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Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

Bruti79 says...

>> ^jwray:
BillO is a moron, not a journalist. We take it for granted that whatever he says will be bullshit. We don't need to sift it every week just to mock him.

It's going to blow our minds the one time he does actual journalism.

Fox News Calls Amsterdam a "Cesspool" - Amsterdam responds

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

vairetube says...

Removing obstacles to progress like BillO from the earth is the only true solution. Luckily, nature has a plan, called "eventually", and, eventually, this stuff will all be as nonsensical to people as slavery or witches or hitler or marijuana prohibition. Cool.

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

rychan says...

>> ^HenningKO: I expected Billo would say something like, "Well we Americans have much more stressful lives, we fight wars for example,"

I wouldn't put that past him, but of course, he'd be wrong there as well.
US casualties in Afghanistan: 2.17 per million inhabitants.
Canada casualties in Afghanistan: 4 per million inhabitants.

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

HenningKO says...

>> ^Skeeve:
Life expectancy has nothing to do with having 10x more accidents, crimes etc.

Well it certainly would, if it were 10x more per capita. Life expectancy is a per capita measure, so should your accident rate be.
I expected Billo would say something like, "Well we Americans have much more stressful lives, we fight wars for example," but what he actually said is about as retarded as saying "Nuh uh! When you add up the age of every person in the US vs every person in Canada, we win."

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

Lithic says...

>> ^Lithic:
Wow, that's really stupid. And it's not like it's a spur of the moment thing either. They got a letter, read it, sat down, thought out what they thought was an appropriate response, wrote it down, sent it up on the prompter, read it again, said it, taped it and aired it. And under no time in this entire process did anyone stop and go "hey, wait a second here, maybe we are just HUGE FREAKING MORONS WHO SHOULD FACT-CHECK EVERYTHING WE DO".

HAH, I just re-read my own comment while editing and realized how incredibly silly it was. When has BillO ever dealt in FACTS? *facepalm*


Can your mind process the insanity?

So can we ban his racist ass now? (Wtf Talk Post)

thepinky says...

I followed these links and determined that what you think is trolling is not trolling at all, at least not in QM's case. Disagreeing with popular opinion is not trolling. I promise. You may think he's wrong, but he seems to be honestly stating his opinion, and not just to be inflammatory. You're committing the affective fallacy. When something angers you, it doesn't mean that the purpose of the comment was to anger you.

The banana comment was pretty inappropriate, I'll give you that. But I think that he was attempting to make an actual point.

>> ^vairetube:
Well, Choggie is gone. BillO is gone.
QM is still here, making formulaic trolling statements and downvoting things for no real reason other than dislike of the poster. Even I don't do that to "him", at least as far as sifted videos are concerned.
Other people who are clear in their bigoted opinions are around.
None of them have ever made me laugh. Westy has. Gwiz did too. Because they are just kidding, and will take their medicine and accept the consequences when they cross the community line.
It's pretty fair I suppose... but ban westy and you have to ban QM for the constant trolling and lack of constructive contribution to anything whatsoever.
Actually , I propose a sacrifice: IP Ban me on the stipulation that QM gets an ip ban. I will be alright. I assume it would end a big part of their life, though. If we're going to rid the sift of trash, let's do it right. I just like watching videos and reading comments anyway.

So can we ban his racist ass now? (Wtf Talk Post)

vairetube says...

So no one is going to take up my offer?

Get rid of me, and get rid of QM? No one?

C'mon.... I for one think it's brilliant. Nothing I say has been less eloquently or logically stated by others on this site with more maturity than I. And nothing QM ever says is relevant to anything.

Come to think of it, he might actually have a real mental problem... even so... like I said, im not that mature or tolerant. Both of us are pretty obviously white males, so you're not losing much perspective...

I've even posted my real identity on the site at least twice, so at least... I'm willing to back my claim of not being a coward.. unlike QM, who, if he really believed what he said (as is the claim for not banning him for some reason), he would take up arms like a real (albeit crazy) man. Points for me i guess?

Get rid of us both. I won't take it personally. I will feel as though counteracting forces collided and were snuffed out. Or i just upvote everything he downvotes, and downvote anything he upvotes. But that's a lot of work for me and not really in keeping with the rules... even though he formulaicly (sp?) downvotes without regard to content. Just look if you haven't. It's really ridiculous.... ill say it again, at least BillO (his memory be damned for being a troll) had a hobby or two he commented about now and then.

C'mon! Don't worry about westy... remember you can barely read his shit anyway so it takes a little effort there to be offended even without ignore/quoting problems.

We've got Gwiz, longde, and enoch on board for a double ban. I know the rest of you can do the right thing!

So can we ban his racist ass now? (Wtf Talk Post)

vairetube says...

Well, Choggie is gone. BillO is gone.

QM is still here, making formulaic trolling statements and downvoting things for no real reason other than dislike of the poster. Even I don't do that to "him", at least as far as sifted videos are concerned.

Other people who are clear in their bigoted opinions are around.

None of them have ever made me laugh. Westy has. Gwiz did too. Because they are just kidding, and will take their medicine and accept the consequences when they cross the community line.

It's pretty fair I suppose... but ban westy and you have to ban QM for the constant trolling and lack of constructive contribution to anything whatsoever.

Actually , I propose a sacrifice: IP Ban me on the stipulation that QM gets an ip ban. I will be alright. I assume it would end a big part of their life, though. If we're going to rid the sift of trash, let's do it right. I just like watching videos and reading comments anyway.

The Rise of Right Wing Hate

dbarry3 says...

>> ^Razor:
<sigh> It is easy to forget, that is that there are actually simpletons out there that believe the shit that these pundits spew.
The 'sift regularly has videos of morons like Billo or Beck or Rush and I laugh at the stupidity of what they have to say. At the same time, it's scary to think there are people out there dumb enough to believe it all.

Can't this also apply to Olbermann? A person who has a daily segment titled "Worst Person In The World"

The Rise of Right Wing Hate

Razor says...

<sigh> It is easy to forget, that is that there are actually simpletons out there that believe the shit that these pundits spew.

The 'sift regularly has videos of morons like Billo or Beck or Rush and I laugh at the stupidity of what they have to say. At the same time, it's scary to think there are people out there dumb enough to believe it all.

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