when they shook their heads back and forth rapidly that they would look like paranormal ghouls everyone was twitching and wiggling the next year!

There used to be good money in these student body long-exposure pans. Analog kicks ASS!

Sarah Silverman has a "Dirty" Smartphone "Hack"

Sarah Silverman has a "Dirty" Smartphone "Hack"

Most Hilarious Chilli Challenge I've Ever Seen!

Stormsinger says...

>> ^bareboards2:

@Stormsinger... then maybe you should do it for a week, if those four words don't show up in daily life? Two days? Three days? Especially if you don't watch TV.
If the sample size is too small, then the scientific and social experiment won't have enough data.
It'll show up in videos though. Titles on videos. Comments on videos. That might be a good source. After all, it popped on this video, which prompted this whole conversation!
FYI -- Your "different views" aren't different to me, which is why I say it is the same conversation. I have heard all this before, at various times over the past 40 years. It may be new to you. It isn't to me.
Really happy that you are up for it. This is something new for me, asking folks to try this. I'm really excited to learn about your experience. However it plays out.

You're missing the point. It doesn't matter how many conversations you've had...what's going on -here- is three separate conversations, not one. Just because they blur together for you, doesn't actually unify them.

Nor is the conversation new to me...although the last time I had it, was in college with my then rabidly feminist girlfriend. The girls I grew up with, and the women they became, made it impossible to think that they were in any way less than men. So even then it was mostly just tweaking her...she was cute when she got all wound up. She still is, but she's mellowed quite a bit and reserves her energy for fights that will make an actual difference.

President Obama: We Have Fewer Horses and Bayonets

Mauru says...

How do you call that: "Saved by the bell" For Romney?
To be fair, Obama was playing hugely on his experience there.

I am not a huge fan of Mr President, but in this whole debate Romney came across as a bit of a clown. He obviously knows a lot about business stuff, but his world-view really is pretty blurred by exactly that fact (as many have suspected).

Explosion of natural gas tanker in China

bcglorf jokingly says...

To be fair though, Britain and Australia were originally founded as colonies of the American empire, so the distinction is blurred.

>> ^aaronfr:

And we've just seen the rare double fail.
Bee Gees are British or Australian depending on how you wanna look at it.
>> ^doogle:
Wrong Asian country, ignoramus.
When China takes over, they'll make sure you know that.
Or not. They may just sing you Bee Gees music because AMERICA, FUCK YA!
>> ^BoneRemake:
gungnam style !
sexyyyyyyy laaaaaaaaaaadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Bruce Willis Sings "Devil Woman"

Arrow Sign Spinners Spinning Arrow Signs

Microsoft Design Change

swedishfriend says...

They are hoping that everything going well for Apple and bad for MS these days will slowly over time be exchanged between them. People will forget that everything they feel about MS in 2021 is what they used to feel about Apple and everything they used to feel about MS they then will feel about Apple.

Why not try to blur the line between yourself and your competitor until you make a new reality?

How to buy Nuclear Bombs on the Black Market in Bulgaria.

albrite30 says...

>> ^deedub81:

They showed where he works, what town he lives in, where his relatives live, what kind of car he drives, his skin color and his build.
Seriously? Why even blur his face at that point?

I think that may have been the point. This was a freaking waypoint for the special forces.

Progressive Insurance Defends Killer of their own Client

poolcleaner says...

In my (fantasy world) opinion, the machines have already taken over and we're in the midst of a slow genocide, because time is not a barrier in a system built to take as long as possible before a pattern can be verified. Minimize our rights, blur the line between what defines a person, allow time for acclimation, make it difficult not to break laws and/or policies to minimize as many opinions as possible, if someone begins falling outside that system attach a constructed sexual assault case to their name and extradite; slowly lower the impact human death has on our collective conscience, and THEN murder all humans with a number of doomsday machine scenarios. Or just depress them until their birthrate dwindles to near nothing and sterilize the surviving populace.

That's how Terminator should have played out. A loose conspiracy with no human names or communication outside of encrypted messages sent between machines. Money trails lead to people on opposing party lines because the entire democratic process is orchestrated.

I'm going to go kill myself to speed this along. GG, machines, GG.

How to buy Nuclear Bombs on the Black Market in Bulgaria.


shagen454 says...

Boner: It is still confusing...

Astrophysicists have created the most realistic computer simulation of the universe's evolution to date, tracking activity from the Big Bang to now -- a time span of around 14 billion years -- in high resolution.

Created by a team at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics (CfA) in collaboration with researchers at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), the Arepo software provides detailed imagery of different galaxies in the local universe using a technique known as "moving mesh".

Unlike previous model simulators, such as the Gadget code, Arepo's hydrodynamic model replicates the gaseous formations following the Big Bang by using a virtual, flexible grid that has the capacity to move to match the motions of the gas, stars, dark matter and dark energy that make up space -- it's like a virtual model of the cosmic web, able to bend and flex to support the matter and celestial bodies that make up the universe. Old simulators instead used a more regimented, fixed, cubic grid.

"We took all the advantages of previous codes and removed the disadvantages," explained Volker Springel, the HITS astrophysicist who built the software. Springel, an expert in galaxy formation who helped build the Millennium Simulation to trace the evolution of 10 billion particles, used Harvard's Odyssey supercomputer to run the simulation. Its 1,024 processor cores allowed the team to compress 14 billion years worth of cosmic history in the space of a few months.

The results are spiral galaxies like the Milky Way and Andromeda that actually look like spiral galaxies -- not the blurred blobs depicted by previous simulators -- generated from data input that stretches as far back as the afterglow of the Big Bang, thus portraying a dramatic cosmic evolution (see the above video for a sneak peek of that evolution from four billion years after the Big Bang).

"We find that Arepo leads to significantly higher star formation rates for galaxies in massive haloes and to more extended gaseous disks in galaxies, which also feature a thinner and smoother morphology than their Gadget counterparts," the team states in a paper describing the technology.

Though the feat is impressive -- CfA astrophysicist Debora Sijacki compares the high-resolution simulation's improvement over previous models to that of the 24.5-metre aperture Giant Magellan Telescope's improvement over all telescopes -- the team aim to generate simulations of larger areas of the universe. If this is achieved, the team will have created not only the most realistic, but the biggest universe simulation ever.

>> ^BoneRemake:

this video is a waste without addition information.
what am I looking at. spiraling gas' or something.
what is the significance, why did nine people upvote something they probably do not understand.
what part of the universe is this ? why didnt it start at the beginning ?

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